Tuesday 30 June 2015

Day 723

Day 723;

Now today has been a good  day, But it has also been a bit bad day, I know where I'll start, with the bad news.

Ok so in bad news by the end of the day I ha lost 5 pounds in weight, it could have been as I had a meal at lunch time as well as that 40 minutes on the rowing machine that I got today as a bonus to my athletics training that I did also tonight.

Are they causes or are they excuses or are they a bit of both?

Now just as I had said before that they are causes, but I can also se how you can confuse them with excuses, heck now you said it to me now I'm thinking that they could be a bit of both.

He he he, you're making excuses for your weight lose, I know girls that would kill for that misfortune.

Well I'm not a girl, am I?

No, you're not.

That's quite correct,

But there's only one girl I personally know that would probably kill for that level of weight loss all of the others I have no idea of whether they would or not, but I'm betting that Het wouldn't as she has a beautifully athletic body, well at least she does in the majority of photographs. But that doesn't explain why she's still wasting her time on me a person that is a cripple, looser and a creep, I know what she says it's for its as I'm a friend of hers, but I'm not even a close friend of hers, this whole thing about the two of us being friends is still new, well it is to me at least, I know that it has been since the final 2 years a my school, years 12 & 13, but after, I don't know until recently and MOI has gone off onto overdrive calculating one thing that has a likelihood of happening in this reality which is so remote it is laughable, if only you could fit all of the decimal places of 0's on the page that is, which may be for all intensive proposes is just 0. Which isn't scary but the scary number is the 1 that is 720000 billion times greater than the total length of PI away from it in .0's; is the scariest number ever, for me at least.

Hold on a second why are you scared of a number that is so infinitely small?

I don't know I'm guessing it could be due to my clueless nature of what to do when a beautiful woman says she likes me, which doesn't happen every day, at least not to me. I just generally start babbling in type, typing some things which I will regret having typed and just by making a Richard of myself generally.

Now that has taken you longer that you were thinking to write now, hasn't it.

Oh.... yes... it has, I'll continue with a better tale it being of I finally managed to get a 40 minute work out today on the rowing machine was I put an alarm on which was to time my work out's. I got up to 40 minutes in 3 seaports attempts, I know how lousy of me. the first was 20 minutes the second 2 was of approximately 10 minutes each.

Athletics I did a gentle jog over the grassy part that's in the middle of the running track, and then I attempted to throw a plastic Javelin, whichI sucked at, then I had the club to play with of which when I was throwing it the weight that is put on the end of it flew off. Then I moved into a circle trying to throw a ball over the edge of it, I failed in every attempt, he sid I needed to loosen up while I was attempting it,

Monday 29 June 2015

Day 722

Day 722;

So today I have been a lazy old so and so. From the English women managing to qualify for the semi final match against Japan, who are the current holders of the world cup.

But then if they some how manage to win that match they'll have the winners of the other semi final in the final, the teams in the other semi final are Germany vs USA, which in part makes this world cups completion more interesting as as which nations attack on pearl harbour lead to USA joining the second world war? Japan, but then on the other side of the atlantic the English had started fighting the Germans, Of which sets the possible finals up as;

Germany vs Japan, an old school axis derby
Germany vs England, a rematch to see who wins the war this time
USA vs Japan, a rematch to see who wins the war this time
USA vs England, an old school allies derby

But today I have been concerned about a friend of mine,

Yeah we know it was that Het wasn't it.


She was appearing to care too much about you,

Yes, it was al because I called myself a cripple, wharfs wrong with that? I am a someone that is unable to walk or move properly.

But what about all of the negative connotations that go with that word.

I don't care, I like to stick to the meanings of the word instead of what additional meanings that others put on. 

I'm leaning towards voting out of the EU as we aren't a equal member of the EU as we voted out of the shared currency and I don't really like our exclusively to the Union as we shouldn't be allowed to show prejudice to all of the countries outside of the EU. 

But the thing is what can Cameron actually get out of the EU. As I don't really see a single way he can satisfy the demands of the people he's set to represent and the demands of the EU, without shrinking our influence and importance, as a nation, within the world, or even within the EU. As if they were going to let us opt out of voting on certain issues what good will that do?

So what I know that I'm a creep.

