Saturday 13 June 2015

Day 706

Day 706;

Now today I rowed for 20 minutes just after my lunch and then I did another 20 minutes after I had ate my pudding,

As I didn't  play on Splatoon until I was up at 40 minutes on today's row target with only 10 more necessary to reach my goal of 50 minutes, of which I did after dinner.

Which drops my total to do tomorrow down to 85 minutes, with the 35 for mr to do as standard added on, but my Kcal's burnt today was close at the time of  the weigh in as was my BMI, If I could have just found that extra 7 Kcal's thorough my day the weigh in may have just been different.

See I told you not to lay down on the job.

What job would that be, Yellow?

Don't play dumb Savage you know exactly what she means.

does she mean the job that I am doing to make myself fitter?

Yes, you were on the money (despite the fact that we are skint).

Which is one of the reasons that I'm attempting to get fitter, as if I can get fitter then the more employable I will be.

What in? Male modelling?

No not ma;e modelling that would include too much standing still, I was thinking more on the lines of scientific test subject.

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