Thursday 10 September 2015

Day 795

Day 795;

On this day I returned to the gym and 5:24.3, I think, that's how slow I managed to get to 1000M on the rowing machine today. I know it's properly disappointing, if you ask me.

But all of this work I'm doing in the gym is a joke, as I get back home I finish my lunch and then I wait until everybody is out so it's only me home, and I suddenly get a bit thirsty so I go down to the kitchen and I pour myself a cup of pineapple juice; unfortunately the carton of juice ran out/became empty before the cup was full so I decided to fill the cup with apple juice to the brim as that was the next juice that was in the fridge, fridge (or rather idge) was my first word when I started talking all those years ago but by now I have got the inability to speak so do not say "I'm speechless"when you're accepting an award I might take it personally, despite the fact that you lied to the audience as your not speechless if you just said that your speechless, see if you say that your speechless with your mouth you are therefore speaking, and what is speaking if not an action of speech something you said that you were less of, or without which contradicts yourself and it makes it a lie.

But I have just gone off on an tangent there, sorry, now where was I?

You had just got up to the fridge part of the story.

Thank you Red,

'As that was the next juice that was in the fridge' but I couldn't open the carton, so I thought all is not lost I could just have some lemonade with it instead. so I got the bottle of lemonade out of one of the cupboards in the kitchen and I couldn't open it. Now what is  the point in going to the gym if I'm not even going to be able to open 2 screw topped devices in the kitchen?

But now I'm moving on with time to dinner time and for dinner tonight I had a pie. In this pie there was some meat some things that gave the pie some additional flavour and... mushrooms. I only like mushrooms in my food when I can't taste them or I'm not a fun guy, But the thing is with the pie I was eating it but there was a bad taste in my mouth as well was the additional flavour  it tasted a bit spicy, I'm thinking that is what Allergy said at least s I munched on through it until I had eaten enough I hate wasting stuff food is no exception, but I'm sorry I did.

Now I am traveling backwards in time from this point so I was back at the gym and I got myself a blister apparently. Well I got myself a red mark on my skin for not remembering to being my gloves to the gym today. Before I left my home to go to the gym I knew that there was something that I had forgot, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was that I had forgot, until I had gone on the first piece of gym equipment, which was the same as usual, the cross trainer/the piece of gym equipment that I got my gloves for, in the first place, then after I had got off of the cross trainer I saw the red mark on my hand then I noticed that when i touched the red mark to the equipment it caused me negligible amounts of pain approximate as much as a scratch, you know they annoy you and that's about it, but you can just push through the annoyance barrier to complete the task.

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