Sunday 28 June 2015

Day 721

Day 721;

Yes! An English team has just won an international football competitions quarter final match so they get to progress to the semi finals. It's the English women in the women's world cup against the hosts Canada and they knocked the hosts  out f there own completion, and the result was 2-1 to England, all of the stats suggested that the result of the game should have been different.

The half time score was the full time score as there wasn't any goals scored in the second half and the English goal keeper was substituted during the second half due to an affliction that I thought was an allergy but the commentators at the time were saying that she had cut her eye, but they came to my perspective before the end.

But I was being very unfit & lazy today and I did 0 minutes today on the rowing machine, I really need to either get it fixed or I should sort out another method of time keeping.

Saturday 27 June 2015

Day 720

Day 720;

So today \I haven't done much, or anything in my attempt to get fitter which remands me of the thing that happened to me yesterday after I had rowed the 20 minutes before dinner time then I was going to attempt to row another 20 minutes in the time after dinner but I failed in that task, as I knew that I did some amount of time that was about 10-15 minutes as the rowing machine had ran out of battery power,

But today there was also the first quarter final match of the women's world cup. which by the end of the regular 90 minutes  of play the score was tied at 1-1 between France a Germany, but then they still had 30 minutes to play to see if either of the sides could break the dead lock to make them win the game so they could get to the semi finals, Extra time had finished and the dead lock was still in place so it went to penalties, as in penalties the score was 5-4 to Germany, it went down to Frances final penalty as the German's had scored 5/5 and the Frogs had already got 4/4 as they were waiting for a fifth goal to draw level and to take the penalty. 

Friday 26 June 2015

Day 719

Day 719;

So today I got 20 minutes on the rowing machine before I went for my dinner, but during the course of dinner Mike said to me that he was going to fix the little cap that goes on the end of one side of the handle bars, and through sign language I asked him to check on the seat for me while he did it, as it had been feeling weird for a while now.

But by the time that he had come back to me as I was still eating my dinner. I know I'm slow at everything now a days, just as I was when I started this thing called life, I managed to get a bit quicker but by the time I had done that I was only just completing the odd test in the time frame which was allotted for it. Like say a decent enough higher maths paper during the start of the year that the incident which included me and 2 cars, I think, I finally managed to complete a test in the time that the examiners had set for me. Which may have been why I was put in set 2  when on a couple of occasions I proved the actual books that we were supposed to learn from wrong, but I think I got some detentions for it also. But then the incident happened and I was slowed down to reception levels. Reception is the school year that we are 4/5 years of age during, the first years of school,

But the thing is my brain still has the capacity to work out the difficult problems, but it's just my brain has reverted back to a 4/5 year old train of thought as I can do the challenging problems still but I take a lot longer to work through it and I get distracted very easily, like I can be thinking of two of my friends, say Het and Easto, and then I will be having a discussion within my head "Why did I choose to write the names that way around?" "Why could it be that I like Het more than Easto? No surely not as Easto has been a good friend of mine since at least school year 1" "Why... did I do it as a subliminal act of chivalry ladies first?" "Arn't all acts of a chivalrous nature sexist, and shouldn't they be avoided?" and so on, my minds runaway thoughts but you know how on TV someone could have an elaborate thought process like that one above in a couple of seconds in my mind it took approximately as long, slightly less time more likely, to read this section of post than to actually have those runaway thoughts.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Day 718

Day 718;

Disappointing day was today, as I got a grand total of 0 minutes done today on the rowing machine, but it didn't count up to a massive weight gain today, as I was trekking around London for a couple of hours today.

But today in sporting news England Under 21's lost by 3 goals to 1 in they're final match within the group stage for this years European football tournament which means that they don't get to progress to the quarter finals, and they drop out of the tournament  bottom of their group. Before this match they were saying how England U21's were one of the favourites to lift the trophy at the end of the years tournament, as they were afterwards with some utter disbelief, at the poor performance that the English boys had just displayed.

