Friday 31 January 2014

Day 210

Day 210;

So it's another countdown say, by countdown I mean that the numbers of the day are 2 1 0 it's a countdown.

now I haven'yt really managed to do much today but I can't really remember why I didn't get it done. It just seems like time just slipped away from me today.

But do you know the Jimbo Blunt song "Goodbye my Lover"

if not it's bellow even if you have it's still bellow;

But that song isn't the one that I want to type about as it's the next song which I managed to get to from the list that is on the above video it was actually on the YouTube page that I was watching the former video on.

It is called Almost Lover by the band/singer is called A Fine Frenzy

I thought that she can sing but only approximately after she gets the first 30 seconds out of the way/when she has stopped whispering into the microphone and actually decides to sing.

Now I get to the part where I tell all of you, even you Emu, why I decided to highlight, not literally I mean as in select this song, It was as this song has just opened my eyes as there was a girl from college who I thought liked me as a friend as she kept responding to my questioning about her faith as she was a Roman (Pagan) Catholic/the only church that is honest as to where their book (the bible, new testament) came from, I'm typing about the name of their certain religion not that any of them are willing to admit. But then all of the modern-day Christian were originally co-opted by the Romans in their drive to convert the native pagan people to Catholicism.

Get back to the song

Ok, sorry, so where did I get to oh yes that was where I was I thought that she liked me as a friend only as could it have realistically been anything else? The answer is yes it could have been but it's not very likely that is all that i thought but from the song I am slightly guessing that I could have been her almost lover, but I know more than anyone just how preposterous that sounds.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Day 209

Day 209;

So it was a Wednesday that I travelled to hospital on.

The hospital was in London. I went to get needles stuck in me again.

more botulin toxin, again, to weaken some of the muscles in my right arm, my eyelids and the left side of my neck.which was to cure my eyes as they had started to deteriorate back into an almost always being closed mode again, and the bit on my right arm was to hopefully care of the weird involuntary movement of my right arm and the final bit of Bo-tox was a syringe of the stuff into the left hand side of my neck.

The doctor kept telling me not to laugh willy she was injecting my face.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Tribute tale to Ronnie James Dio

This is a Tribute story to Ronnie James Dio if you have anyone that you'd like me to honour in this way, by writing a story from one of their works. I'll give it a go I can'r promise anything when it comes to my story creating abilities.

Just another chapter to another Tale of which I have concocted in my mind.. I have changed it into first person from the original third person perspective.

"As long as it’s not about love" (Tale)- By Savage.1
Which was partially inspired by R. J Dio's Song of the same name; no I don't literally that the songs name is of the same name I meant the song of the name previously mentioned as the name of this tale.

Chapter X – the Memory of unclear circumstance

We touched with their eyes.
It was the first time that we touched.
I was struck by a strange compulsion to move over towards the girl.
For some unknown reason she appeared to be struck by a similar compulsion.
Then as soon as they were within an audible distance of each other, the unknown girl, to me at least, began to speak.

“Hello” she said to me her voice was small and fair,
I just smiled and waved back at her as I couldn't speak.
Nothing else was spoken between the two of us, at least not at this moment.
With this briefly prolonged spell of eye contact.
I was intrigued.
With the following questions now rampaging through my head “why me?”, “what’s so special about me?” and “who is she”?

I replayed the events of that incident in his mind multiple times.
The only things that he could think about were the same questions over and over again like an infinite loop, oh how fun it is to programme one of those into a computer; well it’s fun attempting t create one in C++, I think you’d need a lot of random numbers to create something like the number thing in the Matrix.

I wasn’t sure of much but I knew one thing, which was that I liked her.
As a friend at least, but I am not going to jump to any conclusions on the matter of the girls feelings or her intent because a females feelings and their intents towards me are a mystery to me.

But I am guessing that she liked me as she didn’t shy away from me on later confrontations, but in quite a few of the later confrontations I was attempting to help her with a little bit of programming as I felt compelled to help.

Oh I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself and my lady friend to you haven’t I, no not that type of lady friend you saucy mare,; I was only intending it to mean a friend that was a lady..

The lady’s name is Susannah and my name is Mac.

Day 208

Day 208;

So it’s the day after yesterday and I have been thinking some more,

As you generally do at all of the points during the waking day, so what’s new?

I already know that much about myself. Just as I know that I like Ronnie James Dio’s music You might also know if you’ve been reading this blog since 2011.

As that is the year that I originally posted it/my Tribute to Ronnie James Dio who was awesome back when he was alive 2010 I initially had the idea to write the prelude some time in 2010 when I was in the first year of my college course as something like the events tale described actually happened to me as in I got incredibly nervous within the first time we (me and the woman that I call Susannah in the story) touched with our eyes and I found myself drawn to her.

You can hear part of my inspiration here.

And me goibg back into that tale it was set to be the prelude of a tale that I was about to write but maybe I could incorporate in into the tale I’m typing again now. And then maybe I could write my second tribute to the awesome man in the following year as it will be 5 years from his death on the 16th of May 2015.

But I think there have been loads of people that are now dead worthy enough of your pitiful story writing abilities to get there own tributes made by you.

Yes I know like the original Doctor William Hartnell or the second Doctor Patrick Troughton. But they weren’t musicians.

