Friday 25 September 2015

Day 810

Day 810;

What have I done today?

Good question but not as good as... Take it away Yellow.

What have you done today to make you feel proud? 
It's never too late to try 
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

Yellow I didn't know that you were Heather Small.

Well that is as I'm not but I like her voice.

Well that makes a least two of us,


Stop right there Red don't just go on about how you like her voice as well.

Well if you'd just slow down there a moment, tsk, I was only going to answer your question.

Question ? What question?

The question that you opened this post with.

Oh yeah,, answer away.

Well you watched that Rugby World Cup Match which ended as it was predicted to end at the beginning, with the New Zealand win, which isn't a surprise to anyone as the game was between the two teams at either end of the woeld cup ranking systems in the New Zealand team they had a team of full time players vs a team of part time players of whom some were lawyers, farmers and everyday people, that you could meet on rge street if you lived anywhere near them, that is.

Ok thank you Red.

Ok but he hasn't told you about anything else you've thought about, or done today

Ok then Green go ahead, tell me.

Fine then I will, You continued on your Pokemon Character Leaf/Green, designs, now your character Design for her is so almost complete it should be done by tomorrow, actually scratch that, probably more of about a week as you still are going to have to do a back view of your character.

So for my first draft drawings of Pokemon character Leaf/Green It should be viewable by 2nd of October.

But now I should tell our audience about some of your thoughts.


Well savages thoughts today were on the whole random, But then there was one that wasn't random as it was about a 1youtube video explaining 10 things to hate about people. But now it has been replaced by another video, I'm thinking it was as it said number 8 you hate it when people always think that you are trying to get in bed with them, I think those were the words he used and he had a picture of a conversation when the text from the character on the right was just attempting to converse with the  person on the left when the person on the left typed back I've already got a boyfriend so I was like, is that what I've already got a boyfriend means? So does it mean that you don't want to have sexual intercourse with me? Understandable, I would also hate have sex with Savage. If you would just say what you mean the first time that would be much obliged. But why should the fact that you already have a boyfriend impact on any sexual relations that you are to have not with him/with another person? Is it really his business if it goes along in private? At least not if both of the participants are consenting adults and it is done safely.

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