Wednesday 30 September 2015

Day 815

Day 815;

So on this day I remembered that it only tome 15 minutes 10 seconds to complete a Sudoku at advanced level yesterday.

As I completed one of the first drafts for the standing Leaf character but I have still got a lot of work to be done on it before it'll be good enough to turn into a 3D image.

4 in a row, now that's good going, from 20th or somewhere there about, to 8th... Wow, this is the best run of form that they've ever had, Well at least since I started supporting them. They've managed to get up/down 12 spaces; at least. But this season is still new as if it has barely even started; I mean it's only 10 or so games o;ld, within a season that lasts 46 games.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Day 814

Day 814;

Today I got myself around to copy and pasting some of the stuff that I have typed in my speaking program into here..

I thought that you were speaking about the woman's football team when you were talking about plastic.

But why did he just contradict himself? Because he was saying stuff about us becoming a more independent country, then he states that we must band together with the rest of the EU.

But I don't think the thing with the WiFi is anything to do with the distance from the box, as when I was at the person up the roads house I got perfect WiFi connection.

I don't understand the religious Muslims because they pick up a massive fuss about a picture of Mohamed being drawn, because they confuse it with idolatry, but they don't seem to notice the whole double standard that they are applying with this pilgrimage to Mecca, which is supposedly to do with the prophet Abraham?

But I don't think the thing with the WiFi is anything to do with the distance from the box, as when I was at the person up the roads house I got perfect WiFi connection.

Now that was a little unfiltered look through my head,

The first part was to do with a news story on the radio as it said the England's Women football squad won a match, Mich was talking about it and then Allergy said "that's a whole lot of plastic" or something like that, that was a statement of my confusion. 

Then the next part was about the new leader of the Lib fems political party when he was saying that we should stating that we need do all of these things to make  our country a more sustainable, independent, country ad then he started spouting out stuff about how i was peccary for us to stay in the EU,

The next point was to do with a discussion that Allergy had started with Mich as she was stating that half of her room, she cannot get onto the internet, so she was questioning the range and the reliability of the WiFi router.

As the fourth part was just meant as a statement of an observation that I have made it's about the Hajj pilgrimage which they do to worship Abraham, which could be said to be worse than painting a picture go Mohammed, and if they want to say that they aren't committing idolatry and I don't know maybe they are just attempting to honour their god who is Mohamed but they don't want him drawn as if he was drawn it'd somehow jeopardise his authority foe x reason. 
X= if he was a real person then he couldn't have been a divine.

Now I gave thought of some more lyrics to my song:
She told me she loved me.
She Lied. 

Monday 28 September 2015

Day 813

Day 813;

So today I watched the final lap of the F1 race, which I missed the rest of the race because I had only just remembered that it was on, after I was awoken before it started.

But as I arrived down by the television Lewis Hamilton won, which pleased Allergy, I meant the fact that Hamilton won not that I arrived. Meanwhile in Rugbytoday Scotland survived an embarrassing half time result against USA to win their second match, of the completion. Australia/the team ranked second in the world dispatched the team that's ranked 19 in the world convincingly 65-3. The third match of today included the team that I have some vested interests in, Ireland, also won. So for the moment it only looks like England's team of the home nations will be going home after the group stages are over. Good thing that all of their homes could be situated within the local area of England. But can England pull this tournament from the bag and win the game on Saturday?

I hope so, at least.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Day 812

Day 812;

Today I was watching the Rugby World Cup, and it happened the way it was supposed to up until the final match if today. Which was the match between England and Wales.

Well by the way that it was supposed to end I meant with an English win, as they were the team that was winning until the last small amount of time of the game then the Welsh pulled back level and then it was the last 10 minutes of the game and they had a penalty shot from just the English side of the pitch, and they capitalised on that opportunity. The other part to them winning should have been as the Welsh kept having injuries.

That is the score that the game ended at, with the Welsh beating the English. But you could say that the English had an opportunity to level the score and but they decided against it I thought that they choose the correct option, but they just needed a bit more of the Japanese fortune to make it stick.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Day 811

Day 811;

I have found the YouTube video that I was meaning yesterday in my post, so here goes:

But surprise surprise I was incorrect, again, but this time it was about about the part where I stated that it came after a number 8, as well as a probably lot of other things.

But today it was the turn of Argentina to start winning at the Rugby World Cup, As before today they had played their first game I think it was against those specular all blacks and lost the opening match but today they got themselves on the correct Track for World Cup glory. As I watched that match as only a non converted Try (5 points) separated them at the 40 minute mark but then as the game progressed in the second half the Argentineans just managed to get all of the points  that they wanted and ten another couple of tries.

Now the thing about my creating a cartoon of my own version of Leaf/Green/a female protagonist for my proposed Pokemon Game ell that didn't work when I was attempting to get it opened today so I have started again on it's creation but this time I am going to save it as multiple files types so that if one doesn't work the second should but then if neither works then I'm going to go back to drawing it up by hand.  But I will still be attempting to get it done by next week.

