Friday 12 June 2015

Day 705

Day 705;

So tat number was the day that it was today and today I collected my medal.

As well as collecting my medal, which was for... I don't really recall. But I was one of the only half people that was from my group that got a reward that was actually there so lets say that there was 6 people that got the award out of our group and just only 3 of us that actually turned up, which sucks.

I hate going up on a stage, there is so manny lights blinding you. Which meant that in all of the photographs that were taken of me I had got my eyes shut in all of them, which could have been taken as a sign of disrespect which it wasn't at all as I respected the Member of Parliament (MP) as he was born with Spastic Diplegia and he has made something of his life by making himself a MP, overcoming diversity, on a grand scale. If that's not worthy of respect I don't know what is.

But today I put on another pound in weight, But I'm down to 100 minutes of rowing that I have to do tomorrow as I got myself another 40 minutes done on the rower today, what if I set myself a new goal of 60 minutes on the rowing machine a day? Then I may be able to keep the pounds off, I don't know, but maybe that should be what I should do for the next two days at least then I should have an answer and my 100 minutes of bonus should be done.

But I know that if you get it do 50 tomorrow, shouldn't you have 85 still to do the next day?

Oh, F... ... fiddlesticks.

Ha ha, I know what you should do is...

Shut up Red your not helping anyone here.

But what he's about to say might help.

Ok, yellow are you having a Joke here or something like that, this is Red we are typing about.

Hey what's that supposed to mean?

It means that you wouldn't if something was serious if it was signposted, like the most serious thing ever here -> *then you'd have the thing that is serious directly where it was pointing.

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