Saturday 25 January 2014

Day 204

Day 204;

So it's this day, the day after yesterday, when I had done so well on my YouTube project. But today it was a different  matter. as I was hopeless on it again, I'm not attempting to blame anyone else for my lack luster performance but if I could find any fault in today that may have assisted my failure then it would be that Mike force me to go to wicks with him today.

To buuy some things that he didn't need I wouldn't/'t have actually minded so much if he'd had allowed me to cary the roofing felt but no as he said "it's too heavy for you" so I attempted to pick it up, It was surprisingly light but my bag got in the way of the roll perhaps I should have tried using my bag to keep it in the air instead of as a hindrance.

Today Alice discovered a new fact, new to her at least it was that comedians have a exceeding high correlation with the suffers of depression. Which puzzled her.I am remembering that I might have suffered depression  a little whille back before I went to college also for the minority of the first year of college, so it appears to have effectyed me the opposite way than the comedians  

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