Saturday 11 January 2014

Day 190

Day 190;

So this day has finally come.

So what day has finally come?

Well it was a day that Tina's dreams became something more than they were yesterday, she is actually going to teach at an actual school next year, but it was also the day that one of Mike's dreams came closer to him,

What dream?

A boring dream, a dream of early retirement.

So you have had a kind of early retirement thing now aren't you?

In a way yes but no on all other counts. The only way being that I am currently unemployable and I am on a minimal disability living allowance unless it's been stopped,

I used to be half decent at juggling with my finances but it seems to me  as of late that al of this acquisition of wealth has groin tiresome and what is the point of it, is it to show some kind of status?

But I have got a deep question for you, and here goes "What is true wealth"? Can it be counted or is it some quality that cannot be defined? 

I was watching a good man's YouTube channel the other day, the man was called Seth Andrews, he stated something along the line oft if someone came up to him in the  street and they were begging for money to buy some food he'd walk then to the nearest Mc'Donalsa or another establishment like that and buy them food  I thought that that was a good idea as it means that if you give them some money they could do what ever they wanted with it and that may not be buying food It could be as part of some illegal drugs money fund and by illegal I mean without proper certification that the drugs are fit for human consumption. And are not dosed with s potentially harmful chemical.

Now I would just like to apologise in advance for my pitiful attempt at another YouTube video for tomorrow all I can really state id that I will attempt to catch up all of the stuff that I didn't get done this week next week, I hope that it's goof enough.

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