Tuesday 15 September 2015

Day 800

Day 800;

Today I knew what day it was, before having to turn on this here computer device and before being told; today obviously.

But when I was in the car on the way to athletics earlier on the radio there was a son which I have forgotten apart from the lyric Sally which reminded me of a beautiful young girl woman that I used to know who was called Sally I even used to have on my faceybook friend list, until she deleted me.

I remembered the girl/woman (I don't know her age) that I called Pauline, her actual name I remembered this week, and it does begin with the letter P which surprised me, but I'm guessing it shouldn't seeing as picking a name at random isn't really my specialty. Especially as I only have limited numbers of names squished up here in my small head at least.

How about a new Pokemon Game but this time it's a proper RPG or even a MMORPG? By the term Proper RPG i mean so not everyone is just attempting to defeat elite 4. Like you can select your type of trainer before you start, say I called myself my name "Savage" and I pick.... a... Worker...

What are you being deliberately obtuse or something?

Well yes, I am, I would have chosen a postman but I couldn't find any on the page which told me what a lot of the classes are.

What... So you would like to be a worker for ironies sake?


So your game could say you have been challenged by Worker Savage every-time that our eyes met, or I could start as a team rocket grunt and in the end game you could be running up to take over from Giovani and complete Team Rockets objectives, but there would be many more powers at work to attempt to thwart you in your plans.

But that is just another idea it'd be even better if I could git a Virtual Reality simulator but then i'd need a lot of sensory data to import into the game to get it to equal a virtual reality similar to the one seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, when the Cardassians are putting Mr Miles O'Brian through 20 years of torture in what was only 2 hours.

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