But I did a little Test to see which one of the Masters/Missy I was most like, I got told that I am most like the John Simm incarnation of The Master.

Friday 25 September 2015

Day 810

Day 810;

What have I done today?

Good question but not as good as... Take it away Yellow.

What have you done today to make you feel proud? 
It's never too late to try 
What have you done today to make you feel proud?

Yellow I didn't know that you were Heather Small.

Well that is as I'm not but I like her voice.

Well that makes a least two of us,


Stop right there Red don't just go on about how you like her voice as well.

Well if you'd just slow down there a moment, tsk, I was only going to answer your question.

Question ? What question?

The question that you opened this post with.

Oh yeah,, answer away.

Well you watched that Rugby World Cup Match which ended as it was predicted to end at the beginning, with the New Zealand win, which isn't a surprise to anyone as the game was between the two teams at either end of the woeld cup ranking systems in the New Zealand team they had a team of full time players vs a team of part time players of whom some were lawyers, farmers and everyday people, that you could meet on rge street if you lived anywhere near them, that is.

Ok thank you Red.

Ok but he hasn't told you about anything else you've thought about, or done today

Ok then Green go ahead, tell me.

Fine then I will, You continued on your Pokemon Character Leaf/Green, designs, now your character Design for her is so almost complete it should be done by tomorrow, actually scratch that, probably more of about a week as you still are going to have to do a back view of your character.

So for my first draft drawings of Pokemon character Leaf/Green It should be viewable by 2nd of October.

But now I should tell our audience about some of your thoughts.


Well savages thoughts today were on the whole random, But then there was one that wasn't random as it was about a 1youtube video explaining 10 things to hate about people. But now it has been replaced by another video, I'm thinking it was as it said number 8 you hate it when people always think that you are trying to get in bed with them, I think those were the words he used and he had a picture of a conversation when the text from the character on the right was just attempting to converse with the  person on the left when the person on the left typed back I've already got a boyfriend so I was like, is that what I've already got a boyfriend means? So does it mean that you don't want to have sexual intercourse with me? Understandable, I would also hate have sex with Savage. If you would just say what you mean the first time that would be much obliged. But why should the fact that you already have a boyfriend impact on any sexual relations that you are to have not with him/with another person? Is it really his business if it goes along in private? At least not if both of the participants are consenting adults and it is done safely.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Day 809

Day 809;

Today I went to the gym and I watched some of the Rugby World Cup, I don't think I did anything else today.

So I'm starting with the Rugby, and exactly none of the games today ended in surprises as Scotland demolished Japan (45-10), Australia beat Fiji (28-13) and France destroyed Romania (38-11). So the first match of the day was between the giant Killers of Japan and the Scotts but even though the Giant Killers managed to get in at half time only trailing by a small amount so they could go on and win it, but they were all probably still 'tired from killing the giant but they-were against a team that hadn't played a game in the competition yet and one of there best players got retired from the game I'm thinking that it happened before half time with an injury. But they were the facts that could contribute to a poor Japanese performance,

Australia beat the worn down Fiji but it was a disappointing game from one of the favourites in the competition/an excellent game for the Fiji team, Due to the fact that the Austrians didn't manage to get the bonus point for getting 4 try's, as they only managed to get 3 of the 4 try's scored in that game.

Finally it is the turn of the frogs vs the Romanians and this game turned out how expected, with a win for the Frogs.

Noe the gym I didn't get the same instructor today as he had gone to watch the rugby in Gloucester so I got in early to my Gym appointment today with a replacement instructor,

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Day 808

Day 808;

So basically this morning I was attempting to remember what I actually did yesterday, as I know that I didn't actually write very much yesterday.

I remembered that I had to answer the door 3 times, but it wasn't actually as bad as the last time that I had to answer the door 3 times, due to the fact that I knew that I should have had to answer the door twice before this day started the first time before lunch to collect some BT box thing and the second time after lunch to sort the car keys. So I had warning on the door knocks for the day. 

Even though the Data was incorrect, I still had warning that the for was going to knock so I was waiting for the two knocks. Now the first knock came before lunch but it was the people that came for Allergy's car, so I gave the Keys to the man because he was going to fix it, as she crashed it the other day. Then it was the second knock, but it was a delivery even though it wasn't the BT box it was some other stuff for Tini. Then later the day this was after lunch now, the door knocked for a third time so I answered it. and it was the BT box this time.

They are the feats of yesterday.that I had forgot to write up under yesterdays post, so what have I done today?


