Tuesday 30 June 2015

Day 723

Day 723;

Now today has been a good  day, But it has also been a bit bad day, I know where I'll start, with the bad news.

Ok so in bad news by the end of the day I ha lost 5 pounds in weight, it could have been as I had a meal at lunch time as well as that 40 minutes on the rowing machine that I got today as a bonus to my athletics training that I did also tonight.

Are they causes or are they excuses or are they a bit of both?

Now just as I had said before that they are causes, but I can also se how you can confuse them with excuses, heck now you said it to me now I'm thinking that they could be a bit of both.

He he he, you're making excuses for your weight lose, I know girls that would kill for that misfortune.

Well I'm not a girl, am I?

No, you're not.

That's quite correct,

But there's only one girl I personally know that would probably kill for that level of weight loss all of the others I have no idea of whether they would or not, but I'm betting that Het wouldn't as she has a beautifully athletic body, well at least she does in the majority of photographs. But that doesn't explain why she's still wasting her time on me a person that is a cripple, looser and a creep, I know what she says it's for its as I'm a friend of hers, but I'm not even a close friend of hers, this whole thing about the two of us being friends is still new, well it is to me at least, I know that it has been since the final 2 years a my school, years 12 & 13, but after, I don't know until recently and MOI has gone off onto overdrive calculating one thing that has a likelihood of happening in this reality which is so remote it is laughable, if only you could fit all of the decimal places of 0's on the page that is, which may be for all intensive proposes is just 0. Which isn't scary but the scary number is the 1 that is 720000 billion times greater than the total length of PI away from it in .0's; is the scariest number ever, for me at least.

Hold on a second why are you scared of a number that is so infinitely small?

I don't know I'm guessing it could be due to my clueless nature of what to do when a beautiful woman says she likes me, which doesn't happen every day, at least not to me. I just generally start babbling in type, typing some things which I will regret having typed and just by making a Richard of myself generally.

Now that has taken you longer that you were thinking to write now, hasn't it.

Oh.... yes... it has, I'll continue with a better tale it being of I finally managed to get a 40 minute work out today on the rowing machine was I put an alarm on which was to time my work out's. I got up to 40 minutes in 3 seaports attempts, I know how lousy of me. the first was 20 minutes the second 2 was of approximately 10 minutes each.

Athletics I did a gentle jog over the grassy part that's in the middle of the running track, and then I attempted to throw a plastic Javelin, whichI sucked at, then I had the club to play with of which when I was throwing it the weight that is put on the end of it flew off. Then I moved into a circle trying to throw a ball over the edge of it, I failed in every attempt, he sid I needed to loosen up while I was attempting it,

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