Friday 4 September 2015

Day 789

Day 789;

Now today was another day with three consecutive numbers in a row.

The Fate Stay Night character that I was calling Saver the other day is actually called Sabre, which is another name for a sword. of which I think is funny as the female "Sabre" is saying that she was the King of England, This could be me being dense or something like that but how in the name of King Arthur could a female be the king? We have a separate name for people like you it's called a Queen. By the way we have many ruling monarchs that are females over the history of this country, Like Queen Elizabeth the first and we got Queen Elizabeth the second at the moment.

So what's so important about the Monarchy?

I have no real idea, but at a guess I'd say it's symbolic.

It's symbolic of what?

I have no idea Yellow, but you know your really starting to sound like Red now.

You called.

Did I... what did I call?

You called me.

No I didn't.

Yes you did.

No I was using your name as an insult to Yellow, besides I can't call, I can't even speak.

So Red pull yourself together, get a grip.

What have you done today?

Well I have captured my first the second Legendary bird of the game Soul Silver I found it while I was surveying Route 10, Zapdos you are mine now.

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