Saturday 26 April 2014

Day 295

Day 295;

So I remember what I was about to do yesterday but I was unsure of the status of the "debate", which turn out didn't happen in the end

Which was probably my fault that it didm;t happen.

Why were you rude to the person?

I think my wording may have been read that way but they weren't intended that way.

How did it go?

I started off by questioning a person that I went to college with as I asked a question about Life on Mars (the TV show) and he said something about Jesus, who had little if anything to do with the series.

Ok so innocent enough.

Then I compared the God character to hitler and Stalin which resulted in God being called by me worse than the other two combined which he was if you take the bible as literal history, which it wasn't it was more of a collaboration of many authors over many years which fails to hit the mark on almost all of the occasions for a book that is worth of a read.

And you even quoted from the bible some of the stuff about God that christians gloss over in there claims that God is good.

Oh, so I did.

It was Exodus 11:5. “5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.”

Of which is God telling Moses what he was going to do to the Egyptians, their slaves and their live stock, when not if, he's all knowing so he should have known how it was going to play out from the beginning, the emperor disobeys his message to let all of the Jewish slaves go, but I didn't even get onto the part about how incompetent your god is  as he couldn't just send an angel down to kill all of the fitly born children of the people that he wanted feud he made them instead he made the people that he didn't their first born sons killed, he made them mark over the doors with goat or sheep blood, why didn't god just tell him which which to kill and which to spare?

But now here comes the vaguely rude part, which i should add wasn't actually aimed at her but it was aimed at her friend that introduced her as an independent Christian. Of which i thought of a quote from Doctor Who, it was the wasp in Agatha Christie's episode back when it was the Doctor 10 and Donna. When the wasp says that your never truly alone when you've always got the holy spirit watching over you; Mr Holy Spirit sounds like such a pervert to me.

And then it got to the final part and noe this part actually was concerning something she called me a mother f*cker Of which I am not. 

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