Also today I finished searching through my boxes from the loft to see  if I could find both of the GBA's that belonged to my family, Alas no I couldn't find an individual GBA, but fortunately Allergy found her purple one which was in, surprise surprise, her own box, when Allergy attempted to play it it was making one of thee most horrific sounds she said that it must be broken by now seeing as it has been up the loft so long then I either signed batteries or i indicated to the batteries and she went, oh and she went and replaced them, when she had done that she brought it back to me and she turned it on again; but this time it was Allergy complaining about the receptive nature of the music of the game that she had in it; as it worked after all of this time it worked. So I've still got to find that other GBA before I can play FSA with 2 players but until then I know that it's not in any of my boxes that are up in the loft as I have finished searching through them all today, but I did find my old GC that I remember doing all of those jobs around the house to earn enough money to buy it for myself.

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Day 717

Day 717;

So it's 101 days before 1 fat lady besides a mirror, in numbers of days.

So today I did pathetically in my get fit routine, which resulted in me only doing 10 minutes on the rowing machine. Which puts me 25 minutes behind in total this week so far, and it started so well.

Buut for the rest of today I have been sorting out boxes from my homes loft but I'm still not finished in doing it, so I',m guessing that it'll mean that sorting out boxes will be multiple days worth of work, oh bugs.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Day 716

Day 716;

So let's get back on my case for a dire last weeks work of fitness work, as last week I did:

Monday 5 minutes
Tuesday 5 minutes
Wednesday 10 minutes
Thursday 30 minutes
Friday 50 minutes
Saturday 20 minutes
Sunday 50 minutes

So in total I got 170 minutes done of 245 that I should be doing in a week, 35 a day 7 days a week 210 + 35 = 245 but even if I was to get all religious on me I would say that as Sunday is a day of rest I can't include Sundays results or it's 35 minutes So that would mean that I was down to 120 minutes out of a 210 minute week, but then if I was to get all happy flaming clappy with religion I would be having to say that the Sunday does count but as additional, so I would still have my170 minutes done in a week but instead of having out of 245 I'd have it out of 210, which is still a fail but just by 40 minutes, so I just have to say to thank god that I'm  not religious as if by your teaching it is Gods fault I'm non-religious.

 But today I got 35 minutes on the rowing machine, which was good as today I had athletics in the afternoon and I break even on my target for this week so far but it was terrible seeing as I still have those masses of time to work up on.

But tonight I saw a very interesting women's football match by the woman of England managing to beat Norway 1-2 which is the only score that they have won by so far this world cup tournament, but they have won they're first knockout match in the woman's world cup's history. So next up for England's women they have to play the hosts of the completion, so that's Canada, Gulp. By the way did you see the size of that child's slice of Pizza before the match, it was enormous, I get it that in the north of America every type of food is jumbo sized, but that is just taking the pizz... a.    

Monday 22 June 2015

Day 715

Day 715;

Now today I can finally say that I ended the week in better fitness than I started it in as I managed to fit a 50 minute work out on the rowing machine, in total.

Now today I was watching a youtube video by some Grey bloke I think it may actually be something more like CGP Grey but I can't be certain,

Yes you could.

Yeah you could just go back to the page and look.

Well I know that but can I really be bothered to find my way back to the page in question when I have already closed the page down due to my belief that the page had no further use to me.

How very incorrect of you.

Oh, I'll give you that one, but just in the under 21's football today England's male team managed to win, so that's a success but unfortunately Lewis Hamilton was beat in the Austrian Grand Prix diminishing his lead in the championships to 10 points due to Rosburgers superior starting skill as Rosburger took the lead off Hamilton from the start and he just didn't relinquish it to Hamilton except for the pitstops but his position in the race was still better than the other two Brits that were in the race (as neither of them actually finished the race).

Sunday 21 June 2015

Day 714

Day 714;

So today I have just been witness to a fantastic game of cricket, it was between the country of my birth, England, and a country that reached the final of the world cricket championships they may have lost the world cricket world cup to Australia but they did way better than the English.

Well if you didn't know the cricket that they were playing today was the fifth and concluding  part of the current one day international In the morning New-Zealand had got 399 for 9 in 50 overs, Before the rain England only had 26 overs to get 192 but the English also lost 7 wickets in the process, they even lost their captain for a duck (0 runs). And it wasn't until Billings and Bairstow that we thought that England may even stand a chance, but then Billings went and got outed, then it was his replacement that got dismissed next leaving Bairstow with Rashid as England was closing in on the target Rahid hit a 4 to put England within 3 of the target then the bowler bowled a foul ball to Bairstow which put England's score up to up to 2 away from the target to get a win this series. Then Mr Bairstow hit the ball for a four but I an thinking that the New-Zelaander managed to stop the ball before it touched the line but luckily from an English perspective the two of the batsmen managed to run in-between the the two creases twice to make the score what it ended up as/an English victory.

