Saturday 19 September 2015

Day 804

Day 804;

Now as I start thinking about how to write one of these I think "So it has been day [what ever I write for the day number], now what have I done today".

But what I have done today is I have got another sweaty back due to my going on another small trek with Mich. But today it was to see GAK at the old folks home. Also today we had many people knocking the door, one of them that knocked twice on the door asked to see my parents both of the time, the first time Mich had just told me not to get him involved with them and he left the house, but it was out of the back door. so I answered the door she asked me if my parents were in so I shook my head, as they weren't it was only me in the house. Then on her second visit I wasn't alone as Allergy was also there because I answered the door and I shook my head again but this time I was hearing Allergy walking down the stairs behind me so I just steeped back, and Left the talking to Allergy.

The Rugby World Cup started today and the country of which I was born in won their match 35-11, my little cousin should be happy as I know that he likes rugby something fierce and he supports England Rugby but the game was closely fought match  up until the last 10 minutes of the second half when Fiji just basically gifted England 2 plays worth 7 points each. But Fiji had many penalty shots but they only managed to capitalise on 2 of them, as they got 1 non converted try which gave them 5 points and then they only managed to convert 2 penalties which equal 3 a piece so 6 points 5+6=11. But how is England even supposed to stand up for themselves in the group that they are in especially if they start playing the same way as they did today

But that's enough about Rugby now I would just like to congratulate my localist team that I support, again probably, due to the fact that they won a match which is a first of the season, I am hoping that they could do it tomorrow as well. As it is the only way to insure that that they don't immediately drop back into the drop Zone.

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