Wednesday 23 April 2014

Day 292

Day 292;

Today I have done another half an hour Jog today, it was on my relatively new, for me at least, Wii U game Wii U fit.

But I have been thinking especially politically over the past few days, ever since I got my polling card, as there are these elections coming up soon, or the 22nd of May 2014, the elections for the MEP's for the UK. But today I have seen the bellow series of videos.

So can UKIP get up to be the third party at the next general election?

Nigel sounds to me like a correctly thinking person to me and I'm looking forward to seeing him on the television for the leaders debates in 2015. if the do in fact win the majority of EMP seats.

So go on the yoU KIPpeers, 



Why did you have to do that.

Do what?

Attempt to turn my serious shenanigans into a joke.

What you were being serious?


Oh sorry.

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