But today I'm sorry as I was slightly late at releasing this post as I can only say that I must have been more tired than I thought last night, sorry again. 

Saturday 20 June 2015

Day 713

Day 713;

Now today I managed to get 10 minutes on the rowing machine before lunch, and then after lunch I did another 10 minutes then I took a break, then i did another 10 minutes then I got a nice cup of dandelion and burdock from Mich then i did my fourth set of 10 minutes, on the rower.

So I had got my 40 minutes on the rowing machine done so I could play on Splatoon, as I did, I played on Splatoon until my dinner, was ready I was playing on the 1P story mode and I still want to know are we playing as the villains in the single player mode?

Friday 19 June 2015

Day 712

Day 712;

But before 18:00, which is 6pm, if you don't know how to read a 24 hour clock readout, but it's simple honestly as it goes from 1-12 like usual meaning 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, but then it continue up to 23 meaning 11pm and then the clocks either move to 24 or 0 to mean 12 midnight. as a 24 hour clock goes in the afternoon 13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22,23,24/0.

ell today I only did 30 minutes on the rowing machine, So I was only 5 down on what I should have done for today.But what was more sucky was the fact that I didn't even get enough of a work out to allow me to play Splatoon today either.

The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes is a new game by nintendo that has been shown at this years E3 But it will be like those Four Swords games but I think it will only allow 3 players instead of 4 and it will allow online co-op play, The next game I saw that was also for the 3DS was Hyrule Warriors: Legends the second instalment of Zelda spin off which follow the Hyrule Warriors, spin off game but instead of being for the Wii U it is for the 3DS as I have mentioned above but in this game there is to be more characters like Tetra.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Day 711

Day 711;

So today was day numbered 711; and quite a few interesting things happened to me today, well I mean 2 interesting things happened to me.

Ass I first went to hospital to get an ECG machine saddled up to me, and the second was I went to the gym. The ECG machine was basically  box that record my cardio (heart) rate through 5 spots that they stuck on my skin. I went to the Gym and I did 15 minutes on the cross trainer, then I did a load of wights and then I finished off by doing 4.58 dead for 1000m on the rowing machine, which is an improvement of 0.8 seconds.

So at home later I was only doing 2 times 5 minute work outs on the rowing machine that I have at home, which is a bit of a disappointment as well as +25 minutes to my time.

I'm sorry about this post being at a later time than usual.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Day 710

Day 710;

As today was day number 710, I was lazy again today, I thought I did 5 minutes on the rowing machine this morning, but did I, really? Or is it only MOI that is telling that I did today?

So from that pitiful display on the rowing ,achine I got another 30 minutes to add on as of today, which makes my total target as of today was 215 minutes of work still to do.

The lack I did in fitness today I have no excuse for the laziness that inspired it. I will have to been doing much better tomorrow. As I can't remember what I have done today.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Day 709

Day 709;

So today was the day that I have mentioned above, on this webpage.

But today I got to see the athletics people that my personal trainer had told me to show them a piece of paper which he had wrote on 4:58.7 as he'd also wrote on it 1000m, rowing, as that was the time that I had got the last time I was in the gym. As Mich was being modest about his abilities on a rowing machine to the chap that we had shown the note to.

What do you mean by modest? He wasn't being modest.

I'm thinking that Savage knew that, but he was  just making a joke, just as Mich probably was to the athletics coach.


But the chap that we showed it to said that some kind of longer distance track event, meaning the 1500m or longer. I should probably be good at but then Mich stated that my vision won't be good enough. But I'm getting some more Rat Poison injected into my face some time soon.

I almost forgot that my daily fitness even though I lost weight today I only got 5 minutes on the rowing machine which put's the total number of exercise minutes lost since Saturday up to 100 minutes. Well it would be 105 minutes as I have 35 to do per day so that makes it up to an additional 105 as 3 times 35 is 105, Then I have to minus that 5 from it for the 5 that I have done today, and that is additional to the 85 that I still have to do. So it's 185 that I should have got it up to today.

