Thursday 24 April 2014

Day 293

Day 293;

A world without wordsNow I have been thinking.

Oh dear.

About what?

Human nature, the actual nature of humans not just some scribbling passed down by elders for a long time the actual human nature and how in the beginning we all were animals, I know that we all are still l animals but we have now got an extra method of communication which is called speech, but lets not stop there as we have another of which I am using to communicate with you this second, which is textual.

Ok, yawn.

But both of the two methods aren't natural to us they are man made phenomena's but the first  maybe a another rail on the ladder of evolution and the second is just an extension of the first.

And your point is?

My point is that throughout both of my lives I have had an with words and the meanings of them to actually manage to forget my natural instincts, if I ever had any to begin with I state this as even when I could speak, which seems to be a life time ago,  I have memories of being around girls and the queasy feeling still remains but the only difference is that I don't have to worry about saying anything stupid to them as I cannot speak.

What about Allergy?

She doesn't count she's a sibling of mine.

But how did everything function before word appeared?

Before words we each had greater other senses and we were more in tune with nature so we'd instinctively know what we have to do when in order tolive long and prosper, but back then 26 years would probably be the age limit for people back then.

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