Saturday 10 August 2013

Day 36

Day 36;

So today was another standard day within my morning routine with one difference which was today I ate chocolate wheat-a-bix for breakfast not just the standard wheat-a-bix.

But then after I had completed that I had to go outside of my home with my parents and one of my sisters, to go to the nearby city and it was my sister that was driving, but not the one that has passed her driving test it was the other one, the Alice. So Mike made it his duty to tell Alice where to go and how to drive really repeatedly like by instead of saying “turn the steering wheel left” like an ordinary civilised human would he stated “Left. left, left, you have to turn the wheel left, left or you’ll crash” within the mean time Tina and I were sitting on two separate seats behind the two of them which were sitting on the drivers seat and the passengers seat respectively.

The first place that we visited on our journey was a shoe shop of which Mike wanted to go to get some new shoes. cue the following song, with some questionable lyrics.

He made a comment on how expensive they were £35, and then he bought them ever though Tina found 2 more pairs of cheaper shoes the first was only £30 and they were the nicest pair in my opinion, the second pair she found cheaper were £32 and they looked about the same as the first pair that he actually bought for £3 more, what I don’t understand Mike, as in the next shop that we visited we went to buy dinning supplies, as in mats and spoons, we got some spoons and we got two sets of mats we got one set of 6 cheep ones and then mike decided to pick up 8 more but more expensive ones they were actual fabric ones as well which means that after every use of them they are going to have to be put into the washing machine.

My aunt, Dr Savage, is the only one of my close relatives on the Savage side of my family that is living out of the East of England for the moment as she is living in Wales just out side of Cardiff, as that was/is (I’m unsure) where she worked/works at the University in Cardiff, but she has been applying for many jobs including some in Cambridge and if you don’t know your British geography then I’ll explain it like this say you had a piece of green A4 paper and that’s main land Britain well you could cut the top half of it off as that is Scotland now you’ve got England and Wales left England is the majority of the bottom sheet with jus a bit in the top left corner of the sheet that is Wales, well Cardiff is in the bottom right hand corner of Wales and the east of England is on the opposite side of that piece of paper and below Wales is the sea followed by a bit of Cornwall but that’s on the bottom of the page but the thing is that her/Mike’s mother/my grandmother/Pam has moved quite close to our house and Cambridge which is where the job that she has been offered is only just under one hour away from the place that we live. So if anyone is thinking of going to the Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge and is thinking of doing a degree in chemistry or biology look out you may have a short person with black/brown hair teaching you next year who is called Dr Savage, if that’s you I pity you.

But that may have been what has happened to me this day but it’s not been all that I have thinking about today.

As I have been thinking about the following question

Why do women wear bikinis?

For the sole/only reason that the question popped up after I was watching youtube video on geek week, by the way I don’t mean popped up as in a popup window I mean it caught my eye as you know, I hope that you do anyway, that when you mouse over a picture it tells you the title of the video. So I clicked on it and this is what I got a video stating the following data.

The first recorded time that lipstick was used was by a pharaoh of Egypt, called Cleopatra, which was approximately 2000 years BCE and back then it was made from ground beetles. But then from the Dark ages until 1910, which was the concept of a period of intellectual darkness and economic regression that supposedly occurred in Europe following the collapse of the Western Roman Empire which was from about 420 CE until about 480 CE, then for the following period of time the only reason that you’d wear lipstick would be if you were a prostitute until 1910.

Then it goes on to state that the bikini was first unveiled on the 5th of July 1946 in France, Then it goes back in time almost 100 years to show you what swimsuits looked like back then it skips forward to the 1920’s which looks like an PE kit with the sleeves cut off, then it states that today bearing flesh gives women anxiety, which means A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, and I didn’t know that much about women and their feelings towards the type of swimming costume that exposes your navel I have never worn a swimming costume that hasn’t exposed my navel from my first swimming experience which was in some swimming pants (Speedos not trousers to all of my probably nonexistent readers from the US or some country where they teach you American-English not English-English), but since then I have worn swimming trunks which are more of swimming shorts (shorts are like trousers but they have been cut off at the knee).

So the video didn’t answer the question that it asked in the title a little bit like some of my blogposts when I have asked a question as the title I think.

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