Thursday 29 August 2013

Day 54

Day 54;

So what have I done today? I have done the usual morning stuff I also have gone to the gym and I have been thinking about stuff like the religion of “peace”, I have my droughts about whither that title is warranted.

But before I get into that I would just like to say to you that I think I managed to fall asleep for approximately an hour in the middle of the day well it was probably slightly after noon and I would like to state just how weird it is for that to happen, to me as I couldn't remember what I was doing before. I awoke on my bed fully dressed.

Now the following video describes some of the atrocities that have been done in the name of Islam and the Qur’an.

But you could view the full debate by clicking on the following youtube video.

I would like to state that what religions can be described a religion of peace? None can because they all have some adverse points towards them? Like in the bible when Jesus apparently said “Do not think I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword” Matthew 10:34.

As a closing point I am going to quote Loki from Avengers from when he was talking to Black Widow, But can you, can you wipe out that much red.

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