Monday 28 April 2014

Day 297

Day 297;

Well today I have spent another 128 minuets on my wii getting myself fitter, according to Wii Fit U, or Wii U Fit (I get confused), at least that's what the console says.

But today I found this load of things on YouTube.

Rory Williams- Arther Darvill

Wolverine- Hugh Jackman

Stansa Stark- Sophie Turner

Ok the bit about the ex-arch Bishop of Canterbury saying that Britain or England was a post Christian nation, As I would say as the only reason that I have said I was C of E within my longterm memory/what I remember from my childhood , back when I was about 6-9/when I first thought about God and I used to challenge him to get the world to believe in him by doing something extraordinary like stop people starving everywhere at the same time just snap your fingers and make food appear for very starving person, across the world, but no never happened, there are still people starving, globally.

That is when I realised that God either wasn't there or not what he is hyped up to be. No prizes for guessing the option that I picked,  after a lot of deliberation. But I still classed myself as C of E as that was on my birth certificate and I was born in England I never realised that you could change it or what it actually meant C of E 4 random letters.

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