Wednesday 2 September 2015

Day 787

Day 787;

So on this day I managed to capture Suicune, so it only had 5HP at the time of it's capture but my level 34 Pidgeotto only had 2HP left.

So now it is only Raikou left out of the two roaming doglike things, but the three legendary dogs. Which are Entei, Raikou and Suicune but I am thinking that I might have to get another type of Pokeball in order to capture it, as I have already used 2 ultra balls in my attempt to capture it.  But I should really stop myself from getting so obsessed on a game that I have been playing for 91:00/91hours over the past 5 years, which is a very small fraction of the time. Which is 5 hours less than 4 complete days of game time.

But what else have you done today?

Well I can't really remember but what happened to me in the morning plagued me for a little while longer  as my specs a kens missing, when I picked them up this morning, and I placed them on my face as I was thinking should d the wold look like how I was seeing it this morning? I came to the conclusion when i put one of my fingers through a lens, hole. 

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