Water, Earth, Fire and Air,

Oh yeah Green that's correct I watched Avatar: the Last Airbender, and I continued along on my first draft sketches for the Trainers that I'm wanting to create in Blender.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Day 807

Day 807;

Now today I really needed the loo I got there in time and all, there was no problems with the execution of the deed but the smell was fouler than foul, I didn't enjoy it, not in the slightest.
So that is experience 1 which I wish to forget, now for the second experience that I wish to forget, it is more of a sight that I'm wishing to forget now I say this as I might be a pervert, but I'm not a pedophile and she was playing in the session for adults and she was about 9, and she needs some better fitting trousers as i Was waiting for my turn to tun along a ladder as soon as I saw the slightest glimpse I shut my eyes but a glimpse no matter no how fleeting  is still enough to give me some mental scars.

Monday 21 September 2015

Day 806

Day 806'

Today my Files containing my cartoon images of my Leaf, for my fan made Pokemon Game, didn't work as I attempted to access the file, the computer came up with an error.

But on another part of today Wales beat Uruguay, Samoa beat the USA and New Zealand beat Argentina. Wales managed to comprehensively beat Uruguay, even though they got some more of they're players injuredM then the next game was a much more cagey affair with the winner only winning by 9 points. Then finally we have the competition Favourites vs Argentina, but it wasn't as easy for the favourites, as anyone could think, due to the fact  that Argentina played I meant during the course of the game,

Manchester United came from behind to win the game 2-3. In Davis cup results GB beat Australia 3-2, thanks to the Scotish.

Sunday 20 September 2015

Day 805

Day 805;

Today was a spectacular day in sport. as it was for the most part a great day for the outsiders, As the team that I support at football actually won they're second game in succession, which was against the team that was at the top of the league suffering their first defeat of the season.

So that is what happened in the low league that the team that I support is in also the second local(ish)  team that is in the same league as the team that I supportManaged to win also, they were even lower than the  team that I support so both of the teams are shooting up the table. But then in Rugby today Japan beat the 2 times Rugby World Cup Champions, South Africa, as they were keeping up with the africans score but then the africans took a penalty lead, 3 points, and the clock was running out of time Japan broke through and they scored a Try, 5 points.

But then also in the underdogs winning games Chelsea beat Arsenal, 2-0, but then there was 2 sending off in that game.

Saturday 19 September 2015

Day 804

Day 804;

Now as I start thinking about how to write one of these I think "So it has been day [what ever I write for the day number], now what have I done today".

But what I have done today is I have got another sweaty back due to my going on another small trek with Mich. But today it was to see GAK at the old folks home. Also today we had many people knocking the door, one of them that knocked twice on the door asked to see my parents both of the time, the first time Mich had just told me not to get him involved with them and he left the house, but it was out of the back door. so I answered the door she asked me if my parents were in so I shook my head, as they weren't it was only me in the house. Then on her second visit I wasn't alone as Allergy was also there because I answered the door and I shook my head again but this time I was hearing Allergy walking down the stairs behind me so I just steeped back, and Left the talking to Allergy.

The Rugby World Cup started today and the country of which I was born in won their match 35-11, my little cousin should be happy as I know that he likes rugby something fierce and he supports England Rugby but the game was closely fought match  up until the last 10 minutes of the second half when Fiji just basically gifted England 2 plays worth 7 points each. But Fiji had many penalty shots but they only managed to capitalise on 2 of them, as they got 1 non converted try which gave them 5 points and then they only managed to convert 2 penalties which equal 3 a piece so 6 points 5+6=11. But how is England even supposed to stand up for themselves in the group that they are in especially if they start playing the same way as they did today

But that's enough about Rugby now I would just like to congratulate my localist team that I support, again probably, due to the fact that they won a match which is a first of the season, I am hoping that they could do it tomorrow as well. As it is the only way to insure that that they don't immediately drop back into the drop Zone.

Friday 18 September 2015

Day 803

Day 803;

JC has dissapointed me today, by JC I mean Jeremy Corben: As he has stated that even if Mr PM gets a bad deal for the working people of this country from the EU he will still run a campaign to stay in the EU.

The news that even if DC gets a rough deal from the EU the new Lab rat leader the day after the Unions say that if Mr PM gets a bad deal they shall be siding with the UKIPpers which doesn't make any sense to me isn't the labour party supposed to do what's best by the working people who the unions represent? So I would be thinking that the Labour party would be returning to their original role as an anti EU party, but he wants to make change in the EU happen from within even though they have ben trying to do that for many years to no avail.

Perhaps DC can get back enough of GB's power from the EU and Mr Farage will be campaigning to stay in the EU.

 Tomorrow is the start of the Rugby Workd Cup, Go on Englanf, Ireland and Scotland. I'm unsure if I should've included Wales on that list due to the fact that a couple of their star players are out of the squad.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Day 802

Day 802;

So this morning  I learnt about a dream which had me shouting, then me running away, then me getting in with a drug dealers gang and finally The person having the dream woke up.

