Tuesday 16 June 2015

Day 709

Day 709;

So today was the day that I have mentioned above, on this webpage.

But today I got to see the athletics people that my personal trainer had told me to show them a piece of paper which he had wrote on 4:58.7 as he'd also wrote on it 1000m, rowing, as that was the time that I had got the last time I was in the gym. As Mich was being modest about his abilities on a rowing machine to the chap that we had shown the note to.

What do you mean by modest? He wasn't being modest.

I'm thinking that Savage knew that, but he was  just making a joke, just as Mich probably was to the athletics coach.


But the chap that we showed it to said that some kind of longer distance track event, meaning the 1500m or longer. I should probably be good at but then Mich stated that my vision won't be good enough. But I'm getting some more Rat Poison injected into my face some time soon.

I almost forgot that my daily fitness even though I lost weight today I only got 5 minutes on the rowing machine which put's the total number of exercise minutes lost since Saturday up to 100 minutes. Well it would be 105 minutes as I have 35 to do per day so that makes it up to an additional 105 as 3 times 35 is 105, Then I have to minus that 5 from it for the 5 that I have done today, and that is additional to the 85 that I still have to do. So it's 185 that I should have got it up to today.

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