Wednesday 30 April 2014

Day 299

Day 299;

Now it has been a day that is one short of 300, I have managed to continue this daily blog post thing for almost 300 days on the trot (consecutively).

But today I have treated myself to the bellow humorous advert for Nintendo's E3 presentation.

But also, on a more serious note did you know that all racists must be atheists I didn't but come to think of it the KKK always seemed like a very atheist terrorist organisation to me, as it's comes from that very strong athirst belt in America or the South of the USA.

Were you being ironic or something like that?

Yes I was. as on the KKK's wikipedia page where it states"

Ku Klux Klan's logo
In existence
1st Klan1865–1870s
2nd Klan1915–1944
3rd Klan[notes 1]since 1946
1st Klanunknown
2nd Klan3,000,000–6,000,000[2] (peaked in 1920–1925 period)
3rd Klan5,000-8,000[3]
OriginUnited States of America
Political ideologyWhite supremacy
White nationalism
Christian terrorism[5][6]
3rd Klan:
Political positionFar-right

Please note I have put in bold two things which should set alarm bells ringing in your heads. not literal alarm bells but instead things should get you thinking "that can't be correct" to either the above little information on the KKK or the comment I made about all racists are atheists, of which i haven't yet put in a link to where i first heard this news. Which was here, on the friendly atheists blog.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Day 298

Day 298;

So today was a good day, I think as I got more than 2 hours on my Wii U fitness game done, and I heard about this nee government scheme to get people out of work into which is great for me but not for who ever employs me,

But I have got a new program on this computer, which was free, It's called Xcode now I will just need to work out how to use it in order to get myself creating iPad and iPhone applications and then if I'm good enough at it I could perhaps make a living off of it.

No, that's foolish.

I know, like what imbecile would pay for anything that I have created .

My point entirely, so what you'd have to do is put adverts on the application, to create a source of revenue which in turn would put people off getting your Applications.

Oh darn it.

Monday 28 April 2014

Day 297

Day 297;

Well today I have spent another 128 minuets on my wii getting myself fitter, according to Wii Fit U, or Wii U Fit (I get confused), at least that's what the console says.

But today I found this load of things on YouTube.

Rory Williams- Arther Darvill

Wolverine- Hugh Jackman

Stansa Stark- Sophie Turner

Ok the bit about the ex-arch Bishop of Canterbury saying that Britain or England was a post Christian nation, As I would say as the only reason that I have said I was C of E within my longterm memory/what I remember from my childhood , back when I was about 6-9/when I first thought about God and I used to challenge him to get the world to believe in him by doing something extraordinary like stop people starving everywhere at the same time just snap your fingers and make food appear for very starving person, across the world, but no never happened, there are still people starving, globally.

That is when I realised that God either wasn't there or not what he is hyped up to be. No prizes for guessing the option that I picked,  after a lot of deliberation. But I still classed myself as C of E as that was on my birth certificate and I was born in England I never realised that you could change it or what it actually meant C of E 4 random letters.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Day 296

Day 296;

Yes that was the day today, but today was a great day.

What you mean about the football?

Yes I mean about the football, and the former arch bishop of Canterbury told us something that I worked out years ago.

What you mean This little news story?

Yes, I do.

So I'll fill you in on the football news first, so tray was the last home match of the season for the team that I support by the end of regulation time of the first half they were winning 3-0 but before the end of half there was 1 minuet tiff additional time aka injury time to playas the time that was being played to account for all of the injuries that had occurred during play whittled down then the opposing team managed to get one of their players to score in the team that I supports goal so, then time elapsed. The score was 3-1 going into half time.

So the scene had been set for an upset for the home fans, i.e. me and the rest of the home fans that were there but i could't help but to feel pessimistic As the opposition had the momentum going into the second half.

The second half came around, and the team that I support managed to keep the opposition at bay and then they managed to get a forth Goal to take the score up to 4-1, which was a triumph of a game for the manager and the team.

Ok I'll do the part about the news story tomorrow, if I remember that is.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Day 295

Day 295;

So I remember what I was about to do yesterday but I was unsure of the status of the "debate", which turn out didn't happen in the end

Which was probably my fault that it didm;t happen.