So it was a pretty impressive dream to not have, but it was Allergy's dream. But today. Did some deep breathing excersizez on my Wii. I scored 88 points which was a new personal record. Now that was pretty much the extent of my fitness success today, as I went to the gym and I was 1 second off getting 2 KM in 10 minutes for my warm up on the cross trainer, which was for 15 minutes, then I had a 30 second cool down; which was basically just 30 seconds where I have to keep the piece of equipment going for, which by the end of that I'm thinking that I had done 3KM. On the arm weights I did 14KG I think whereas on the leg weight I did 100KG, that is how disproportionate I am in my strength.

So a  song that I was listening to today was Yesterday is Dead and Gone by Arch Enemy, which is aSwedish melodic death metal band you can see them perform the song below

It's good stuff by them, I think at least the song I noticed as it has the lyrics "Let there be no doubt, We want out." those lyrics resounded with me due to the current EU membership issue thing as Sweden is a member state of the EU, but thren when I was listening to that song I was thinking about a self-righteous suicide which is from in a song by System of a Down called Chop Suey who's an American Rock band.

Is Jeremy Corben thee second coming of Jesus Christ? No he'd be the first coming if he is anything, as there hasn't been any proper verifiable evidence to prove that he ever was a real person. But his policies sound very hippyish to me. Like he thinks that the Labour party that spent too much over they're 3 terms in office didn't actually spend enough. But as the above song states "yesterday is dead and gone", so there is no way to change what happened in the past so we must move forward in our lives.

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Day 801

Day 801;

So today I thought it was tomorrow, until I attempted to work it out, then first I worked it out wrong but I got it correct, in the end.

first thing that happened to me today was that I remembered something that I was about to type in yesterdays day but then I forgot to type. It was about cholesterol, as Mich found out that he had high levels of cholesterol. Of which both he and I have searched ways of reducing it, and it came down to 4 things to do to reduce it:
1. Exercise more.
2. Eat less saturated fats.
3. Chill out.
4. Don't smoke.

So I have been basically encouraging him to exercise more, by going for a walk with him to a local shop so he could purchase a load of food with a low cholesterol level, as I was attempting to help him  with his shop, while we were shopping  we noticed a small tub of the bellow Margarine

Now the size of that pot was actually quite small but the part which shows you all of the nutritional information on when it said that the saturates per so many grams was actually higher then another much cheaper and a bigger tub.

Tuesday 15 September 2015

Day 800

Day 800;

Today I knew what day it was, before having to turn on this here computer device and before being told; today obviously.

But when I was in the car on the way to athletics earlier on the radio there was a son which I have forgotten apart from the lyric Sally which reminded me of a beautiful young girl woman that I used to know who was called Sally I even used to have on my faceybook friend list, until she deleted me.

I remembered the girl/woman (I don't know her age) that I called Pauline, her actual name I remembered this week, and it does begin with the letter P which surprised me, but I'm guessing it shouldn't seeing as picking a name at random isn't really my specialty. Especially as I only have limited numbers of names squished up here in my small head at least.

How about a new Pokemon Game but this time it's a proper RPG or even a MMORPG? By the term Proper RPG i mean so not everyone is just attempting to defeat elite 4. Like you can select your type of trainer before you start, say I called myself my name "Savage" and I pick.... a... Worker...

What are you being deliberately obtuse or something?

Well yes, I am, I would have chosen a postman but I couldn't find any on the page which told me what a lot of the classes are.

What... So you would like to be a worker for ironies sake?


So your game could say you have been challenged by Worker Savage every-time that our eyes met, or I could start as a team rocket grunt and in the end game you could be running up to take over from Giovani and complete Team Rockets objectives, but there would be many more powers at work to attempt to thwart you in your plans.

But that is just another idea it'd be even better if I could git a Virtual Reality simulator but then i'd need a lot of sensory data to import into the game to get it to equal a virtual reality similar to the one seen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, when the Cardassians are putting Mr Miles O'Brian through 20 years of torture in what was only 2 hours.

Monday 14 September 2015

Day 799

Day 799;

Welcome to my blog on the good/bad/indifferent morning of the next day.

Now I'm just guessing that I didn't get much sleep pin the morning of the 799 day as I kept coughing from 3 am onwards. Tini thought that I was sounding like an asthmatic. So that upset Tini.

Then I decided to go on my roller blades out the back of my home, which was fun even though I didn't fall over this time, which I am only mentioning as Tini said something about me always falling over when I put my skates on, so I skated until I could see no more, then Mich congratulated me for proving Tini wrong, as I didn't fall over today.

But I'm almost half way through my creation of the 2D images for the 3D female 3D avatar of the character that could also be known as Leaf.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Day 798

Day 798;

Now today... what have I done, seriously what have I done, anyone?

No I've got nothing.

Neither have I.

Didn't the football team that you support manage to climb up one place on the league table.

Well yes they did.

But that wasn't something that he did now was it?

No, but Jose isn't doing very well with his Chelsea this season so far,

Ok, I get it poor Jose if Chelsea get relegated and if Jose gets sacked remind me to send him a commiserations card when the session is over.