Then do a dead musician you admire like, Freddie Mercury.

I could make a tribute out of some of his solo stuff I guess.

But first things first, you still have to sort out your script to your big question; is money the route of all evil?


Tuesday 28 January 2014

Day 207

Day 207;

Another day another fiasco.

Now today I was supposed to write my next episode of The Sunday Savage so then I can spend the next six days actually making it.

But I was going to write it today but I got a little bit sidetracked first off by my late arising but then by my 3 hour lunch, It’s not because I actually spent 3 hours eating it’s because I was playing on my Sudoku 2 app for my iPad.

But today I have watched series seven part two of Doctor Who. Anyway Clara Oswin Oswald is my favourite of the Doctor’s companions if at least of the current companions. Only partially for her aesthetic beauty, partially for her attitude/character and  withall of the other parts include her humour. I think that Clara looks similar to one of my female friends, but in other news on the night after 205 I had a surprising erotic dream.

Monday 27 January 2014

Day 206

Day 206;

So it has been 206 days since my on-line diary began. Which means that this post has been waiting for 4944 hours or in actual fact 4943 hours since my first time i post it. I 'm guessing that the majority of my page views from random people that have typed something and you were unlucky enough to click on this websites link.

I'm sorry, but this is nothing even remotely cool.

Butr this iis my life please tread carefully.

Hang on a second did you really just say that?

No, I typed it.

Same difference!
Then yes i did., who else would, on my blog?

And you forgot to put the logo of the pub on the shirts of Dave and Sarah I can't believe it, wells actually I can it is you who I'm talking about again,

Well I know I can't really remember what day of the week it is half of the time.

Did you remember to tell the audience of your YouTube about your plans?

Damn it, I forgot

that went kind of wrong in upload

never worry i've got it here also.

This Sunday I have got my Tale I first chapter, but I have actually said parts of it wrong so please may you go into the following link in order to see the full chapter one.

Well if you have ever heard of BBC Radio 2 and their Short story competition? As i was listening to it on the radio earlier this week. So there was me thinking that I could give it a go. But then Mr Chris Evans spoilt my fun as he said that the stories had to have less than 500 words. My first chapter of my this tale has got 892 words,But that isn't the worse part of the deal,as that comes down to age discrimination, as i couldn't enter a story even if it was under 500 words long as I have to be under the age of 13 to enter.

Sunday 26 January 2014

My new/old Story Tale I Chapter 1

Tale I: Chapter 1 – What Halo

“So what’s that halo that you wear?” Sarah spoke inquiringly to her customer,

“Wha…” then he looked up at the red glowing ring that was just above his head then with reluctance he said, “It’s a halo of Sin,”

as he spoke those 5 words the noise in the pub dissipated, but then as the noise slowly picked back up to the usual level of background noise she responded with astonishment,

“A halo of Sin?” 

“Yeah, that’s what I said isn’t it?” he stated with a hint of annoyance.

“How…, why did you get that?” she responded

“I got it as a gift from the angels so they can track me,” he said it with a new found pride,

"Why’d they want to track, you” she spoke uneasily, and with some disbelief.

“It’s a little known fact that...” he paused and changed the direction of the conversation, “What’s your name anyway before I continue?”

“Sarah,” she blurted out, “but what is yours, Mr Hell’s angel?”

Suddenly he burst out in a fit of laughter, Sarah was bemused.

Now as soon as the newly dubbed Mr Hell’s angel recovered from his fit, he stated “So would I be correct in the assumption from that response, that you believe in a god, and you believe what those angelic preachers say about a god,” he stated.

Sarah was feeling uneasy at his choice of words, “Yeeesss… kind of, what do you mean ‘a god’ there’s only one god”

“But is there, really any gods or is it just some fabrication by these Halo wearing invaders?” Spoke the man.

Sarah was puzzled by the man’s questioning,

“What, so your saying there’s no divine Godrick up there?” Sarah said with a new level of astonishment,

“Yes, there is nothing above of us, except the sky, all of the sky bound creatures and all of the stars, there satellites and the rest of the interstellar flotsam and jetsam and radiation from the almost countless stars” The man clarified,

 “What about clouds?” Sarah picked in again,

“Ok, I’ll let you have that,” the Man said reluctantly, “now shall I tell you about these gods?”

“Ok, ok,” Sarah spoke, “I’ll listen,”

“As it seems to be there isn’t a god and it’s all of those Halo wearing  invaders subterfuge to force all of the people all across the many worlds that I have visited,” the man said gazing into Sarah’s green eyes then as soon as he caught eye contact with her he continued, “and within each of the worlds I have visited ever since my birthplace, back on the planet of Beta Gamma, but the whole of the, once proud, population has been reduced to nought but a race of slaves,”

“Well, obviously not the whole population.” Sarah pips in to receive one raised eyebrow look from the man, “what about yourself? And another question then if you come from another planet how come you and I both understand each other and why do we look so similar?” Sarah said the last part with an heir of bemusement,