Why were you rude to the person?

I think my wording may have been read that way but they weren't intended that way.

How did it go?

I started off by questioning a person that I went to college with as I asked a question about Life on Mars (the TV show) and he said something about Jesus, who had little if anything to do with the series.

Ok so innocent enough.

Then I compared the God character to hitler and Stalin which resulted in God being called by me worse than the other two combined which he was if you take the bible as literal history, which it wasn't it was more of a collaboration of many authors over many years which fails to hit the mark on almost all of the occasions for a book that is worth of a read.

And you even quoted from the bible some of the stuff about God that christians gloss over in there claims that God is good.

Oh, so I did.

It was Exodus 11:5. “5 Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well.”

Of which is God telling Moses what he was going to do to the Egyptians, their slaves and their live stock, when not if, he's all knowing so he should have known how it was going to play out from the beginning, the emperor disobeys his message to let all of the Jewish slaves go, but I didn't even get onto the part about how incompetent your god is  as he couldn't just send an angel down to kill all of the fitly born children of the people that he wanted feud he made them instead he made the people that he didn't their first born sons killed, he made them mark over the doors with goat or sheep blood, why didn't god just tell him which which to kill and which to spare?

But now here comes the vaguely rude part, which i should add wasn't actually aimed at her but it was aimed at her friend that introduced her as an independent Christian. Of which i thought of a quote from Doctor Who, it was the wasp in Agatha Christie's episode back when it was the Doctor 10 and Donna. When the wasp says that your never truly alone when you've always got the holy spirit watching over you; Mr Holy Spirit sounds like such a pervert to me.

And then it got to the final part and noe this part actually was concerning something she called me a mother f*cker Of which I am not. 

Friday 25 April 2014

Day 294'

Day 294;

So today was the day that I have numbered day 294, But i have just realised that I put yesterdays post as 193 instead of day 292, I'm sorry for that typo .

You complete utter klutz.

I know, it's very poor form I show Red,

The next thing that you'r going to inform us, your readers, of is you've forgotten that you were about to type about, as well.

Wow how did you know that?

As I am part of you dimwit.And you were about to type something that happened yesterday/on day 292..

Oh yeah that thing, well the thing that I was going to type about was a conversation that I hard been having with some of my friends and others on faceybook. But I'm unsure if it's over at the moment but i think it is as the person that called me a mother f*cker has left the conversation, I think.

Thursday 24 April 2014

Day 293

Day 293;

A world without wordsNow I have been thinking.

Oh dear.

About what?

Human nature, the actual nature of humans not just some scribbling passed down by elders for a long time the actual human nature and how in the beginning we all were animals, I know that we all are still l animals but we have now got an extra method of communication which is called speech, but lets not stop there as we have another of which I am using to communicate with you this second, which is textual.

Ok, yawn.

But both of the two methods aren't natural to us they are man made phenomena's but the first  maybe a another rail on the ladder of evolution and the second is just an extension of the first.

And your point is?

My point is that throughout both of my lives I have had an with words and the meanings of them to actually manage to forget my natural instincts, if I ever had any to begin with I state this as even when I could speak, which seems to be a life time ago,  I have memories of being around girls and the queasy feeling still remains but the only difference is that I don't have to worry about saying anything stupid to them as I cannot speak.

What about Allergy?

She doesn't count she's a sibling of mine.

But how did everything function before word appeared?

Before words we each had greater other senses and we were more in tune with nature so we'd instinctively know what we have to do when in order tolive long and prosper, but back then 26 years would probably be the age limit for people back then.

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Day 292

Day 292;

Today I have done another half an hour Jog today, it was on my relatively new, for me at least, Wii U game Wii U fit.

But I have been thinking especially politically over the past few days, ever since I got my polling card, as there are these elections coming up soon, or the 22nd of May 2014, the elections for the MEP's for the UK. But today I have seen the bellow series of videos.

So can UKIP get up to be the third party at the next general election?

Nigel sounds to me like a correctly thinking person to me and I'm looking forward to seeing him on the television for the leaders debates in 2015. if the do in fact win the majority of EMP seats.