Bu t I have remembered one of the things that I have done today, I know that I might have been 12 days late or something like that, I changed my calendar months page to September today, now it says "don't worry boy we shall die in glory" who cares about the glory part?just the fact that I'm going to die is good enough for me. No need for worry.

Watching this brings back memories of my college days, ore specifically just how-full of his religion he was

As I'm thinking that he said that no one leaves Islam but I'm sure he was just mistaken.

But you know the man that's a convert t Islam and is now one of the heads of the Islam in Britain, you know he says "To you your religion, to me mine" and he starts preaching about how that is a commandment of acceptance to the many faiths, and I would agree that it sounds agreeable but that wasn't what you were supposed to be speaking about, it was apostates/people that turned away from Mohamed and his religion, as what I am getting from it is that if you were born into a muslim family you could have friends of different religions, that's it, if you decide to leave your religion then, you've forfitted everything, including your life.

Saturday 12 September 2015

Day 797

Day 797;

Today I did basically naught, that I can remember at least, as I can only remember what I have just been doing which was my daily Wii fit test, viewing the thing that is below, and...

... I have been conversing with one of my "friends" at least I think she's a friend of mine I'm unsure of hoe long friendship lasts within her social circles and all of that, mumbo jumbo, but this Girly Friend of mine has agreed to allow me to use her image, for the new Pokemon  Purple version (the fan-game that I'm planning on creating) so now. But this Girly Friend is a great friend to me, but she confuses me, as twice now that I can remember she has "rejected" me as a formal Boy Friend but both of the times I wasn't offering to become her Boy Friend, the first time was at school all of those years ago when we were both mucking around in the old school library when she said to me something along the lines of I already have a wife. as I'm thinking that I may have typed something inappropriate, I was like I knew that I wasn't attempting to impose myself on you or anything like that and I was confused as nothing I had knowingly typed up until that point had anything to do with the two of us getting emotionally involved with each other apart from for a laugh, as that is what I am, a fool, only good for a laugh sometimes at my expense but I don't care, I can take it, just As Long as It's Not About Love.

Now I like that song a lot, good old Ronnie James Dio is right up there alongside Freddie Mercury in the pantheon of all time greatest singers, at least according to me.

Gold your horses Savage, stop getting all soppy eyed over Dio, You've still got the second time that she confused you, to go into!

Oh yeah, thanks Red. But I would like to state now that these two points of confusion aren't the existent of my confusion with her, but as I was attempting to think about stuff that happened to me today from there I got to conversing with a Girly Friend then I went back about anywhere between a week and a month and the second point of confusion happened as she suddenly blurted out to me in text form this time that she has a Boyfriend now now that confused me as I thought that I had congratulated them both on getting together due to the  Faceybook relesionship status thingy that I had commented on and I then I checked again after she had told me that she was still in a relationship and I responded that I thought she was already in a relationship but your profile isn't saying that you are anymore, then she responded that she'd broken up with him and she had started going out with a new dude. Then here's me sitting here as confused as possible. But then my mind flashed back to the previous point on this blog post the part which ended in-between the two YouTube videos. Not back when I had the conversation but now.

Friday 11 September 2015

Day 796

Day 796;

Today has been another one of my lazy days. As I haven't done much today other than watch the whole of Sword Arts Online Season 1, well I think that's what I have watched today.

Now I like Virtual Reality I like the VR drives from within the animated cartoon Sword Arts Online they remind me of a VR system that I thought about many years ago but I am thinking that it was after I had seen som thing that looked like the nintendo Virtual-boy in a Robin Williams film many years ago, I think the film was flubber , well it probably wasn't the Virtual-boy but it looked similar, it was a device that covered your eyes and projected images into your eyes, I think in the one in flubber they were cycacking within the virtual world. But my only old slight hitch with virtual reality, which isn't really a hitch but instead a quiry, if the virtual reality system is too  realistic when you got shot in the head not only would you feel it but you'd stand a good chance at dicing during your play and if you died in the virtual world but you felt your death in the real world couldn't that feeling translate to some actual harm e.g. The gunshot to the head could cause your brain to stop from registering feeling from that part of your head, leaving you lightheaded and worse case senerio brain dead. I know that it might leave you dead,

But isn't that worse.

Not in my book, as what is life if you can't do anything that you want, ever?

Urmm well what's having no life, if you can't do anything ever?

Well that's death, it's purpose is to stop you from doing anything anymore. 

Thursday 10 September 2015

Day 795

Day 795;

On this day I returned to the gym and 5:24.3, I think, that's how slow I managed to get to 1000M on the rowing machine today. I know it's properly disappointing, if you ask me.

