Tuesday 23 June 2015

Day 716

Day 716;

So let's get back on my case for a dire last weeks work of fitness work, as last week I did:

Monday 5 minutes
Tuesday 5 minutes
Wednesday 10 minutes
Thursday 30 minutes
Friday 50 minutes
Saturday 20 minutes
Sunday 50 minutes

So in total I got 170 minutes done of 245 that I should be doing in a week, 35 a day 7 days a week 210 + 35 = 245 but even if I was to get all religious on me I would say that as Sunday is a day of rest I can't include Sundays results or it's 35 minutes So that would mean that I was down to 120 minutes out of a 210 minute week, but then if I was to get all happy flaming clappy with religion I would be having to say that the Sunday does count but as additional, so I would still have my170 minutes done in a week but instead of having out of 245 I'd have it out of 210, which is still a fail but just by 40 minutes, so I just have to say to thank god that I'm  not religious as if by your teaching it is Gods fault I'm non-religious.

 But today I got 35 minutes on the rowing machine, which was good as today I had athletics in the afternoon and I break even on my target for this week so far but it was terrible seeing as I still have those masses of time to work up on.

But tonight I saw a very interesting women's football match by the woman of England managing to beat Norway 1-2 which is the only score that they have won by so far this world cup tournament, but they have won they're first knockout match in the woman's world cup's history. So next up for England's women they have to play the hosts of the completion, so that's Canada, Gulp. By the way did you see the size of that child's slice of Pizza before the match, it was enormous, I get it that in the north of America every type of food is jumbo sized, but that is just taking the pizz... a.    

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