Saturday 6 June 2015

Day 699

Day 699:

So today was the next day in this disappointing adventure that I call my life.

But today I got my 40 minutes on the rowing machine done but in doing that I lost 2lbs in weight, but the biggest looser today was Mich who managed to loose 3lbs and he is getting very confused by the weigh in process, as am I, as from what he has told me his weights don't make any sense as yesterday he gained 1lb but he's saying to me that he didn't eat anything due to certain reasons until he got home and then he ate something, but then today he had a meal at lunch time at work a meal of fish and chips, and he didn't move around as much today as yesterday as he was saying  that he walked about 3 miles around London yesterday also.

But I'm stumped for an answer to his problems maybe yesterday he consumed a lot of fluids but today less fluids? Seems to be a problem, maybe I should  find another set of scales, to verify it for him?

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