Friday 26 June 2015

Day 719

Day 719;

So today I got 20 minutes on the rowing machine before I went for my dinner, but during the course of dinner Mike said to me that he was going to fix the little cap that goes on the end of one side of the handle bars, and through sign language I asked him to check on the seat for me while he did it, as it had been feeling weird for a while now.

But by the time that he had come back to me as I was still eating my dinner. I know I'm slow at everything now a days, just as I was when I started this thing called life, I managed to get a bit quicker but by the time I had done that I was only just completing the odd test in the time frame which was allotted for it. Like say a decent enough higher maths paper during the start of the year that the incident which included me and 2 cars, I think, I finally managed to complete a test in the time that the examiners had set for me. Which may have been why I was put in set 2  when on a couple of occasions I proved the actual books that we were supposed to learn from wrong, but I think I got some detentions for it also. But then the incident happened and I was slowed down to reception levels. Reception is the school year that we are 4/5 years of age during, the first years of school,

But the thing is my brain still has the capacity to work out the difficult problems, but it's just my brain has reverted back to a 4/5 year old train of thought as I can do the challenging problems still but I take a lot longer to work through it and I get distracted very easily, like I can be thinking of two of my friends, say Het and Easto, and then I will be having a discussion within my head "Why did I choose to write the names that way around?" "Why could it be that I like Het more than Easto? No surely not as Easto has been a good friend of mine since at least school year 1" "Why... did I do it as a subliminal act of chivalry ladies first?" "Arn't all acts of a chivalrous nature sexist, and shouldn't they be avoided?" and so on, my minds runaway thoughts but you know how on TV someone could have an elaborate thought process like that one above in a couple of seconds in my mind it took approximately as long, slightly less time more likely, to read this section of post than to actually have those runaway thoughts.

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