Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 27

Day 27;

So on this day, day 27, what have I done?

Well I have gone to the gym, again. I find it one of those things that I find relatively ironically fun. I mean just take a look at my diary over the past 6 days, from the day 21 to day 26, when the most exercise I probably got for those days was walking up and down stairs so you would be correct in thinking that I don’t get out much. But that’s ok as my imagination fits over this planer and quite a few light years either side of the star that brought life to the desolate plains of rocks, which brings me to my next point, as if it was planned, was it? No, don’t be stupid we’re not that thoughtful.

Next point:

If you look at from the perspective that I have typed above that all life on earth came from the stars, or more accurately amino acids produced by the stars and was carried by meteorites until they crashed into this rock, and then the process of evolution takes hold and here we are today just one hell of a long time late for the start of the party, I mean roughly 4.54 billion years late; please check me on all of the data I have used to make this blog entry as I would liberally hate for any of my readers to go into school, college or university and give my websites web address as a reliable source; put simply because it’s not this is just some data regurgitated from my sketchy memories of times that are now a long time dead/in the past.

But now about the time I was at the gym. While I was at the gym I started off on the treadmill which is a fun piece of equipment to go on but only if you allowed to travel at speeds which are quicker than a tortoise, but then again I only go on it as a warm up or so my personal trainer tells me, he specializes with people like me apparently you know people that aren’t all there in the head or something like that. Then I think I had a go on some of the weight machines I had to do 3 sets of 12 on each which was odd as in previous seasons at the local gym I’m sure that I only had to do 2 sets of 12 and apparently I was lifting heavier today as well, which is fine by me as it’s meaning that I will smell that little bit worse by the end and getting the little bit more tired by the end, hang on a second how can you say that as you have to live with yourself after smelling like that. It’s similar to how Christians let their god get away with all of the atrocities of the Old Testament, by stating that because of the newer stuff (tiredness/New Testament) you can hardly notice the former (body odour stench/Old Testament). Each are side effects of you making a choice the first is a half decent choice which should better yourself the second is a false choice as you can't choose what you believe your brain is either programmed with the believes of your friends, parents,  colleges, etc. or it's not. 

Just imagine yourself alone peaceful isn't it. 

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