Monday 15 June 2015

Day 708

Day 708;

So today was day numbered 708 by me, and I'm sorry if you were one of the 3 viewers of yesterdays post, who viewed it before I had a chance to change it into anything more coherent, than it was.

But today my slight cold kind of advanced in it's severity as today I managed to rupture a vessel in my nose which caused my nose to bleed. When did this nose bleed happen I hear none of you asking, so I'll go into it anyway. The nose bleed started approximately 1 or 2 minutes before England's male football side lost their first half, 1-0 Slovenia, so it looked as if England's unbeaten run would come to an end against Slovenia at least in the Euro Qualifiers, but then in the second  half of the game Jack W. Scored 2 goals to make the score 1-2 England, then as the commentators were getting all cocky by saying that the game was as good as won, at Slovenia hadn't managed to score 2 goals within any of there previous matches within this Euro Qualifying campaign, then they scored a second goal, against England, so the score was 2-2 Slovenia vs England, but now the next passage of play was quick as Nathaniel Clyne replaced Fabian Delph at the stoppage in play then Wayne Rooney equaled Gary Lineker's number of goals scored for his country but his number of appearances greatly exceeds that of Linekers. The stats show that the English goalkeeper and his defence should be really quite embarrassed as the total amount of shots on target that Slovenia had was 3 and they scored 2 of them meanwhile England had 6 shots on target and they only managed to put 3 past the keeper, which could mean that if the shot on target were reversed Slovenia would have most likely got 4 goals and England would have got 1.5 goals, which is either 1 or 2 goals.

But I have viewed the below YouTube video today.

But I am thinking that the video that this a response to is a Troll Bait, as no-one can possibly be so stupid as to fall for it.

Sunday 14 June 2015

Day 707

Day 707;

Today was the biggest disappointment imaginable from a fitness perspective at least as I had got a slight cold that kept Tini and Mich awake as I'm just cold. Het suggested˙that I might be hay fever.

But I spent the majority of day 707 in bed attempting to recover some of the heat that I lost.

The English women manage to take second spot from France, in there group, in the women's world cup. After France loose to the columbians 2-0, But it should have been closer as the frogs had a blatant penalty disallowed, I don't know why it was disallowed the Colombian player that wasn't the Goalkeeper deliberately whacked the ball with her hand therefore denying the frog player an attempt on goal.

Saturday 13 June 2015

Day 706

Day 706;

Now today I rowed for 20 minutes just after my lunch and then I did another 20 minutes after I had ate my pudding,

As I didn't  play on Splatoon until I was up at 40 minutes on today's row target with only 10 more necessary to reach my goal of 50 minutes, of which I did after dinner.

Which drops my total to do tomorrow down to 85 minutes, with the 35 for mr to do as standard added on, but my Kcal's burnt today was close at the time of  the weigh in as was my BMI, If I could have just found that extra 7 Kcal's thorough my day the weigh in may have just been different.

See I told you not to lay down on the job.

What job would that be, Yellow?

Don't play dumb Savage you know exactly what she means.

does she mean the job that I am doing to make myself fitter?

Yes, you were on the money (despite the fact that we are skint).

Which is one of the reasons that I'm attempting to get fitter, as if I can get fitter then the more employable I will be.

What in? Male modelling?

No not ma;e modelling that would include too much standing still, I was thinking more on the lines of scientific test subject.

Friday 12 June 2015

Day 705

Day 705;

So tat number was the day that it was today and today I collected my medal.

As well as collecting my medal, which was for... I don't really recall. But I was one of the only half people that was from my group that got a reward that was actually there so lets say that there was 6 people that got the award out of our group and just only 3 of us that actually turned up, which sucks.

I hate going up on a stage, there is so manny lights blinding you. Which meant that in all of the photographs that were taken of me I had got my eyes shut in all of them, which could have been taken as a sign of disrespect which it wasn't at all as I respected the Member of Parliament (MP) as he was born with Spastic Diplegia and he has made something of his life by making himself a MP, overcoming diversity, on a grand scale. If that's not worthy of respect I don't know what is.