So go on the yoU KIPpeers, 



Why did you have to do that.

Do what?

Attempt to turn my serious shenanigans into a joke.

What you were being serious?


Oh sorry.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Day 291

Day 191;

Today I did my usual  yoga routine and I did some alternative stuff on the Wii U, which included me getting some 100 point scores on some of the exercises.

But i ave been on to an intreating but a confusing website, so hold onto your seats as I'm about to go into some more Religious shenanigans,

Oh why?

As i stumbled across an annoying website,

Ok how did it annoy you?

It annoyed me as it somehow thinks that a loving God would send people to an unimaginably painful and unbearable place forever which would probably like somebody removing my balls with cocktail sticks and then sewing them back on repeat this procedure forever and on top of that I'm burring forever as well if your a female just imagine that your reproductive parts are being chiselled out and then sewn back in place as that is probably the closest approximation to the pain that I am typing about. For the finite crime/sin, if you'll call it that, of thinking outside of the book.

And the answer to the question, was?

God is just, admittedly i may have slightly over done it with the question.

How far have you over done the question?

well the original question was;

(1) A loving God would not send people to a horrible hell.

So I treacly was just filling in some of the blanks that the website had left out.

And then the website is arrogant enough to state that God doesn't send people to hell they choose it.

The website that states all of the above mentioned absurdities it this website.

Monday 21 April 2014

Day 290

Day 290;

So today was the day of the celebration of Ä’ostre or Ostara or as it's modernly known easter.

So why is this pagan holiday significant?

We'll the easter celebration s weren't originally called easter but there has almost always been a celebration which would be held around the spring equinox, which is said to honour the Goddess of Fertility and the sun gods, which is probably something t do with all of the flowers and the births of new creatures like lambs at this time of year, also at this time of year it's the rebirth of the sun/son of god as the days are stating to get noticeably longer. 

What about Wii fit?

I remembered to do my body test this morning, and I remembered to get allergy to do hers today but Mich forgot. which was probably as Emu had come back today and so had Chris who are both at opposite ends of the ideal vmi brackets.and they each have to change their weights by a stone in order to gwt there BMI's into 22, but also on this day I  dropped out of 22 BMI and iI got something like 21.94.

Sunday 20 April 2014

Day 289

Day 289;

So today is was day numbered 289 which should quite literally man that the day that your on is at least day numbered 290.

Which is the most peculiar day in the christian calendar as it is easter sunday apparently but that is tomorrow so... Allergy has managed to loose another pound in weight which takes her another step closer to her goal for a weight. Blackadder the complete collection is now finished.

But hadn't it already finished many years ago in exactly the same style?

But I mean that it was finished many years ago and but what I was literally meaning was that I have finished my watch through of it.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Day 288

Day 288;

Now this has been the day numbered 288, two and then two fat ladies.

Ok why have you hot bingo numbers in on this day also?

I don't really know but It humoured me.

What pretty much like the bellow scotch?

Yes exactly like the former comic sketch.

Now when exactly are you planning to get on and write/draw your ccmic books?

I know I almost had the origins story for one which is about someone that can stop time, and then further back in time I can remember one about a mann that is immortal,.

Is that it?

No, I can remember Eno the gnome who's from about a decade ago, and yes Eno is an anomalous gnome but is he the one, that is going to save all of the gnomes from the slavery that they have all known for ever ? Basically or shall he fail miserably.

Then there is all the names that I have forgot and I can remember sitting just a couple of meters away from my current position on the floor drawing then, my characters for the first time, as I can remember 4 tigers that I drew I can't remember their names but I also know that they looked more like hum ands with stripes. Plus the facial features of a tiger.

Friday 18 April 2014

Day 287

Day 287;

So it has been the day after yesterday, and what has happened to me today?

Well you have sen that picture.

Well I have seen a lot of pictures.

I know you know the picture of the girl/woman you knew from school which had the text under it which said 3 stones.

Oh you mean the picture which was really 2 pictures side by side kind of like a before and after picture but you couldn't see the face of the person in the after photograph?