"I’ll get to that in a moment, if you allow this tale to run its course,” he was getting slightly agitated now, “well the world on its surface it looked very similar to this world, and then the angels arrived out of the black infinity of the spaces above of the world’s surface and some thing fell from the sky's above on  that fateful night, all of those years ago, we thought it was another meteorite or something as harmless as one of those rocks that fall from the blackness, sure they hurt the landscape but Human casualties are a rare occurrence, but what we weren’t expecting to come from this one, accursed rock was six bright white human like creatures with bright gold rings on their heads claiming to be the divine profits of a god that we had never heard of, and then they expected us to worship them, or rather the eagle headed god that they worshiped. So the Royal family with the general agreement of the people simply asked them to leave and to take they’re god with them on there way out, and then stuff turned uglier…”

“hey Sarah” spoke Dave the barman as he slapped her backside “It’s nice that you have found one of our clients to flirt with but could you please get over there and sort them out” as he said the last part he pointed at the rowdy table in the corner, she mouthed the words that's harassment at Dave she quickly proceeded with his instructions, after whispering the following words to the hell's angel "Don't go away my hell's angel i should be back in a couple of minutes".

Sarah was a blond girl who was wearing the standard bar maid uniform, of a tightly fitted light blue cropped polo shirt holding the logo of an Angel with its two arms outstretched. Inside of it was in a darker blue text saying The Embrace of an Angel" emblazoned upon it.

Day 205

Day 205;

So another day has passed me by, alas I wasn't able to complete my forth episode of the Sunday Savage in time to get it onto this post but I shall show all of my readers of this blog the first chapter of my semi audio book before it is released in the semi audio form for all of my readers of this blog to read and hopefully enjoy, before I put the other edition on-line.

So today I didnt manage to get enough completed on my video blog project as you may have guessed I'm sorry but I cannot remember why, so I'm guessing that it had something to do with me being too lazy.

Saturday 25 January 2014

Day 204

Day 204;

So it's this day, the day after yesterday, when I had done so well on my YouTube project. But today it was a different  matter. as I was hopeless on it again, I'm not attempting to blame anyone else for my lack luster performance but if I could find any fault in today that may have assisted my failure then it would be that Mike force me to go to wicks with him today.

To buuy some things that he didn't need I wouldn't/'t have actually minded so much if he'd had allowed me to cary the roofing felt but no as he said "it's too heavy for you" so I attempted to pick it up, It was surprisingly light but my bag got in the way of the roll perhaps I should have tried using my bag to keep it in the air instead of as a hindrance.

Today Alice discovered a new fact, new to her at least it was that comedians have a exceeding high correlation with the suffers of depression. Which puzzled her.I am remembering that I might have suffered depression  a little whille back before I went to college also for the minority of the first year of college, so it appears to have effectyed me the opposite way than the comedians  

Friday 24 January 2014

Day 203

Day 203;

Day 203;

So today I actually got somewhere on my flash project.

I got round to  completing the recording of everything that I but if you knew that I dressed up as a joker in episode 2 I’m really tempted to dress up as batman for number 4, I think I will for I don’t know the ending few seconds.

I’m unsure about the legal ramification if I was to dress up as batman for a Sunday Savage episode.

Well, by the way, I meant dress up as in don the iconic mask.

But I'm wondering if I should say the iconic phrase that goes with it or whether that’d be in breach of too many copy write notifications? I don't know.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Day 202

Day 202;

Today was another good, fun, gym day, But today in the gym I thought that I knew someone.

Well done, Mr. Thick, Thick Thickity-Thickface from Thick Town, Thickainia that'll be your gym instructor.

No it wasn’t him.

So are you meaning that it was those two women that are almost always in the Gym at the same time as you?

No I meant as in a friend that I used to know from college I knew her height was about correct, hair colour even her T-shirt was the correct shade of blue I had noticed from one of our days at college together/the time that we spent in Disney when we went on a college trip.

I liked her, I mean the girl from college was the one that I liked as I only managed to see the one at the Gym unless it turned out to be her which wouldn’t surprise me except the one that I saw today’s face looked younger.

I wonder if she recognised me or whether her eye contact with me during this brief encounter was just to say “why are you staring at me” or such like.  It is much more probable that the second option is the correct option, as why would she bather coming to the town that I live in just to go the Gym as isn’t there many in the place that she lives.

Besides I thought that she was working at a proper job to do not working out at the gym.

That is why I was staring at you today at the gym, as I was attempting to work out who you were. If the girl that I was staring at, at the gym on this day the 22nd of January 2014 ever visits this website.

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Day 201

Day 201;

So it is day 201, I have decided to make my next Sunday Savage to be about a story that I wrote a few years ago  well the first three, maybe more, chapters I wrote a few years ago, but you may have read it I know that's slightly more than unlikely.

My story was titled Tale I, it didn't get any rave reviews on it, but i was told it was half decent by some of the readers. they may have also been my friends, but I'm sure that wasn't a major contributing factor  or am I?

The name Tale I isn't very inspiring I know so but I wouldn't some of your suggestions for what it could be called instead when I get it up on-line I won't have a copy with all of the animations included in this first draft it will just be me sitting there reading it to who ever is listening to it.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Day 200

Day 200;

So its been day 200 which has passed me by with a whimper.

But it hasn't past everyone else by as plainly.

Yes, yes true.

As it has been a catastrophic day for a car, no not the one that I collided with many years ago, but it was Tina's car not the one that collided with me. Tina’s Car broke down. but the car was just outside of the room of which I reside inside's window and the cars breaks just wouldn't release, now I think it's something to do with the cars CPU, or something like that on the car, as I know that the breaks are operated one of the cars computer like systems.