But today I put on another pound in weight, But I'm down to 100 minutes of rowing that I have to do tomorrow as I got myself another 40 minutes done on the rower today, what if I set myself a new goal of 60 minutes on the rowing machine a day? Then I may be able to keep the pounds off, I don't know, but maybe that should be what I should do for the next two days at least then I should have an answer and my 100 minutes of bonus should be done.

But I know that if you get it do 50 tomorrow, shouldn't you have 85 still to do the next day?

Oh, F... ... fiddlesticks.

Ha ha, I know what you should do is...

Shut up Red your not helping anyone here.

But what he's about to say might help.

Ok, yellow are you having a Joke here or something like that, this is Red we are typing about.

Hey what's that supposed to mean?

It means that you wouldn't if something was serious if it was signposted, like the most serious thing ever here -> *then you'd have the thing that is serious directly where it was pointing.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Day 704

Day 704;

So today was the seventh hundredth and forth day and today I went to the gym and on the rowing machine I met my target to row 1km in under 5 minutes. 

But I know that beating that time finally could deserve a little celebration, but I just don't feel in that mood, seeing as I had just lost a cloth at the gym; which puts a damp on this occasion. 

But I don't see why your greeting upset by that cloth that you lost, as didn't your GBA to GC adaptors arrive today.

Yes they did, now all I have to do is find the GBA's, so I can play Legend of Zelda; Four Swords Adventures. But I know that I can already play Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition Nintendo which is basically the Legend off Zelda: Four Swords of which I got for my 3DS I think it was free and it had a 1 player mode included. Which beats it being included on the GBA version of a Link to the Past, of  which is was originally as to play that version you had to have at least one friend with a GBA and with a Link to the Past, which I did have, probably (I'm thinking of you MCS), but it would have meant the both of us brought both the game and our GBA's into school on the same day, with the game as well and one of us would have had to brought in the GBA to GBA link cable, to get it to work, which could have happened but it would have been very unlikely to have happened and what's more it didn't happen.

Well today as well as spending all of that energy at the gym I made up another 5 minutes in addition to my daily 35 minutes on the rowing machine, so that makes it at 40 minutes today on the rowing machine that is at my house so that means that I only have 105 minutes to do tomorrow on that rowing machine But I did loose a lot of weight today on my daily body test.

So what? you should keep it up, you've got to keep getting stronger, 

You have to, 


Because you're a scrawny little thicko, need I say more?

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Day 703

Day 703;

Now I have come to the decision that Savage is one lazy customer,

But I did athletics yesterday.

Yeah I know but what else?


Nothing that's what you did yesterday, and the day before how much was that on the rowing machine?

t... t... t... ten minutes.

Exactly no wonder you're just putting on the pounds lately,

Well I have doubled that today on the rowing machine,


What are you on about, I doubled that total?

Shouldn't you have done 25 additional minutes that on that day, for starters and then yesterday you should have done 35 more minutes than you actually did and then today you should have done 15 more minutes, so in total that means that you've got 75 to do tomorrow in addition to the new daily 35 minutes which should at least mean that you have 110 minutes to do, tomorrow.

 Ok Blue, slave driver, But what have I done today other than had a "nice" chat with Blue as you can see.

Haven't you done some Stuff on Splatoon, like levelling up to level 12?

Oh yes I did do that. and I watered the plants, quite a few of the geraniums are now in flower now also. There's some red and some pink now,

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Day 702

Day 702;

So that was today the 7th hundredth and 2nd, and today was as plain as every apart from, I had the athletics thing and I attempted my first ranked battles today (Splatoon).

Ranked Battles are fun but they can go disastrously especially if you're on my team/the same team as me.No thanks to me my team had concurred all of the Slat Zones and we were on our way to win this match when they had got someone into the splat Zone Disrupting the timer so my team only had 3p to get until we won and then the opposition gets back and disrupt our little victory session by stealing away the turf we had gained and almost stealing the win from us, but they didn't manage it thankfully . The results were something like 97 to 54, now that was a close one as it ran into over time.

Athletics thing today was fun but I received an award today but the thing was the Jack Petchey (.sp) award but now I've got to collect a Madalion at some fancy event. I hate fancy almost as much as I hate excuses.

What's your Excuse?

I don't have one, I just wasn't good enough,

Now I hope you realise the contradiction in thee.