But all of this work I'm doing in the gym is a joke, as I get back home I finish my lunch and then I wait until everybody is out so it's only me home, and I suddenly get a bit thirsty so I go down to the kitchen and I pour myself a cup of pineapple juice; unfortunately the carton of juice ran out/became empty before the cup was full so I decided to fill the cup with apple juice to the brim as that was the next juice that was in the fridge, fridge (or rather idge) was my first word when I started talking all those years ago but by now I have got the inability to speak so do not say "I'm speechless"when you're accepting an award I might take it personally, despite the fact that you lied to the audience as your not speechless if you just said that your speechless, see if you say that your speechless with your mouth you are therefore speaking, and what is speaking if not an action of speech something you said that you were less of, or without which contradicts yourself and it makes it a lie.

But I have just gone off on an tangent there, sorry, now where was I?

You had just got up to the fridge part of the story.

Thank you Red,

'As that was the next juice that was in the fridge' but I couldn't open the carton, so I thought all is not lost I could just have some lemonade with it instead. so I got the bottle of lemonade out of one of the cupboards in the kitchen and I couldn't open it. Now what is  the point in going to the gym if I'm not even going to be able to open 2 screw topped devices in the kitchen?

But now I'm moving on with time to dinner time and for dinner tonight I had a pie. In this pie there was some meat some things that gave the pie some additional flavour and... mushrooms. I only like mushrooms in my food when I can't taste them or I'm not a fun guy, But the thing is with the pie I was eating it but there was a bad taste in my mouth as well was the additional flavour  it tasted a bit spicy, I'm thinking that is what Allergy said at least s I munched on through it until I had eaten enough I hate wasting stuff food is no exception, but I'm sorry I did.

Now I am traveling backwards in time from this point so I was back at the gym and I got myself a blister apparently. Well I got myself a red mark on my skin for not remembering to being my gloves to the gym today. Before I left my home to go to the gym I knew that there was something that I had forgot, but I couldn't put my finger on what it was that I had forgot, until I had gone on the first piece of gym equipment, which was the same as usual, the cross trainer/the piece of gym equipment that I got my gloves for, in the first place, then after I had got off of the cross trainer I saw the red mark on my hand then I noticed that when i touched the red mark to the equipment it caused me negligible amounts of pain approximate as much as a scratch, you know they annoy you and that's about it, but you can just push through the annoyance barrier to complete the task.

Wednesday 9 September 2015

Day 794

Day 794;

I thought that I mentioned earlier on upon this blog thing when I mentioned some stuff about a potential nuclear war I have remembered what it would have been about now.

But first I'm thinking that I should type about the 5 countries of GB and Ireland well I am going to type about 4 of the 5 of GB and Ireland I am going to type about the fourth one later on in this blog article.

Well as you should know by now If you have read my post from a couple of days ago, that Wales is pretty precariously at the top of their respective group for the European Championship Qualifiers, if they loose or draw their next game they will still be in the top 2 places irrespective of the other results, but then say they that they lost they're next two matches if the team that is second in the group wins next match they would be qualified then if second lost to third then it would mean that if third wins all of their matches up until the final game of these qualifiers then they would go through. So it could suck to be Wales, but as it is they just need two more draws to guarantee them a place in the European championships.

Then we have 2 of the 4 countries in the same group which are the Republic of Ireland and Scotland of all of the teams in this qualification process I would say that Scotland deserves to go through as they were playing against the German team that won the world cup last year, and they went 1 goal behind and they came back to level it, then the second time they did the same thing again. Then it was half time, and then they came out again and then the German scored a third time but it was a too tall ordr for the scot's to get another goal, but that was the thing it was also very hard for the German team to exploit Scotland, so good on you Scotland. The Republic of Ireland is in 3rd spot of the below table for European Qualifiers Group D they are just ahead of Scotland.

PositionTeamPlayedGoal DifferencePoints
No movement1Germany81519
No movement2Poland82217
No movement3R. of Ireland81215
No movement4Scotland8411
No movement5Georgia 8-96
No movement6Gibraltar 8-440
So that's it for the last 1 it's the time for Northern Ireland who are in a group and they are leading it but they are leading it from a more Precarious position than the Welsh are leading their group,

So first up within this post I mentioned that what I had remembered was about the possibility of a nuclear war and the fact that if the nuclear misses were exploded before they reached their intended targets they would generate an EMP well at least if it's a High Altitude Nuclear Explosion (HANE) which is classified by a Nuclear Explosion that takes place a minimum of 30KM above the earths surface. But I was wondering how I knew that and it's as I watched 'High School of the Dead' a couple of weeks ago, I think.  But it was in episode 12, again I think, when there were 4 Nuclear warheads that got launched and 3 of them got intercepted on route to their targets which equaled a HANE, which in turn cut off all communications via electronic devices and it shut down the majority of cars.

But ow I have somme good news, if you're an England football supporter, even more if your a Wayne Rooney supporter. Well it was a challenging first half for England as putting it bluntly the Swiss team almost outplayed England, in the first half, but the game was pretty even at half time the score was 0-0, and I was wondering how on earth did England Manage to beat the Swiss by 2 goals to 0 in their last game one year ago. Now it's half time and some of the commentators were basically saying it looks as if England is going to have to kiss their 1005 record goodbye (100% on victories for this euro qualifying campaign), Then the second half got underway and Harry Kane was subbed on the pitch, at some juncture during the half.