Monday 20 January 2014

Day 199

Day 199;

I’m Sorry for its late arrival but I put I put it to upload today/Sunday, so I hope you all enjoy the latest Episode of The Sunday Savage, its episode 3.

I realise that I may have stepped a little too far beyond the pale in this episode when I edged in my bit on religious shenanigans. But within the description I have put that you can either take it seriously or jokily as I do not want to start a war, yrt at least, I'm only on Episode 3.

Oh bugs I have just switched my PC off, I'm such a twit.But fortunately I have managed to restart the upload/download, as YouTube is stating, from where i was with it when I powered down my PC,.

Pagans were some very superstitious prehistoric people.

I Liked the pagans,

The Pagans gave us almost alll of the fun stuff to do with Christmas. Like the symbolism of an evergreen tree and the symbolism of the holly wreath, Just think about it what is long and hard about a male and it fits into a woman, in the place that is called, for this analogy at least the holly wreath.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Day 198

Day 198;

Oh great I haven't managed to get it on-line for the preferred time of 6 am I shall attempt to get it totally finished for the time of 6 pm instead which means by getting it totally completed by 1 pm probably latest tomorrow.

But I have been working on it today and the end of it is in sight but I just need to create the final little sketch, the bonus feature.

But I have been getting myself distracted by Sudoku's, Dragonball Z and a couple of quandaries of my mind. Similar to this why is the only planet in th e universe, that we know about, to harbour the crude lifeforms such as ourselves, crawling about on it, why doesn't it have an actual decent name, as I know there's earth but what kind of name is that. Earth, mud, dirt. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,  Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, all of the fore-mentioned planets have been names after the old Roman Gods except two, the two are Venus, as it was named after a Goddess probably as it shines so brightly/beautifully every time that it passes u, and earth is the second one that isn't named after a God, and what is it named after mud, now that has got to be a piss take or something like that.

And the name for the star that we orbit isn't very much better. Sun son when it's more like our mother than a son of anyone.

Saturday 18 January 2014

Day 197

Day 197;

It has been day 197 today on the 17th of January 2014 at least I hope it was on the seventeenth else I have missed a whole day out some where.

Which I wouldn't put passed me. As the past 5 years have been something of a blur to me, Which is one of the reasons why I decided to start this project now all I have to do is take a stroll back in time a little way to find the stuff that I did on that day that where memorable enough for me to type about it on the night, and that I feel like typing, but only for the past 191 days. but my greatest memory of something that happened after the "accident" I had with a car is of something that happened back in 2011 which is three years ago now.

But by my greatest memory I mean that I can still feel the emotions that I felt when I was there in London, listening to the London philharmonic orchestra play the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony, but if i=I could just more realistic with my ability of my memory as normally those memories just lay there dormant deep down in my conciousness but I have been listening to some of the music which came from it recently and it brought back memories of me standing up clapping while Mike was sitting (or should I type that he was more of cowering) in the chair next to me looking very sheepish and embarrassed. 

What I am meaning is that day seems to me as if it was yesterday, from the memory that was induced by the sounds of the CD that I got while I was there. It was awesome,, that is one of the things that I believe you should do before you die, go and see a proper orchestra playing some music that means something to you. It has the power to change your perspectives on so many things.

The feeling of well-being that I got from sitting there watching and listening to them was just unbelievable. 

Friday 17 January 2014

Day 196;

Day 196;

Now I have almost caught up to where I should have been for my YouTube project; The Sunday Savage,

Because I've been doing that for the majority of the day, that I can actually remember,

Now when I wasn't I was watching YouTube,  playing on my Sudoku app (I have unlocked all of the difficulty levels in it), I have been eating, I have ben feeding the dog.

That about sums up my day, that I can remember at least/

Thursday 16 January 2014

Day 195

Day 195;

Now today I have gone to the gym and i have looked around a lot when I was on the gym equipment but my eyes seem to close as soon as I get onto the weights.

Which wouldn't be a problem if I could open them again directly afterwards.

But the gym is fun there is this little machine called Everest, it's got the same principle behind it but it is for up hill walking.not for on the flat. It irritated me as every time that I started to move at a decent pace my correct arm (in this circumstances I mean my right arm) would come off of the machinery.and every time that I managed to get myself up to a semi respectable speed of from 8 to 9 the machine kept flashing the speed that I was travelling at

Sherlock Holmes and Mary Watson are the two psychopaths that John Watson cares about most in the world. But they both reciprocate the feelings to him as it was displayed in Sherlock episode nine as they both were willing to kill the one thing that stood in the way of John's happiness,

Spoiler warning

And Sherlock actuary did 

But then why did you think the episode was called his last vow? Did you think that he was about to make a second vow just for the episode? After him saying this is my "first vow and my last" .

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Day 194

Day 194;

I'm Sorry, that I was late for this post but I and wrote a decent enough little passage for my blog entry for this day,

So why don't you?

I can't as I deleted it accentually.

Silly, silly boy.

So I have started writing a new smaller section.

Now I have started but you can look at the above video it tells you all of the lies of Christmas but he's forgetting one lie Jesus is a lie, from my perspective.

To quote him "look it up" why doesn't he have any of the links to the websites that he's referring to on his YouTube video's page.

