Tuesday 7 January 2014

Day 186

Day 186;

Today was the day,

What day?

The day that I wrote the script for the next Savage Sunday.

Yes that was a good idea.

Now you won't have to cheat Like you did for last Yesterdays.

Me, cheat?

Yes you big fat cheat.

Oh yes he did cheat a bit.

Ok you caught me it was because I was running out of time so I didn't have enough time to fit the lip syncing on any of us for the complete thing apart from the introduction,

So why didn't you just use one of the ones that you already had almost completed in your computers memory? 

Well I would have if I didn't have the script that I wanted for this Sunday project, and the old stuff must have been very out of date by now anyway.

Yes well duh. that's why it was the stuff for your Day 100 YouTube special imbecile.

Oh crumbs I had totally forgotten about that fiasco, now just if I get enough time I would like to actually complete that project Sto attempt to get it on-line for Day 200, I can't actually remember what it was about but it'll be good fun attempting to find out. Just as practically everything in flash is fun, from my perspective..

Now I can remember what I was going to type about before I started that diatribe.

It was Male prostitution, as we were listening to a BBC Radio 2 show about it over lunch. Well that was when Mike wasn't being all squeamish about it. But I'm guessing that that subject will have to wait for another tim to reasert itself in this blog.

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