Friday 25 April 2014

Day 294'

Day 294;

So today was the day that I have numbered day 294, But i have just realised that I put yesterdays post as 193 instead of day 292, I'm sorry for that typo .

You complete utter klutz.

I know, it's very poor form I show Red,

The next thing that you'r going to inform us, your readers, of is you've forgotten that you were about to type about, as well.

Wow how did you know that?

As I am part of you dimwit.And you were about to type something that happened yesterday/on day 292..

Oh yeah that thing, well the thing that I was going to type about was a conversation that I hard been having with some of my friends and others on faceybook. But I'm unsure if it's over at the moment but i think it is as the person that called me a mother f*cker has left the conversation, I think.

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