The only link to an external website from his YouTube channel is one to this webpage, you can click on it if you wanted but the blog article is deleted.

Apart from the fact that I personally think he is a little crazy as he still believes in Jesus the man that apparently walked on water, cured a man leprosy and another of blindness, and he lived after he was killed by being nailed to a wooden cross.

But that ids a matter of faith you cannot call he even a bit crazy for saying that!

Well your correct on one part of that.

Which is?

That I can't say, As I can't say a word, but I can type.

Oh you technicalities.

But I like his analogy that the actual date of Christ Birth couldn't have been on the 25th of December as the shepherds wouldn't be out in the fields which is in Luke 2:8-12., but it was in the days that Caesar Augustus was emperor  of Rome, and that puts it in the time from 63 (64-62) BC – 14 AD which coincided with King Herod's spell in power from 37 BC -4 BC but it doesn't match up with supposed year of his birth. but the census that was of the whole empire never happened. There was a census of the people of Judea, but that took place from 6-7 AD. But that was while Quinarius was the governor of Syria but then it was in AD 6, Quirinius was appointed legate governor of Syria, 

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Day 193

Day 193;

I started my day today in a quiet home, but then it was shattered by Mike, as I went down stairs for breakfast. But then the next time that he disturbed the airwaves was when he was shouting bye to Alice, who was upstairs, as he left the house.

Lunch I ate some spaghetti hoops on toast, as I was eating it Alice gave me a rendition of awful singing along to the music that she put on shuffle, as well as actually making the music humorous by doing her own little commenting on some of the lyrics to the songs. But the hoops were nice I remember that taste from when I did the practise for the D of E award; bronze, I did the cooking. As I remember that at school I was pretty dandy (decent) at cooking in the time before the “accident” but now I’m not even allowed to make my own sandwich.

But why do all of these young folk just seem to think that the hash key on the keyboard is called the “hash tag” key? I remember the days when that the hash key used to be used like asterisks to indicate the unsavoury use of language. But that was before those twits at twitter started. And just all of the twitters users are like can you please retwit this link # tag retwit now.

They are called tweets not twits Savage, and I don’t think that they put the word tag after it, but it’s probably another Americanism that has through the medium of popular culture become ingrown into the English speaking world. Darn you Americans and your unnecessary word adding onto the end of other words.

Monday 13 January 2014

Day 192

Day 192;

Today was a good day as a starter I managed to get the second flash episode of my video blog project/The Sunday Savage on-line.

Please click the following link The Sunday Savage episode 2.

I know what I should do for the ending of next weeks episode, which is don’t just stop it at the credits.

My hopes for getting my Christmas single up for next Christmas time took an unexpected turn for the better and I have now got an “I would like to be involved” and one “we shall see”, out of all of the invites I have thus far sent out and actually got a response from, which should be promising seeing as I have so far only sent my personal invites to some people that I personally know on Faceybook and the other person that I know on faceybook.

So my third episode I’ve still got to do for the new is all of the stuff that I had planed for this weeks show but I never got enough time to finish it. Before Sunday came, I’ve and now as another little tale I still have to get the lips moving correctly on...

Correctly! Don’t you mean at all, as you didn’t even try on mine.

Or mine.

Now just how incorrect are you there Red, but Yellow you may have a point,

As I set up all of the key frames within Red but I didn’t get round to pasting the alternative frames in place, and then yellow I just didn’t manage to work quickly enough.

But today was a good day because we went to see Kath, who for an old girl is great fun, I mean as in her sense of humour is great.

Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 191

Day 191;

So today is was the Saturday post to display an episode of The Sunday Savage which is why I have put it back from its launch by two hours

I'm sorry for all of the inconvenience I have caused.

I hope it is at least adequate for its purpose.

Also today I watched a football match and the opposition team probably weren't still in the pink, happy, about the result, as they came in pink shirts, as they left in probably. The score was all level at 0-0 by the end of the first half but by the end of the second half 3-0 was the score to the team that I supported.

Wow the players of the team that I support can really play in some games now what we need is for them to play that well against all of the other teams that they'll play for the rest of the?Season.

Person A
Savage got run down by a reindeer
Walking home from his own house on Christmas Eve,
You could say that you thought he was drunk,
But as for me and Blue we know the truth.

Person B
He’d been drinking too much dodgy cola,
So we told him to get out,
Bur we had forgotten one crucial bit of information,
as he sulked away,

Person C
When we found him Christmas morning,
Outside on the pavement,
He had hoof prints all around him,
And an antler in his back.

Person A
Savage got run down by a reindeer
Walking home from his own house on Christmas Eve,
You could say that you thought he was drunk,
But as for me and Blue we know the truth.

Person B
Now we're all so proud of blue,
She’s been taking it so well.
Eating all of the mince pies,
Don’t you hate it how there’s always one left over.

Person C
It's just Christmas without Savage.
The whole world has joined in jubilation.
But we can not help but think to ourselves:
Who’ve we gonna complain about now? 

Person A
Savage got run down by a reindeer
Walking home from his own house on Christmas Eve,
You could say that you thought he was drunk,
But as for me and Yellow we know the truth.

Person B
Now the turkey is on the table
And all of chocolate that he got this year.
As we can’t allow it to go to waste,
As it would have anyway.

