Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 284

Day 284;

So today it was Day 284 and on it I have watched the next 4 episodes of Blackadder, which were the final 2 episodes of the very first series of The Black Adder and the first 2 episodes of Blackadder II.

But from the first season of Blackadder to the second series the character Blackadder's character has changed not much but he somehow seems more intelligent which is probably as his character has changed from someone living in pre-tudor England, as in actual fact he was the second son of king Richard IV (who was a fictional king so in the first battle which is shown in Blackadder Henry was supposed to win to become King Henry VII), to someone living under the thumb of queen Elizabeth the first/Elizabeth tudor.

King Richard III was of the House of York
King Henry VII who succeeded Richard III on the throne and he was the father of Henry VIII who was the father of the 3 following monarchs to sit as the sovereign of England, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I.  But it maybe noted that I have missed out Lady Jane Grey/the nine days Queen who managed to sit upon the throne for a grand total of 9 days in-between King Edward VI and Queen Mary I who in the end was succeeded by her younger sister Queen Elizabeth I and then that marks the end of the tudors.

But I have had my head wrapped around this puzzle for a dew days now and it is OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, so What id OCD, anyone?

Nope sorry, I can't help you on this one.

Why not?

As it's a lot of reading to do on the topic.

Ahh ok, but wasn't there that man in Ashes to Ashes that they said had OCD?

Yes, there was, I've seen Mich doing some of that stuff on the perfectly untidy top of your chest of draws.

But even I have done some of that stuff like when I was around my Aunts new house, which smells terrible so I hid outside from the smell, as I move d some of the pieces of wood, of which Mich had just cut off of a bigger wood thing, around to make them look better as in I was moving the pieces of wood against the edges of bricks and lining them up along the bricks and even putting them on top of each other. But at all times while I was doing it I knew what I was doing and I could have stopped at any time so I may have an Obsessive Disorder but it wasn't compulsive. 

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