Yes that the one.

I think the 3 stones was the weight differential between the photographs.

But I know that Allergy would most likely be happy with that weight loss because shirr had just done a body test today and she had got her BMI down to a new low which was something like 22.54 but then she hadn't stamped it off on her wii u fit log and that was before dinner of which she had eaten before going on wi fit again and her BMI was down on still down on yesterday but not by as much.

and just so you know my vmi is something like 22.08 so close to 22.11 that I can still see it some days ago i think it was just about a wee ago now that I got it initially.

But I'm believing that I have been neglectful over the past 1 day with not informing you people, I hope that I have just watched the complete collection of Blackadder the third, the butler to the prince of wales; not the real prince of wales by the way. As I completed that series I have got to Blackadder goes forth and it's the forth series and I a;ready know how this series is set to end.

But if  you don't want to see the ending of Blackadder goes forth please do not watch the ending thing bellow. But can you have a great life before you have to go over the top in true WW1 style; aka. hopelessly to your demise.

Thursday 17 April 2014

Day 286

Day 286;

Already it has been the day numbered 286.

Ok, well what has happened today?

Well I have been to the gym today, which was fun, as with what happened to me last week on the treadmill, when I was rocking all the way around the clock, despite there not being a clock on the treadmill.

Real smooth, just chucking a bit of Bill into the mix.

Was it, really Red?

No I was only messing with you.

Ah dam it, but I've got to attempt to get my rowing speed up to a speed so I can row 1000m in 8 minutes.

But Allergy has been telling me today that I'm really lucky as I have a hyper speed metabolism, but I don't have a hyper speed metabolism my metabolism is faster than hers as it maybe but it's not so fast that I can just sit down all day everyday and remain in the shape that I am currently in.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Day 285

Day 285;

So today there has been an irritating high pitched sound.

But that was in the morning.

Yes i know, and today I have done some actual research about my supposed condition.

Which one OCD?

Yes that was the one.

What the one that you didn't think you had.

Yep that's the one.

The an OCD I'm believing that I may actually have some.

What's changed, have you actually read that wikipedia page on OCD's?

In a way. I have discovered that the type of OCD that I was describing is generally refereed to as O not OD which can also mean Over Dosed on drugs usually, but it usually happens when the person either first takes up some Drug or they have gotten themselves clean and they start again, Which is what quite a few people thought happened to peaches Geldof or so I have heard.

So you think that you could be classed as primarily Obsessional, but what about that thing that you do with all of the open doors?

So the O that I( was typing about is basically as it has been for the majority of my life but the thing with the open doors is a relatively recent occurrence. It is one of my OCD tendencies, but noting to worry about unless you like all of the doors open at all time's.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 284

Day 284;

So today it was Day 284 and on it I have watched the next 4 episodes of Blackadder, which were the final 2 episodes of the very first series of The Black Adder and the first 2 episodes of Blackadder II.

But from the first season of Blackadder to the second series the character Blackadder's character has changed not much but he somehow seems more intelligent which is probably as his character has changed from someone living in pre-tudor England, as in actual fact he was the second son of king Richard IV (who was a fictional king so in the first battle which is shown in Blackadder Henry was supposed to win to become King Henry VII), to someone living under the thumb of queen Elizabeth the first/Elizabeth tudor.

King Richard III was of the House of York
King Henry VII who succeeded Richard III on the throne and he was the father of Henry VIII who was the father of the 3 following monarchs to sit as the sovereign of England, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I.  But it maybe noted that I have missed out Lady Jane Grey/the nine days Queen who managed to sit upon the throne for a grand total of 9 days in-between King Edward VI and Queen Mary I who in the end was succeeded by her younger sister Queen Elizabeth I and then that marks the end of the tudors.

But I have had my head wrapped around this puzzle for a dew days now and it is OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, so What id OCD, anyone?

Nope sorry, I can't help you on this one.

Why not?

As it's a lot of reading to do on the topic.

Ahh ok, but wasn't there that man in Ashes to Ashes that they said had OCD?

Yes, there was, I've seen Mich doing some of that stuff on the perfectly untidy top of your chest of draws.

