Friday 2 August 2013

Day 28

Day 28;

So it’s day 28, which should mean that it was 3 complete weeks since I started this little blog post experiment and it has been relatively successful in the page view stats department, which as if you didn’t know I would like to thank you all of my readers for. I would say sticking around but I only know one person that has actually done that. So if any of you have also done that please don’t be too shy to comment below any entry.

But before I get into my major thought for today I should tell you what I did today;

Well I followed a similar routine to usual to start with as in wake up, get up, walk down stairs (I’m still remembering to walk backwards down stairs), eat my breakfast (Wheatabix) , walk [forwards] upstairs, go into the shower room, have a shower, brush my  teeth, use the toilet you know the usual.

Then I went to my room and I goy dressed as I do then I turned on my laptop then a few hours, a couple of meal times and a couple of tangents, more like 48 or something like that, for my brain to wander off on and here I am writing this blog entry.

But before I get onto my main train, Choo Choo, of... you’ve been spending way too much time with mike recently haven’t you? No I don’t think so it was just an attempt to add more humour into my diary entry, why, as a friend that also follows this blog suggested it to me.

But now I’m getting onto my major thoughts

I feel popular when I ever I look at the stats pages because they tell me that I have had 747 page views last month which was when I started writing my online diary. and I am amazed by how many times people have clicked on this page instead of doing something constructive with your time as reading about one lunatics days of his life must get boring after a while .I mean it this lunatic, that is sitting in front of his laptop at the current time, typing all of this is confused, but that doesn’t take very much now does it? No... But yes it does me why do you have to be so mean all of the time to me? I don’t know but you seem to like it.

If you hadn’t already noticed I don’t have a very interesting life, hang on a second don’t you mean real before life, kind of like the opposite of a god? Yes I suppose I do kind of have an opposite life to a god.

That’s it I am an anti-god as:
1.                  Gods are frauds I am just a man living the only way that I know how.
2.                  Gods are vain and they want anyone and everyone to suck up to them I couldn’t care less if you like me for what I have written
3.                  Gods can’t feel pain but some people want to make it look like they can I can feel pain but I can tolerate the majority of it.
4.                  Gods are  sincerely old and yet still new I am young in comparison to a god but I an still old enough to appreciate old music, not the new pop rubbish.
5.                  Gods kill people, as if for fun within they’re own fictions, I haven’t killed any people within my fiction.

So that’s only 5 of the ways where I am an anti-god, I could continue but I don’t want to.

Else where in daily thoughts I thought about doing a Savage Sporting Fix part 5, completing the 4 other blogpost ideas, my personal pleasure (which is A Bible Study of a Thomas I was up to Genesis 6) among other things. The Bible Study of the fallen disciple according to the Bible story of Jesus’ resurrection, as he asked for proof that Jesus was who he said he was/ he was a sceptic according to the story, I don’t think happened. It couldn’t have actually happened within any world that is governed by the natural laws that can be observed within this form of reality, laws of nature that show all of us that death is the end of human consciousness within it’s contemporary state.

Kenyan Lawyer Takes the state of Israel Jews to a Court in the Netherlands over the fictional death of a fictional character- and I started off this post stating how Insane I am, I think we have a new definition to add to the insane.

Just reading the Name of that news article makes me wonder if there is any sanity left in this world.

Finally I have finished watching Captain America again, but this time it was as part of Alice’s education into everything super hero related, but she is still refusing to watch Spiderman, Batman and Catwoman.

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