Tuesday 8 September 2015

Day 793

Day 793;

So today was the day that I went back to athletics, but it was strange today as when we were doing the throwing part of today's athletics, not the Rose but the other girl, I think her name is Pauline but I could be (as most probably am )wrong about that, was using her left arm to throw the thing that is like a shot-put but it's squishy and it weighs a negligible amount, when I thought that she was right handed.

Why did I state Pauline as her name even though you know it's not?

I'm unsure of the name so it might be Pauline; but I'm stating Pauline now as it was the first name that came into my head potentially because of Jump-Man, who was a plumber that saved Pauline from the evil DK, As the Jump-Man became Mario and Pauline became Peach

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