Kane looks like HANE but then if I was to switch the first letters to his name's around it'd be Karry Hane... HANE (Oh bugs I'm seeing patters where there is none), 

Now then Red that's enough, so where was I?

You were about to get up to Harry Kane's goal.

Oh yes I was thank you Green.

Geez there you go thanking Green,

What's that jealousy I see there Red? I''m sure that if you had anything useful to say Red you would get my gratitude also.

I'm going to hold you to that, if I remember at least.

So Kane's goal was spectacular as someone passed the ball to him then he struck the ball so it soared into the back go the net. With that goal the complexion of the game changed as the Swiss players were scrambling to clear the box a bit later on during the game and they gave away a soft penalty, so up stepped Mr. Wayne Rooney to take the penalty and he hit the ball, the opposition keeper guessed the correct way but Wayne had put enough power and height on the ball so that even though the keeper got his hand to the ball the ball just carried on into the back of the net, which made the score 2-0 to England; again.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Day 793

Day 793;

So today was the day that I went back to athletics, but it was strange today as when we were doing the throwing part of today's athletics, not the Rose but the other girl, I think her name is Pauline but I could be (as most probably am )wrong about that, was using her left arm to throw the thing that is like a shot-put but it's squishy and it weighs a negligible amount, when I thought that she was right handed.

Why did I state Pauline as her name even though you know it's not?

I'm unsure of the name so it might be Pauline; but I'm stating Pauline now as it was the first name that came into my head potentially because of Jump-Man, who was a plumber that saved Pauline from the evil DK, As the Jump-Man became Mario and Pauline became Peach

Monday 7 September 2015

Day 792

Day 792;

Now what happened today?

Wales vs Israel, Wales took the lead in shots on target, as they had two shots on target within the approximately first 30 minutes of play, which were very disappointing in actual fact, as they were straight at the Israeli keeper but then after the second shot on target the ball bounced high and it went to the head of a Welsh striker, the Welshman should have scored but it ballooned off his head and went wide/high of the target. but it was a dominant performance by the Welsh, but they couldn't guarantee they're spot at the Euro's next year like England did yesterday by becoming the first national team to qualify for next years Euros, besides of France but they're hosting it so they get in by default, much like the Rugby World Cup is being hosted in England so therefore England didn't need to qualify for it, this year. Then later this day I watched another football match it was the match between Cyprus and Belgium, of which the result of that match could have cemented Wales's position in the European Championships, but instead the game was extra exciting as there was only one goal in the match and it came in the last 5 minutes of normal time, if it had gone to Cyprus then Belgium would only be on 14 points and Cyprus  would be on 12 points, alas the goal didn't go to Cyprus it went to Belgium giving them 17 points, which is one point behind Wales. 

Oh bother.

Now the Table looks like this:...

Group B

PositionTeamPlayedGoal DifferencePoints
No movement1Wales8718
No movement2Belgium81417
No movement3Israel 8513
Moving up4Bos-Herze8211
Moving down5Cyprus 8-19
No movement6Andorra 8-270
But also in Sport today There was the F1 Grand Prix, and Lewis got his lead up to 53 points over his team mate after a win today in the Italian GP, and his team mate got a DNF in this race also due to his engine catching fire during the race. But then as soon as the race was over they were discussing wether to disqualify Hamilton, or not, for running with flattened tyres, or something like that.

Sunday 6 September 2015

Day 791

Day 791;

So lets have a look at a map of England, and it's 7 Kingdoms. of old.

Looks like Cornwall was part a foreign country in the times of old.

Ok we've looked at it, so what?

Nothing I was just giving some more context to what I had typed yesterday. If I did go on a bit about how England used to be broken up uno 7 kingdoms like Westerous, before the dragons came and they united all the kingdoms under one monarch. which could be said to be another parallel to England, as in one of the myths about the English flag, Saint George's Cross, as the tale includes a Dragon that was slain by George apparently. But the thing is that George had nothing to do with England, or so the stories, at least the one's that I have heard, say.

But what have I done today I can hear you asking me. Red. Well I can't remember.

Surprise surprise...

Saturday 5 September 2015

Day 790

Day 790;

Now apparently I'm mad at Jimmy Kimmel, for some youtube video he posted.

I watch people play video games on the internet, I'll admit it's stupid. The other day I was watching someone playing Harvest Moon 64 on YouTube, I'm not making any excuses for it I just was. Why does he get so much hate? If your a person that is sad enough to sit down for hours watching other people play games your as sad excuse for a human as me, well your probably slightly less sad than me but I never know is you who is on this blog.

So today I completed watching Fate/Stay Night, and that whole dynamic about the monarchy intrigues me, As in the facts that there could have been a king called Arthur but he was before the Saxon Kings. After the Saxons had invaded there was 7 kingdoms which reminds me of the game of thrones, as isn't there 7 kingdoms in Westerious, also?