Person C
We've told all our friends and neighbours.
"I bet ye cannot guess what our greatest gift was."
But then they all start cheering;
The next verse to this song.

All together
Savage got run down by a reindeer
Walking home from his own house on Christmas Eve,
You can say there's no such thing as a Rampaging reindeer,
But as for me and blue, we believe.

Have an epic fez-tive period!

Saturday 11 January 2014

Day 190

Day 190;

So this day has finally come.

So what day has finally come?

Well it was a day that Tina's dreams became something more than they were yesterday, she is actually going to teach at an actual school next year, but it was also the day that one of Mike's dreams came closer to him,

What dream?

A boring dream, a dream of early retirement.

So you have had a kind of early retirement thing now aren't you?

In a way yes but no on all other counts. The only way being that I am currently unemployable and I am on a minimal disability living allowance unless it's been stopped,

I used to be half decent at juggling with my finances but it seems to me  as of late that al of this acquisition of wealth has groin tiresome and what is the point of it, is it to show some kind of status?

But I have got a deep question for you, and here goes "What is true wealth"? Can it be counted or is it some quality that cannot be defined? 

I was watching a good man's YouTube channel the other day, the man was called Seth Andrews, he stated something along the line oft if someone came up to him in the  street and they were begging for money to buy some food he'd walk then to the nearest Mc'Donalsa or another establishment like that and buy them food  I thought that that was a good idea as it means that if you give them some money they could do what ever they wanted with it and that may not be buying food It could be as part of some illegal drugs money fund and by illegal I mean without proper certification that the drugs are fit for human consumption. And are not dosed with s potentially harmful chemical.

Now I would just like to apologise in advance for my pitiful attempt at another YouTube video for tomorrow all I can really state id that I will attempt to catch up all of the stuff that I didn't get done this week next week, I hope that it's goof enough.

Friday 10 January 2014

Day 189

Day 189:

My new daily routine didn't work for me today, but refined my ethos on making me actually look as if I'm actually .talking.

Did he tell you how he mucked his daily routeing up at the very first hurdle.

Well I don't think that he did, actually I know that he didn't mention that.

Ok, then you two I'll spill the metamorphic beans. I slept through my alarm going off that gave Alice a good rant as she heard my alarm and she woke up, but she wasn't in my bed room until she came in to tell me to turn it off which did actually wake me up, so I think that classes as an alarming success, bud dum duh. Now your supposed to laugh as it's a pun funny, yes... No?

Your still not funny.

Aren't I? Not the slightest bit?

Some people, by this I mean 1 person thought your YouTube video was funny.

Why is Jamie Lanister in the film Oblivion?

I don't know why but why did you just switch conversations that you we're having within your head without any warning?

Just some of the shenanigans that come with being me I guess.

Thursday 9 January 2014

Day 188

Day 188;

On this day I had so much to type to you about, I think,

Like the majority of days I do, it’s what happens when you’re almost constantly thinking, usually not about what you were supposed to be about. Like during my dinner I was listening to Emu whitening on, eating pizza and playing a game on my iPad even when I writing this I have been listening to Planet Rock on the Radio meanwhile head banging to the music and my foot is tapping, and that was on top of thinking about what I should type.

Who say’s male’s can’t multi task, I do realise that it could be a copout for some males so they don’t have to do as much of the work, I don’t know?

Anyway some of the rock songs that I have been listening to this evening, its good stuff.

Walk on
Look at yourself
Drivers seat
Waiting for the bus/Jesus just left Chicago
All the young dudes.
Can’t you hear me knocking?
Bringing on the heartbreak
Whiskey in the Jar

I have been making some more of my flash project today and I have actually made myself a daily schedule for me to follow so I can hopefully get it completed on time.

Now look here and you can’t say that I never do anything for you, you may hate everything that I do for you but you can’t say that I don’t try.

But I thought you typed it was for your personal pride?

I did, it was for both of those reasons my personal pride was for making something for others,

I’m not sure that I understand that.

He was attempting to state was that his personal pride is for actually managing to make some thing for others, that some people actually lik, and to enable him/us to portray our selves in a more vocal way..

Thank you, Yellow.

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Day 187

Day 187;

So today has another one of those days, me being left home alone, for the most part at least; if I get a real job how could I cope without any more good days like this one has been.

Which reminds me a bit of a tangent that I went off on. When I was thinking about what to write for this blog post, I accidental went off on a tangent while I was writing it. It got me blaming the creators of currency that we have currency today, and blaming society for the consumer state that we live in.

I'm wondering if I could get a job on-line so I could then sit at home working, on my YouTube project and actually getting paid for it,

But wouldn't doing that be going against your personally held beliefs? 

Which belief would that be?

I don't know.

Ah I've got one,

Ok go ahead blurt it out,

It was that one that comes from that blogpost you made a couple of days ago, 

Which statement I make many.

(now I'd like to see those two statements printed on a T-shirt with a couple of images of the two characters along side, similarly to Doctor John Watson's I don't shave for Sherlock t-shirt)

The statement about not just doing this for personal satisfaction, pleasure orb maybe even pride.

I do recall writing something like that for my blog but if it did actually actually make it out of the grey matter and somehow make it onto the internet, I don't know.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Day 186

Day 186;

Today was the day,

What day?