But even I have done some of that stuff like when I was around my Aunts new house, which smells terrible so I hid outside from the smell, as I move d some of the pieces of wood, of which Mich had just cut off of a bigger wood thing, around to make them look better as in I was moving the pieces of wood against the edges of bricks and lining them up along the bricks and even putting them on top of each other. But at all times while I was doing it I knew what I was doing and I could have stopped at any time so I may have an Obsessive Disorder but it wasn't compulsive. 

Monday 14 April 2014

Day 283

Day 283;

So today I bought myself Blackadder remastered the complete collection from iTunes, which starts off with the original Blackadder from 1983 and it ended 6 years later in 1989.

But so far today I have watched the first 4 episodes of The Black Adder, but in the forth episode he ends up getting married to a young princess.

The first series of Blackadder was written and it was started in by Rowan Atkinson Aka Mr Bean or Johnny English.

That's enough about that comedy I have got news and it is that Mich is now a player of Wii Fit so my work at getting people fitter has now doubled.

And mich has said that he thought that he was fit but that was before he tried hula hooping and he got really worn out by doing it. But he is still in the ideal BMI range at something like a BMI of 24. But today I goy my Wii ii fit age down to 2 years younger than my actual age. which wasn't was good as Mich's score of minus 3 years on his age. As if the two of us were 30 years old I would have gotten 28 and Mich would've got 27 but we aren't the same age.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Day 282

Day 282;

So it's already been another day in my sub-excitting life, and today I have completed my watch through of Ashes to Ashes, and I have discovered what happens to Police Officers when they die in that fiction.

Is Gene hunt more like God or Satan?

Well that is a good question Red, very challenging.

How is that challenging he says in it we're the good guys, so it's blatantly obvious going to be god.

It's challenging by that question Yellow, as who created Satan if not god and then he has both hands in every pie be it an evil pie or be it a good pie, So that should mean that god is even inside Satan. But then Satan is only ever himself, but I know that Satan was apparently the snake that seduced Eve into the ways of sin after making her bite the fruit. But then she could have thought thought that the act she had just performed was fun lets get some Adam involved.

The Snake could be a metaphor for some other part of the male anatomy, so satan could have used his snake to pop Eve's Cherry, just as all of the other animals do. As Mr G-man never specified how they should  increase in number, one assumes he was going to teach them how to make more out of mud and ribs., or is that only this one that thinks such odd things?

But i got myself a little bit off track with that diatribe, now I was just about to tell you whither Gene Hunt is God or Satan, as I believe that God is a butcher of many populations and the destroyer of civilisations.meanwhile Satan has just been a dames scapegoat. So I'd say that Gene Hunt is more like God toned down 99% in the bad stuff so he's more worthy of your prayers and gratitudes than Mr G but he has only ever claimed to be the gene genie and never the creator of the universe. I know that he was created by men but can you name a god that isn't?

Saturday 12 April 2014

Day 281

Day 281;

My apologies, for being slightly remiss in my duties, of getting this days Blog post up online on time.

Nows the part that you make up some story about why it’s late, right?

Well yes if you would like the real story.

Ok then, shoot.


Yeah, just go on and type it up.

Ok, the internet went down. Not the whole way down, it went down but not as in a disconnect from the internet. As my computer devices all said that they were connected to the correct network but every time that I clicked on the internet tab thing it just came up stating no internet connection.

Now i first realised that dilemma after quite a while of it being a problem as when Allergy got home she stated that I hadn't replied to her message and I hadn't received it yet but i have now it says it was sent somewhere in the access of 2 hours before Allergy returned home.

Friday 11 April 2014

Day 280

Day 280;

So i forgot to tell you good people (speculation on my part) that yesterday/ Day 279 I went to the gym and on the cross trainer I managed to reach a new high speed, which was 23 mph or whatever the speed that the cross trainers operate in is.

So on this day I went to the Zoo with Tini, I had a good time at the Zoo; apart from there was some uneducated folk saying that a chimp was a Monkey; which I know really shouldn't allow it to get to me but I did as the woman was telling it to I think her daughter.

