Wednesday 15 January 2014

Day 194

Day 194;

I'm Sorry, that I was late for this post but I and wrote a decent enough little passage for my blog entry for this day,

So why don't you?

I can't as I deleted it accentually.

Silly, silly boy.

So I have started writing a new smaller section.

Now I have started but you can look at the above video it tells you all of the lies of Christmas but he's forgetting one lie Jesus is a lie, from my perspective.

To quote him "look it up" why doesn't he have any of the links to the websites that he's referring to on his YouTube video's page.

The only link to an external website from his YouTube channel is one to this webpage, you can click on it if you wanted but the blog article is deleted.

Apart from the fact that I personally think he is a little crazy as he still believes in Jesus the man that apparently walked on water, cured a man leprosy and another of blindness, and he lived after he was killed by being nailed to a wooden cross.

But that ids a matter of faith you cannot call he even a bit crazy for saying that!

Well your correct on one part of that.

Which is?

That I can't say, As I can't say a word, but I can type.

Oh you technicalities.

But I like his analogy that the actual date of Christ Birth couldn't have been on the 25th of December as the shepherds wouldn't be out in the fields which is in Luke 2:8-12., but it was in the days that Caesar Augustus was emperor  of Rome, and that puts it in the time from 63 (64-62) BC – 14 AD which coincided with King Herod's spell in power from 37 BC -4 BC but it doesn't match up with supposed year of his birth. but the census that was of the whole empire never happened. There was a census of the people of Judea, but that took place from 6-7 AD. But that was while Quinarius was the governor of Syria but then it was in AD 6, Quirinius was appointed legate governor of Syria, 

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