The day that I wrote the script for the next Savage Sunday.

Yes that was a good idea.

Now you won't have to cheat Like you did for last Yesterdays.

Me, cheat?

Yes you big fat cheat.

Oh yes he did cheat a bit.

Ok you caught me it was because I was running out of time so I didn't have enough time to fit the lip syncing on any of us for the complete thing apart from the introduction,

So why didn't you just use one of the ones that you already had almost completed in your computers memory? 

Well I would have if I didn't have the script that I wanted for this Sunday project, and the old stuff must have been very out of date by now anyway.

Yes well duh. that's why it was the stuff for your Day 100 YouTube special imbecile.

Oh crumbs I had totally forgotten about that fiasco, now just if I get enough time I would like to actually complete that project Sto attempt to get it on-line for Day 200, I can't actually remember what it was about but it'll be good fun attempting to find out. Just as practically everything in flash is fun, from my perspective..

Now I can remember what I was going to type about before I started that diatribe.

It was Male prostitution, as we were listening to a BBC Radio 2 show about it over lunch. Well that was when Mike wasn't being all squeamish about it. But I'm guessing that that subject will have to wait for another tim to reasert itself in this blog.

Monday 6 January 2014

Day 185

Day 185;

The day after yesterday again,

Just as if I’m your lady, you are my man?

Yellow no, why are you attempting to sing that song I heard on the radio this morning that came just after Michael Bubble killed something I think, well I mean he had to have done to make that much of a racket.

It was by Celine Dion, and I’ll tell you people this she can properly sing now I don’t particularly like the song but her singing is immense.

It’s worthy of being listened to even if you like I dislike the lyrics like I do, as I personally think the lyrics are too clingy and sentimental.

But it was better than the rubbish than the pure tripe that Michael Bubble was wailing previously.

Now that’s my Rant off my chest I would like to ask you if you have a couple of minuets could you please click on the following link The Sunday Savage episode 1 and could you please comment upon my YouTube video if for absolutely no other reason than to tell me that you’re now mentally scared from looking at my hideous face and that you hated every second of it, and stuff like that..

P.S. Don't forget to tell me how much you hated the little bit of religious shenanigans at the end.

Sunday 5 January 2014

The Sunday Savage Episode 1

The boy's hopeless I tell ye all, and add a bit of worthlessness into the mix and I believe that you'd have an acculturate enough description of this here Savage.

Why what has he done now?

He's not only gone and attempted to put our little savage thing on the internet one hour late.

So what it's one hour?

So what, so what, SO WHAT! I'll tell you so what it is still going to take about slightly more than 4 hours to upload.So that is 5 hours over the original dead line for the project. 

Red I know which is why for next Sundays Savage Sunday I have got to get it done by a latest time of 00:00 on the morning of  Sunday So I could set it up aka; getting it uploaded before the  usual 6:00 blogpost so that way I can include it into my blogposts for the day before actually on Sunday, Then it may actually fulfil lit's actual purpose which is to fend off boredom.

As i have typed beneath:

"This is the first episode of my new project to help alleviate, some of the boredom that may arise from the most boring day of the week. My first episode of The Sunday Savage."

Day 184

Day 184;

Another day with eighteen in front as part of it. I mean the number not the actual day but today must have been someone’s eighteenth anniversary.

So it was the last day of preparation before the Sunday Savage goes on-line.

But anyway by the time that this is up loaded it should be 6 o’clock in the morning of the 186th day Just 12 hours away from my 6 pm dead line for my first episode of The Savage Sunday, which is my attempt to liven up the “most boring day of the week”, But I have probably failed, epically with my attempt.

My epic filature is more than my seeming in ability to work quick enough to keep my project on schedule, But I’m guessing that you’ll have to wait until tomorrow/tonight only 12 hours away to find out if it will be as big a failure as I’m guessing.

I hope you know how hopeless you are now!

Yes I do, I'm very helpless at the second, at least I'm not getting paid to do this.

Why did you say that

Just as if I'm late at all in making any of my video's I've only let myself down no one else,

Why haven't you let anyone else down?

As to let someone else down you have to have meant anything to them and then not delivered, but I am without meaning to pretty much everyone else. therefore no expectations of me. So I am just needing to get back to work now it's a matter of personal pride. 

Saturday 4 January 2014

Day 183

Day 183;

As it's Day 183 and as it's you, poor unsuspecting members of the public. and obviously myself for when it gets it's act together and checks back on yourself.

I hope you realise that you should have typed myself of yourself, first person. 

I realise  that that should have been myself Yellow.

Then why don't you change it?

Because if i change it now it'l make what you have typed nonsensical.

Then why don'r you delete the whole conversation?

Oh bother. I just heard a crash of thunder.

What about the rain that you can hear tapping on the window as you watch the rain collect and gradually drip down it .

Fine ignore me then.

Ok and Yellow, you getting a make over I touched upon during yesterdays post/

Yes I gathered.

Well I might not be able to get it done in time for this weeks Savage Sunday, but maybe another week some time.

What about me?

Red do you have to be so impatient?


Now yellow what was your answer?

Ok I guess..

Good thanks, and Red you'll get updated with Yellow no sooner no latter.and that is actually if I can even get this new project running. So please loose hope now, so your not disappointed by the time that it actually come out, or doesn't.

