Thursday 18 June 2015

Day 711

Day 711;

So today was day numbered 711; and quite a few interesting things happened to me today, well I mean 2 interesting things happened to me.

Ass I first went to hospital to get an ECG machine saddled up to me, and the second was I went to the gym. The ECG machine was basically  box that record my cardio (heart) rate through 5 spots that they stuck on my skin. I went to the Gym and I did 15 minutes on the cross trainer, then I did a load of wights and then I finished off by doing 4.58 dead for 1000m on the rowing machine, which is an improvement of 0.8 seconds.

So at home later I was only doing 2 times 5 minute work outs on the rowing machine that I have at home, which is a bit of a disappointment as well as +25 minutes to my time.

I'm sorry about this post being at a later time than usual.

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