Contradiction, what contradiction?

In what you typed, as you first typed "I don't know" but then you gave it an answer anyway,

Monday 8 June 2015

Day 701

Day 701;

So n this day I discovered that Mich looked different a long time ago, when I was still living... in a room that is now a hallway and a bathroom.

Linked to that I found a photograph of the rooms bedsheets as it was in the same envelope that photos used to come in, before digital photograph became a thing.

Am I really showing my age now or what?

Well I knew there was a photograph of the duvet cover in that envelope that I wanted to show Mich as I thought it was interesting that he was putting a clean duvet cover on my bed that was very old and I just so happened to come across that photo first, well in actual fact I came across every photo in the envelope at least once before I finally found the photo that I was looking for.

I did't find my GBA today either, but in sporting news today England football team drew with Ireland 0-0, Novac lost in the french open final after knocking out good old mr Murray in the semi final, which concluded yesterday, from the day that I'm writing this post about.  Oh yes that was it Allergy is ecstatic about Lewis winning another F1 race. But the FIFA women's world cup started yesterday but England hasn't got a match until Tuesday, which should be interesting.

Today on Splatoon I managed to climb the final 2 levels so I am now level 10 now I can finally start some Ranked Battles, whivh should be fun, Today I got myself 611 points in a round if I had been on the winning side in that battle I would have earned 911 points but sadly I was top of the loosing team,  then In other rounds today I came stone cold bottom of the 8 players.

Sunday 7 June 2015

Day 700

Day 700;

Woah it's been day 700.

The 700th day  has just passed me by with only a 1lb gain, which does take me closer to my ideal BMI closer than yesterday and the day before, as I was below it one day ago and I was above it the day before ], as I only did 30 minutes on the rowing machine today perhaps I should try doing 35 minutes then my BMI could be correct. but I don't know, I'll try it out tomorrow.

But also today you played some more Splatoon, didn't you?

Why yes, I did (I have little to no actual reason why I started my answer with a question that wasn't really a question) as I played Splatoon I realised that when I am playing well my team often isn't as I had splatted over a score of over 500 points numerous times today and then at the end of the game I collected my points as XP the players on the winning team get a 300 and  I was in 5th position overall/ the highest of the loosing team but then in the next two games I generally switched from the best in my team to the wordy player. But then when I was the worst player in my team or there about we occasionally won some of our games. In my 1 stint of playing today I climbed two levels, from six to eight, I think, almost god enough for some of those Ranked Battles. As you have to be at level 10 to play at them.

Saturday 6 June 2015

Day 699

Day 699:

So today was the next day in this disappointing adventure that I call my life.

But today I got my 40 minutes on the rowing machine done but in doing that I lost 2lbs in weight, but the biggest looser today was Mich who managed to loose 3lbs and he is getting very confused by the weigh in process, as am I, as from what he has told me his weights don't make any sense as yesterday he gained 1lb but he's saying to me that he didn't eat anything due to certain reasons until he got home and then he ate something, but then today he had a meal at lunch time at work a meal of fish and chips, and he didn't move around as much today as yesterday as he was saying  that he walked about 3 miles around London yesterday also.

But I'm stumped for an answer to his problems maybe yesterday he consumed a lot of fluids but today less fluids? Seems to be a problem, maybe I should  find another set of scales, to verify it for him?

Friday 5 June 2015

Day 698

Day 698;

Now up today I purchased two GC GBA link cables the same ones that are used for the creation of the game play for the following video:

The thing was that there were only two in stock and they were reduced in price of £9.99, but if you see here together that isn't enough to get the delivery cost as free. 2 pence shy in actuality so I was prepared to say that I'd wait until someone else had something that they wanted to get from Amazon before I purchased them.  So then I asked Allergy, "what was that Disney DVD that you forgot about buying the last time you ordered stuff from Amazon" and then she was happy with me as she was waiting for another excuse to purchase that DVD, now I don't mind being used as an excuse but with that she also got me to spend this afternoon watching the film Guardians of the Galaxy with her which wasn't some tortuous experience as I actually like that film but I had only got my 20 minutes work out on the rowing machine done this morning so I thought that I could get an extra 10 or 20 minutes done tonight like usual after dinner before I do my Wii Fit weigh in at the end of today, but today we were still eating diner when it was the time for the weigh  in so basically I failed in my plans for today.