My stance on this was it\'s ok [wrong as a fact but it's you'r being morally ok being wrong in your own head], but as soon as it gets shoved off on your children as fact it becomes morally wrong, as it's not just yourself that your deceiving the child.

My Wii Fit Meter got a bit of a walk around today around the Zoo.

Typing about Wii Fit, and today I have almost managed to master my attempt at becoming a Bird man as I to 3 stars and a score of 149. but I knew the place that I could improve on and hopefully get 159 points instead. and if that's not a 4 star performance I wouldn't know what would be.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Day 279

Day 279;

Now today I managed to get my Wii Fit age to equal my actual age, it was great, so great in fact I might say groovy but I wasn't born in the 70's or before.

Ashes to Ashes,I know that was set in the decades after the 70's/the 80's but the television programme that was set around before it was called Life on Mars,

DI Sam Tyler and DI Alex Drake.  

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Day 278

Day 278;

The devil is in the details.

That is one of the reasons why I like details and it's a whole load of turnip waste that is said by christians that don't want you to ask them more questions about their non-existent God.

The devil is in the details, like the details of my day which were me getting up early for another trip to London which was a waste of time basically as I went there to se another Doctor and the doctor just asked me questions and he stuck another camera in my nose which came out in my mouth of which he got me to swallow twice to get to my voice box swallowing I find difficult as I have to feet just the correct amount of saliva in my mouth to make me swallow, but with a tube going through my nose makes it doubly difficult and uncomfortable.

But what was it that you wanted to state again?

About what, bras?

Yeah, that was the topic.

Ok, well I was about to state that they must be the most uncomfortable price of clothing that the average modern woman wears on a day to day basis. as they are designed to force the wearers breasts up, and wearing a bra they are inadvertently making the muscles that protect a females womanly figure weaker.

So what does this have to do with the topic?

Ok, well I was just getting to that. It is that in Nintendo Wii Fit, or to be more exact in one of the yoga poses it shows the female instructors back as it says that you can cross your arms behind your back also if you are having trouble positioning your hands. The details equal that the woman trainer isn't wearing a bra, you could say that is because she doesn't need to as she is a computer generated character, which maybe correct, but  I was watching Allergy playing Wii Fit and, this is what kickstarted this whole trail of thought,  I thought that the thing that was perturbing through her top could in actual fact be harming her. especially with her putting as much effort as she was into doing the fitness excursuses e.g. it could harm her posture by tithing her back and it could constrict her air ways.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Day 277

Day 277;

So it has been day 277, and i have gone too little big London today.

Or to be more exact one of the hospitals within London, so I was in one ward, the ward that it said on the letter that I received which told me to go to hospital and when i got to the bed in the ward that had been preparded i was told to change floors and ward but the ward that I had been told to go to was a private ward so I immediately thought that something was wrong and then a while later I was told to go downstairs to the waiting room yo receive further instructions, by the time that I finally received instructions I was hungry and they told me to go back up the stairs to the private ward, where I received a bed to lie on for my stay, but then I had to go back down some stairs to get my MRI scan which was done while I was under sedation. Needless to say I good time of sleep while I was unconsescious but it was weird as I could remember everything about where, why and how I got to that place from the moment that I awoke, which was just as well as the people that were there actually doing the precedure didn't know.

So I had to write it down on a sheet of paper for the Doctors.

Monday 7 April 2014

Day 276

Day 276;

Today followed yesterday.

But today I got myself doing yoga for the first bit of time after Lunch, yoga is fun even the poses that you can't do properly, at first.

What about lunch, and then what about before of lunch?

It like much, eel the majority of my life I cannot remember. I am unsure if the meal that I ate today was lunch or my dinner. and the meal I can only remember for the cheese and mash potato, which was delicious, and the mushrooms and the tomatoes, which weren't.

You and your hopeless memory.

Yes me and my hopeless memory, but I can tell you people what I have done since.

Ok, go on then.

I had gone on some more Wii Fit I was on the luge which was fun, and I was getting my Wii Fit age which was 38 today, and i'm doddery on my old legs I am. but I also started watching "Ashes to Ashes" today.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Day 275

Day 275;

Today  was another day of my existence.

