Saturday 3 August 2013

Day 29

Day 29;

Why do I keep doing this, just why?

I’m sorry for that little tangent I went off on, what I meant to say was welcome to my new day 29 blogpost.

Where has my mind been all day today? In your head most likely, ok now I’ve had enough of you smarty pants. Fine then get a gun put it up to my head and pull the trigger, I would if I had any fire arms; but alas I don’t. The fake little guns and water pistols don’t work.

By the way if you got an immortal like Jack Harkness or Claire Bennet from Doctor Who/Torchwood and Heroes and you managed to split their brains in half from which half of the brain would the immortal grow out of? Or they might grow out of both sides like twins. Nonsense? I think, but wouldn’t it be worth a go, on Captain Jack as you should know that he has survived an explosive charge in his stomach and still lives, in fiction/

And the slight tangent that I started on was about;

Me obliviously for not keeping an accurate record of what I have been doing throughout the day.

So what have I done?

I have done the usual morning activity, of which you should know by now, If not then please check on the day 28.

Now what else did I do? I watched Thor; you know the super hero film? But before all of that shenanigans, I started cataloguing my DVD’s I found it interesting, as I started to watch Heroes again.

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