Friday 3 January 2014

Day 182

Day 182;

So here’s my idea I’m going to create a little show, using the 3 characters from my previous idea but I am thinking that I should update all three of the characters from the little flash presentation Which was my angel, my devil and myself. Me and my devil is easy to be done, and I have already completed myself you can view it in my happy fez-tive season, you tube project. Well when I say that it’s completed I really mean that the out line is completed and a bit on my face I still have a lot of shading to get done and I could spend a lot more time on getting the other things about my physical person, which are currently incorrect, correct. I’m typing about the drawing that I created of myself not my personality or anything like that but I know that my personality and other assets that I have at my disposal still need working on; as do all of ours. I am as much as I hate to admit it still only human.

The above final statement has just given me an idea for another blogpost OR a alternately a new Vlog entry, well which ever it is please may you keep your eyes open as I am thinking that this should be the first place that I am likely to post it, after YouTube obliviously if it is set to be a new Vlog.

I know that my assets at my disposal may have sounded a bit like an innuendo, just for clarification it wasn't, 

I knew that I had done something wrong with my sleeping pattern this morning as I woke up at almost 12 o'clock so I missed my breakfast but I didn't realise how badly I had mucked up until Tina arrived home latter today as she said that she had seen me awake at 6:00 going to the bathroom, which is really a shower room., of which I searched my memory banks for such an accordance and the only thing that matched that happening was me going to the shower room the previous night, which could have been at 6 am that morning in all fairness as I cannot remember actually looking at a clock, at least not while I was going to the shower room..

Thursday 2 January 2014

Day 181

Day 182;

Today I have drank a small quantity of warm milk it was left over from last nights drink, of milk.

Well it's not going to left over from last nights drink of anything else now, is it?

We'll no, I don't... What about a cup of tea?

But then you put the milk in the tea so it would then be a cod cup of tea,

Ok I guess you're correct.

You guess, you only picklingly guess, what's wrong with you?

I defiantly prefer milk when it's cold.

Change the subject why don't you! 

Ok I was doing just that.

I was being ironic,

Ok, now as I was about to type, news years day today, for me least, as it was New Year's Eve yesterday and yesterday I had an idea it was to create a new blog but then for it I am going to need a family. I know that I've already got one, as in the one that comprises of Tina, Mike, Emma, Alice and I, but you may also recall the three grand parents the two aunts, two uncles and Laura, who is practically an aunt.

Tout today we have a little person around,

I'm sorry but you seem to have got distracted by the sounds that the little person is making,

No it is I that should be sorry for getting distracted, I shall make more of an effort to not be so easily distracted, (that could be my news years ressoluyion),

As I was typing my new blog idea was to find myself a probably small family and it's my job to observe them and report on they're actions throat the days, like a scientific project. It could be a nature documentary on some humans. As we are a part of nature I could capture some parts on my digital camcorder as well and I could like a YouTube channel to it also for my nature documentary, I could broadcast you from going on to a shopping trip to a new child's first breath in this world.

But why would you like tat, why?

I don't know but some people watch stuff like that. You know on this magical medium called the internet almost every bodies taste are accounted for, from the bizarre to the proposition, look at it you can even find stuff on the Westboro Baptist Church on the internet and blatantly obviously you have found me haven't you. Two opossum sides of the same coin of crazy.

I also watched Sherlock; today.

The first few seconds of that countdown thing seemed to go on forever. The countdown timer for the bomb that was perfectly situated beneath the houses of parliament in order to give London a fifth of November that the whole world wouldn't forget in a hurry.

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Day 180

Day 180;

Sorry but I still havn't checked back through my previous days posts.

So that is what you didn't do today, what did you do?

I awoke in the morning, then I arose and walked down the stairs,

Forewars or backwards?

Backwards obvisiously, can't you remember the mirror is still there!

Your vanity is unbelievable sometimes.

What? I turn away from the mirror when I'm walking down the stairs, how does that... Anyway as I was about to type, today I was first playing a 3DS game namely Legend of Zelda; a Link Bettween Worlds, I was having fun moving around Hyrule from a Link to the Past but it was in 3D this time not  in 2D with all of the enemies in 3D as well, well

 as long as they are in the 3D world at least. Then I went downstairs to eat my lunch. Then I went back t my room to tidy my room and I manage to tidy my room so well it stunned Tina,  so Tina allowed me to do anything that I wanted, and I was feeling that my Wii U had been slightly neglected over the past few days so I back stepped my way downstairs and I played some of my Legend of Zelda; Wind Waker HD, when I say my I mean my copy of the game not the actual game, rights and all, belongs to me as that would be preposterous, and I rediscovered how much I like that game as Ilike games that you aren't bound to to one pathway thorough it, I like getting myself lost in virtual worlds attempting to find/fight my way through up to a big boss battle and so on. 

Happy new year

I just wanted to stare that I hope all of you have a merry new year and an excellent fez-tive season, I hope that all of your dreams, wishes for the forthcoming year come true. 

If you actually like my wishes for you to have a Happy Fez-tive Season, stranger things have happened, and you would like to see more of my personal YouTube content I am going to have to make it first before I can put it on-line, but 2014 the yrear after the year of The Doctor and the year of Luigi.