Tuesday 20 August 2013

Day 46

Day 46;

so it has been day 46 I have been to the dentist on this day/yesterday for all of my readers.

But I have managed to acquire quite a few page views yesterday from the time that I typed this/2 days ago from your perspectives. But I was still late to schedule this post.

In my email inbox that I got an email from youtube and the youtube video was called the worst way to die, but anyway you’d be dead what does ir matter the way you went? it’s over your life and existence is over end of, end to all of your suffering; so I’d take any, as if you’ve got to go I know it s the end of everything so you might as well make it spectacular (the words I have used when I stated “I know it s the end” please take it with a pinch of salt if your religious I wasn’t using the term I know as an absolute standard, so you can keep deceiving yourselves about the nature of our finite existences as it is humanly possible to gain any knowledge of, and extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence and none of the religious texts written by primitive men [and it’s funny how none of the mainstream religious texts are written by women] do actually have any value as evidence as if you find one good moral construct then if you keep reading you’ll probably find the counter within the same book).

Random Q and A

Why. Is the steamer ticking so loudly? I asked and no answer was given.

Why do you fill the glass with water then sip it and then tip the reminder down the drain? I asked Alice as she doesn't want to drink it. Then I put this question to her, “but now I have seen you do the same thing many times now you usually fill the glass with water then sip it and then tip the reminder down the drain isn’t that a waste, surly you’re clever enough to know how much you are prepared to drink beforehand to fill the cup accordingly? To this comment of fact she basically said shut u to me why do you care.

But to the final point of why I care is simple I hate people wasting things like intelligent religious folk wasting they’re brainpower on defending a pointless bigoted way of life just as it’s what they say it says for them to do within they’re indefensible religious books.

Belgian chocolate mouse is nice and I like the boring old supermarket and co-operative ones as well but how that one was on the old scale of 1 to 10 I may of had to give it 11 but also on the old scale co-op chocolate mousse were an 8 so I restored all of the mousses on 8 to 6 and I reduced the new Belgium chocolate mouse to a score of 9 so they're all under 10.

This is my check list of things to do;

Total eclipse of the heart- Bonnie Tyler
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Aren't we all undead, except the dead?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Hello Guyz Faceybook page advert
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Is David Cameron a good Christian?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
What is the function of Godparents, and are they necessary?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --

What is Sectarianism?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
A Bible Study of a Thomas; Genesis 7- 1;24
When is it to be completed by ... 01.11.2013
Date completed: --
First draft: 13/08/2013
Create a new computer game
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Qatar world cup?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
The Savage Acts Comic book
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
I have planed the pictures for the first issue “the story is born” but I am still working on the first. Just need to draw them and then I still have to decide on the certain procedure.

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