Monday 19 August 2013

Day 45

Day 45;

Its day 45 and I what have I done today?

Got complemented by one of my sisters, it was Emma that complemented on how well written my blog had become as she thought that I may get arrested in the early days of my blog as I a not sure what she thought, if it was something like my typing is not verbal so therefore it doesn’t count under the UN constitution of human rights as free speech I don’t know but I don’t think it could be, as if it did then I wouldn’t have had any right to express myself for large parts of time when I first started this blog as you should know by now I can’t talk, I think that I may have typed that before on this blog before at least once. 

But back at at the time that I started this blog I'd only make a post when something annoyed me enough to warrant a blog post which is probably why the majority of my early blog posts were about the stupidity of some religious folk that I had seen on YouTube. The West Borough baptist church immediately come to mind, and the 1000000 and 1 complaints about how hateful they were being, but Iout orable of them I can only see one hateful man, and it was Mr Fred Phelps/the leader, why are you singling out him, I’m singling him out because he is the father figure of this organisation/he is the shepherd of the flock. But don’t the herd have to be a special kind of stupid to believe any of his rubbish? Yes I think so but then again I blame the teachers of the people that were fooled into believing what the WBC preaches as some of the blame also has to go there for only teaching them what to think nor how to think.

My other Sister Alice has just gotten home from the V festival, well at least she went to the festival and she went camping in the rain, am I the only person that actually likes camping in the rain?

No, I can’t be; can I? Don’t you like the torrents of rain that come hammering on the outside of the tent in an often rhythmical fashion, just too then go streaming down the outer tent walls making a wonderful din. I bet they were the best noises that you heard that weekend.

Back to my comic that I underestimated the work that needed to go into each picture at the rate that I’m going at it’ll take me a week to do one page. It should be already completed as it would if I had my old hands back.

This is my check list of things to do;

Total eclipse of the heart- Bonnie Tyler
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Aren't we all undead, except the dead?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Hello Guyz Faceybook page advert
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Is David Cameron a good Christian?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
What is the function of Godparents, and are they necessary?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --

What is Sectarianism?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
A Bible Study of a Thomas; Genesis 7- 1;24
When is it to be completed by ... 01.11.2013
Date completed: --
First draft: 13/08/2013
Create a new computer game
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Qatar world cup?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
The Savage Acts Comic book
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
I have planed the pictures for the first issue “the story is born” but I am still working on the first. Just need to draw them and then I still have to decide on the certain procedure.

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