Yes, yes we get it we get it, but what happened to you today?

well i went to watch another defeat for the football team that I support, how many more defeats can there face before the end of this season...

Well that's simple you just have to look and see how many more games they've got until the end of the season.

As I was about to state before red interrupted me, to not get relegated. the answer is 0 more games can be looses if they want to stand any chance of staying up, as the only reason that they are at the moment safe from relegation is that the team that I support have a superior goal difference but they are on the same number of points as the teams just below them in the league but if all of the teams below them on the same amounts of points as the team that I support if they even get 1 more draw that the team that I support the team that I support is going down.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Day 374

Day 374;

The day was number 374, it was another day and that is about it that I can remember.

Apart from my exploits on my Wii U,

What exploits may they be?

Well I cannot remember exactly what I did, but I know that I had another go on the luge game, on Wii Fit

Didn't you do your daily yoga routine as well.

Aye, I did.

Aye, did you just make that up or does it mean something?

No he didn't make it up I think that aye means yes , does it?

Aye, it does.

Friday 4 April 2014

Day 273

Day 273;

So the day numbered 273 has passed me by.

Woo we're one day closer to day 365.

Only 92 left.

At least. and I should have got Allergy into better shape before then.

Why are you getting Allergy into better shape?

Because she asked me to yesterday, she kept going on about how she was the sporty one in school but for the past so many years she's just be eating too much.

But her BMI is still healthy as is mine but as mine is direct ally in the centre of healthy range on the Wii U hers is higher up in the green, But my actual weight is higher than hers but she is shorter than me.

Thursday 3 April 2014

Day 272

Day 272;

So today has been day that I numbered 272,

Ok i think we all already understood that.

Good, Red good. But what I have done today was go out to the gym which was fun especially as I had already been training the morning on Wii Fit doing some yoga.

What you mean that devil filled little activity, why?

Because it's fun and who says it's devil filled? Well it's some of the crazy Vatican's chief exorcist that said, that "Yoga is the work of the devil," and I just think that he has been attempting to do the shoulder stand too much lately and just he cannot master it so he's saying that all yoga's bad and of the devil.

You can read the complete news article of in which he states it by clicking the following link.

Ok so at the gym today I noticed that I had a blister on my left hand now I noticed this as my left hand that I don't usually have any problems with on the cross trainer kept coming off of the cross trainer and i was having some kind of irritation on it, but i didn't know what it was so when my personal trainer started questioning me about my hand I showed him my hand and he told me it was a blister but it had burst.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Day 271

Day 271;

So today has ben uneventful but i didd another + 1 hour work out today on my new Wii Fit game.

But what about the incident over lunch?

Oh that little thing.

Yes, that little thing.

Ok we'll I only got an ulna in my mouth, and i popped it, so then loads of blood blood and pineapple = an interesting combination, or at least mine did. as it was surprisingly sweet and sour. When I first got the taste it was a taste sensory overload it felt as if my tongue had caught a light, not that I know what that feels like.

But anyway it was april fools day today pity that it was only my Wii Balance board that remembered.

Not even Loki remembered, and he is the god of mischief.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Day 270

Day 270;

So today/yesterday, has been/was the day of the anniversary of my birth, also known as the most unimportant day of the calendar year.

 So what did you get up to today?

Ok, well I first opened my gifts, which was after I had half eaten my breakfast.

Why hadn't you finished it?

I hadn't  finished it because I'm a slow eater.

Lame excuse.

I know but it's a factual claim.

So what did you get?

Now I got a load of cool stuff. Like an iMac, the computer system not a waterproof rain garment with a jazzy little i on it. I also got a load of DVD's, well I mean 3 separate boxes but one is the GoT box-set, for season/series 3.

So happy april fools day to one and all for tomorrow/today. By the way what would all of you people have as a super power if you could have any that you could think of? What could it be, and you can't be like Allergy when she asked me this morning, Allergy said either super speedy or super strong, you've got to be decisive like me by saying that I would if i could have the ability to stop time.