Friday 16 August 2013

Day 42

Day 42;

Today, but by the time your reading this it’ll be at least yesterday, one of my thoughts was about gypsies another was about the brilliant summer rain but I shall wait until later because first I have provided, courtesy of the dark elf that uploaded the following piece of music:

So why were you thing about gypsies in the first place?

I was thinking about gypsies, or more accurately a gypsy queen, as I was reading a back-story on one of my favourite x-men; Nightcrawler. If you’d like to see it you can also by clicking here. When I stumbled, even though I didn’t stumble it was more of a glance at the words “Margali Szardos, a sorceress and gypsy queen” which lead me to the song above as I remembered hearing the words “gypsy queen” within the song the last time that I had listened to it, So I decided to find out what a gypsy exactaly was as I didn’t yet know, at least not properly, aka I knew they people thart travelled around instead of living statically similar to nomads.

But when I clicked on the word gypsy it transferred me to a page which was entirled Romani people so I’m guessing that calling the people gypsies now must no longer be appropriate, for x and y most likelily reasons. But anyway as a side note wasn’t the Romani another TimeLord and a villan from Doctor Who I think it was the villan for the seventh Docror as he had just regenated from his sixth form into Sylvester, 7th form, at the beginning of the episode.

No, that was the Romana not the Romani, and the character that you have described above was really called the Rani not Romana, which was short for Romanadvoratrelundar. But I’m guessing that the doctor has been a bit of a gypsy with all of his travelling.

I am sorry for my darker self  for making those critical errors within my text.

Sylvester McCoy

Colin Baker



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