Friday 3 January 2014

Day 182

Day 182;

So here’s my idea I’m going to create a little show, using the 3 characters from my previous idea but I am thinking that I should update all three of the characters from the little flash presentation Which was my angel, my devil and myself. Me and my devil is easy to be done, and I have already completed myself you can view it in my happy fez-tive season, you tube project. Well when I say that it’s completed I really mean that the out line is completed and a bit on my face I still have a lot of shading to get done and I could spend a lot more time on getting the other things about my physical person, which are currently incorrect, correct. I’m typing about the drawing that I created of myself not my personality or anything like that but I know that my personality and other assets that I have at my disposal still need working on; as do all of ours. I am as much as I hate to admit it still only human.

The above final statement has just given me an idea for another blogpost OR a alternately a new Vlog entry, well which ever it is please may you keep your eyes open as I am thinking that this should be the first place that I am likely to post it, after YouTube obliviously if it is set to be a new Vlog.

I know that my assets at my disposal may have sounded a bit like an innuendo, just for clarification it wasn't, 

I knew that I had done something wrong with my sleeping pattern this morning as I woke up at almost 12 o'clock so I missed my breakfast but I didn't realise how badly I had mucked up until Tina arrived home latter today as she said that she had seen me awake at 6:00 going to the bathroom, which is really a shower room., of which I searched my memory banks for such an accordance and the only thing that matched that happening was me going to the shower room the previous night, which could have been at 6 am that morning in all fairness as I cannot remember actually looking at a clock, at least not while I was going to the shower room..

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