Monday 26 August 2013

Day 51

Day 51;

So what have I did I do yesterday? Well I have been listening to the Radio and I have been having some disagreements with it as well

Ok Well this morning when I was listening to the radio as it was put on by Mike, the channel was BBC radio 2 and the show was called “Good morning Sunday With Clare Balding”. On the show she had a guest. Who started spouting off about how harmful secularism is, it’s a Reverend Richard Cole who did the speaking.

This is my little piece of information that I got from a website called Protect the Pope.

“Clare Balding, a non-religious lesbian, to host Radio 2′s Sunday religious programme”

But under the website’s name it has a subtitle which I think is relatively contradictory especially coming from a website that professes, to be part of the Roman Catholic faith.

“Protect the Catholic Church through Prayer, Truth and the Law”

You can’t protect the Catholic Church with prayer, prayer doesn’t work by your own admissions, as basically your god knows everything from before time started so it can only intervene at times specified, and didn’t your God (a Christian [I don’t mean if your name is Christian] and you’re reading this), Truth now I would like you to define your version of the truth is it that you are typing about there? Is it the basic tenants of your religion because if it was e.g. both God and Jesus are real? because if it was then I could tell you to prove them to me as I have yet to find any credible evidence to stand by your  absurd declarations, and just before you jump in and say the bible please look again at the words credible evidence, as anybody could notice some of the plot flaws. Finally the law which law are you talking about? Is it the secular human laws or is it the biblical laws which by them death is the action in the majority of cases.

So that’s enough on that diatribe now back onto the main topic.

Now where was I? Oh yeah that was what I was onto, it was the Reverend Richard Cole saying that Jesus’ goal was to start up a church to unite everyone, but then that’d be ignorant to the passage from Luke 12:51-53 ESV

“Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division. For from now on in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three. They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”

Some how I don’t think that Reverend has been reading the bible.

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