But in England they had the
1. Kingdom of Kent
2. Kingdom of Sussex
3. Kingdom of Wessex\
4. Kingdom of Essex
5. Kingdom of Northumberland
6. Kingdom of East Anglia
7. Kingdom of Mercia

The first was the kingdom of Kent and it was set up by the Jute war lords, making them the first post Roman invasion German rulers of England, then the next 3 of the list are Saxon in origin meanwhile the last 3 are from the Angles.

Friday 4 September 2015

Day 789

Day 789;

Now today was another day with three consecutive numbers in a row.

The Fate Stay Night character that I was calling Saver the other day is actually called Sabre, which is another name for a sword. of which I think is funny as the female "Sabre" is saying that she was the King of England, This could be me being dense or something like that but how in the name of King Arthur could a female be the king? We have a separate name for people like you it's called a Queen. By the way we have many ruling monarchs that are females over the history of this country, Like Queen Elizabeth the first and we got Queen Elizabeth the second at the moment.

So what's so important about the Monarchy?

I have no real idea, but at a guess I'd say it's symbolic.

It's symbolic of what?

I have no idea Yellow, but you know your really starting to sound like Red now.

You called.

Did I... what did I call?

You called me.

No I didn't.

Yes you did.

No I was using your name as an insult to Yellow, besides I can't call, I can't even speak.

So Red pull yourself together, get a grip.

What have you done today?

Well I have captured my first the second Legendary bird of the game Soul Silver I found it while I was surveying Route 10, Zapdos you are mine now.

Thursday 3 September 2015

Day 788

Day 788;

So today I have been listening to some Lazarus Mode, 

This is some Lazarus Mode;

But today I was home alone, well for the majority of today at least, but today I got disturbed 3 times by people knocking the door the first was a plumber, who was here to fix the hot water system or something like that, second it was someone who had a parcel for Tini man delivering it told me to "sigh" on his little gadget thing that he had so I wrote what he told mr to write (which was sign) and then he asked me if I was Savage, then third it was some man that was coming to read the solar energy meter for our home, it started with him saying could I come in to read the solar meter which should be somewhere in your home, then I pointed up at the box that is just on the inside of our front door as I knew that it had something to with the solar panels but I wasn't sure of what. But the man sure did, as soon as he laid his eyes on it ge said thats quit and then he preceded to read out the number that was being shown on the box then he left and started fiddling with the little white box that is outside of a window.

Ok so id I want to create a 3d version of Red or BlueI am going to have to create all of the 151 Pokemon also in 3D, as well as all of the individual characters of which a lot of them get duplicated numerous times throughout the game like all of the Lass's.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Day 787

Day 787;

So on this day I managed to capture Suicune, so it only had 5HP at the time of it's capture but my level 34 Pidgeotto only had 2HP left.

So now it is only Raikou left out of the two roaming doglike things, but the three legendary dogs. Which are Entei, Raikou and Suicune but I am thinking that I might have to get another type of Pokeball in order to capture it, as I have already used 2 ultra balls in my attempt to capture it.  But I should really stop myself from getting so obsessed on a game that I have been playing for 91:00/91hours over the past 5 years, which is a very small fraction of the time. Which is 5 hours less than 4 complete days of game time.

But what else have you done today?

Well I can't really remember but what happened to me in the morning plagued me for a little while longer  as my specs a kens missing, when I picked them up this morning, and I placed them on my face as I was thinking should d the wold look like how I was seeing it this morning? I came to the conclusion when i put one of my fingers through a lens, hole. 

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Day 786

Day 786;

Today I fell down the stairs,

So  yesterday or the day before I received a gift from Emu and Mr C, which was from the US or Canada as the two of them had gone to both of those places on holiday, recently. The gift that I received as a t-shirt, it was a small t-shirt which I thought was the correct size for me up until the neck's measurement which was very small, but I put it on none the less, I only realised just how constrictive the neck hole was after I had taken the t-shirt  off, it was like I hadn't been breathing for the majority of the day,

But you obviously had been breathing,

Well duh, that's too obvious, as how would I be able to be sitting here typing this now if I had suffocated myself earlier.

But I have moved back into the shower room which is outside of my room with my bed in it as it has been used as a guest  shower rom while I had to use Tini's and Mich's ensuite shower room which the actual shower I actually prefer to the one that I usually use, but then the whole rest of the sower room is too low down, but the stuff aren't too low in the other shower room, but that is just in my opinion.

So who should I base my 3D modelling attempt on for Red, Green, Blue and the rest of the cast for Pokemon 3D red version? my fan made game, and then once I have got that I am planning on moving on to Ethan(Gold), Lyra, Silver and the rest of the cast.  I have already attempted to get a photo of myself for an attempt at a creepy old trainer but that failed.


But also I captured Entei today s that was an achievement.