Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 53

Day 53;

I had my attention grasped (not literally) by a webpage called Islamophobia Watch,

But then as soon as clicked on the page I noticed something wrong, the thing wrong with the page was the subtitle of the page, as was Documenting anti Muslim bigotry.

Which by the way I am actually thankful of them using the correct word to define anti Muslim hateful actions as it is bigotry and it’s not racism, so before I get started I would like to thank you People at Islamophobia Watch.

But I wanted to state that Islamophobia has nothing to do with the documentation of anti Muslim bigotry, what is Islamophobia? Islamophobia is similar to Arachnophobia by that I mean that Arachnophobia is Extreme or irrational fear of spiders again what is Islamophobia? It’s the Extreme or irrational fear of all Islamic persons. Which means by that definition you just have to meet my Islamic friends to be cured of that fear as my Islamic friends are some of the nicest friends I have got, and all of my friends are nice within my opinion.

Now please keep that definition in mind while looking at the Islamophobia Watch website I can’t find a single example of it on the site. It seems to me at least that it’s stirring up hate like one post on the website is stirring up hate towards Richard Dawkins, when he only posted this objective fact on Twitter

All the world's Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, though.

I’m sorry if you people do not like it but it’s a fact Trinity College Cambridge also has more Nobel Prizes than me but then all of the worlds Muslims defiantly have more Nobel Prizes than I, Dr Richard Dawkins, my Faceybook friends list and most probably your faceybook friends list's  all combined.

This could be as I remember a YouTube video which was by Mr Richard Dawkins I think as he explained that Trinity College Cambridge has more Nobel Prizes than any single country discounting the few that have more, which are America, Germany, France and Britain (obliviously).

But then some of the things that Richard Dawkins also remembers to note in his Tweet are the great stuff that the Islamic community did within the middle ages stuff like Alchemy and Algebra, Algebra being a personal favourite of mine. He may not have stated them specifically but what else could he have meant by "They did great things in the Middle Ages, though." probably- most likely- quite a lot that I have forgotten for this moment in time

This is my check list of things to do;

Total eclipse of the heart- Bonnie Tyler
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Aren't we all undead, except the dead?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Hello Guyz Faceybook page advert
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Is David Cameron a good Christian?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
What is the function of Godparents, and are they necessary?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --

What is Sectarianism?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
A Bible Study of a Thomas; Genesis 7- 1;24
When is it to be completed by ... 01.11.2013
Date completed: --
First draft: 13/08/2013
Create a new computer game
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Qatar world cup?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
The Savage Acts Comic book
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
I have planed the pictures for the first issue “the story is born” but I am still working on the first. Just need to draw them and then I still have to decide on the certain procedure.

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