But I have o remind myself that there is tomorrow to hopefully get it correct. Then I should be off to find my old GBA.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Day 697

Day 697;

So that number is what day it is, of my life since I started doing this pointless waste of my useless time.

But today I went to the Gym and it started with 20 minutes on the cross trainer and it ended with 10 minutes on the exercise bike, in-between I did a selection of weight machines nothing too heavy though. But I was worn out by the end go it I decided that I was too lazy to go on the rowing machine at home all that means is that I am going to have to do 30 minutes tomorrow instead of 20 minutes tomorrow.

But today on YouTube I have been listening to a music feed and the following song came up in it.

I can't remember it's exact reference to me but I'm thinking that it had something to do with a ski trip that I went on with school all of those years ago, I think it had something to do with Easto and Ebba, but I cannot remember.

I'm unsure if I should send this blog post to Easto or not?

Why not, that'd be one sure fire way to see if it is or not?

Hang on a second he might read some of the previous days post as well,

I know that is why I am hesitant of it.

So what if he does?....  what doesn't he like the sound of silence?

I don't know if he likes or really even cares about that song. Why?

Then what's your problem?

Fine then I'll show this blogpost to him.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Day 696

Day 696;

So it has been another boring old day of my life.

But what have you done?

Well from my amazing memory powers I deduce that I went on the rowing  machine twice today. As well as doing that work I have also been listening to some music and lyric of some of the Bloodhound Gangs songs, some of them are hilarious.

But in Games I have unlocked Dr Marrio and two others as playable characters on Super Smash Bros. as I think that one of the two others was mr Game and Watch, but I couldn't find him after I had unlocked him which is why I am only stating that I think that I unlocked him, Doc Mario you have to defeat him on the Isle Delfino arena, but what the hell nintendo? When on earth or in the mushroom kingdom did Doc Mario go to Isle Defino? It was Super Mario in Super Mario Sunshine that went to that Island.

But in final news I managed to get 89 rupees in one go on the baseball mini game but I missed 1 times 20 rupes in a bird that flew across the screen in that go, which is very disappointing.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Day 695

Day 695;

As on this day I have already forgot the vast majority of what I have done.

But from what I can remember I had a 10 minute row on the rowing machine and I went to athletics.

Obviously I did some more stuff like my daily Wii Fit body test, and I had lost some weight. But other than that I have a blank space in my mind, n the corner of it that has stored what I have done today.

But with Blank Space I have remembered some thoughts that I was having when the infernal noise of, I think, Taylor Swift,  started blaring out across the car which has some very concerning lyrics in the Lyrics I am referring to are the ones that "Starbucks Lovers" now I know that you may like Starbucks coffee but how could you Love a whole business? 

Monday 1 June 2015

Day 694

Day 694;

This night I would like to say hello, darkness, my old friend.

I know that you can't view the above video but if you click on the link to YouTube you should be able to view it,

Now this song resonates with me for multiple reasons the first is because I can sill remember myself playing parts of it in the school orchestra as I used to play the trumpet, when I still could play that is, but I failed my first attempt at a musical instrument exam, that was a grade 1 exam I failed but I passed my first attempt at a grade 2 exam; go figure f you can and they were the only exams that I took for playing a Trumpet back before I became this sobering imbecile whose text your reading at the moment.

Another reason is the fact that I am mute and silence sounds good to me, even though silence is very difficult to come by, especially with a mind like mine in my head as it can be silent everywhere else but then my head is like a runaway train it just steams off all over the place, thinking random thoughts, some more connected than others Like there was one that I had when I saw Het; which was totally uncalled for and unwarranted (as it was a though about how beautiful she was looking).

But now that's enoubth about the song what did you get up to?

Well today I played through the Amiibo quest for the paint roller on Splatoon, well I could only complete the first stage as that is how far I had got completed on the normal mode but it was fun using the roller.

And elsewhere in my life  I attempted to complete the home-run derby again I was thinking that I got a high score of 82 or something like that and the bird was flying across the screen but I missed the bird which cost me the mini game but since then the best I can do on it is 71 rupees which isn't bathing the baby (getting the job done, I think it means at least).