Tuesday 29 September 2015

Day 814

Day 814;

Today I got myself around to copy and pasting some of the stuff that I have typed in my speaking program into here..

I thought that you were speaking about the woman's football team when you were talking about plastic.

But why did he just contradict himself? Because he was saying stuff about us becoming a more independent country, then he states that we must band together with the rest of the EU.

But I don't think the thing with the WiFi is anything to do with the distance from the box, as when I was at the person up the roads house I got perfect WiFi connection.

I don't understand the religious Muslims because they pick up a massive fuss about a picture of Mohamed being drawn, because they confuse it with idolatry, but they don't seem to notice the whole double standard that they are applying with this pilgrimage to Mecca, which is supposedly to do with the prophet Abraham?

But I don't think the thing with the WiFi is anything to do with the distance from the box, as when I was at the person up the roads house I got perfect WiFi connection.

Now that was a little unfiltered look through my head,

The first part was to do with a news story on the radio as it said the England's Women football squad won a match, Mich was talking about it and then Allergy said "that's a whole lot of plastic" or something like that, that was a statement of my confusion. 

Then the next part was about the new leader of the Lib fems political party when he was saying that we should stating that we need do all of these things to make  our country a more sustainable, independent, country ad then he started spouting out stuff about how i was peccary for us to stay in the EU,

The next point was to do with a discussion that Allergy had started with Mich as she was stating that half of her room, she cannot get onto the internet, so she was questioning the range and the reliability of the WiFi router.

As the fourth part was just meant as a statement of an observation that I have made it's about the Hajj pilgrimage which they do to worship Abraham, which could be said to be worse than painting a picture go Mohammed, and if they want to say that they aren't committing idolatry and I don't know maybe they are just attempting to honour their god who is Mohamed but they don't want him drawn as if he was drawn it'd somehow jeopardise his authority foe x reason. 
X= if he was a real person then he couldn't have been a divine.

Now I gave thought of some more lyrics to my song:
She told me she loved me.
She Lied. 

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