Thursday 22 August 2013

Day 48

Day 48;

The day was number 48.

Sorry that this is late 5 hours late.

I went out side of my home twice today, as I walked to the gym and I went outside to water the plants,

Anyway going to the gym was fun even though my instructor for today was Tina. Who kept telling me off for not using the equipment properly even though I was using them the way that Mr Paul had told me to use them the other week, so I adapted my technique to the way that Tina was instructing me to, why? For a stress free work out environment.

But now it’s time for another random thought which is about the Ice Age are we still in the last ice age? I am wondering this as on one youtube video that I watched a while ago it said an ice age is when there is still a formation of Ice naturally occurring somewhere on the globe like the poles and if that is the case then we are still in an Ice age, but another definition I read said that it only counts as an Ice age if the poles are enlarging of which the poles are doing the opposite, so therefore it isn’t.

But now I shall display a video on the Ice age, and sabre-tooth tigers.

This is my check list of things to do;

Total eclipse of the heart- Bonnie Tyler
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Aren't we all undead, except the dead?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Hello Guyz Faceybook page advert
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Is David Cameron a good Christian?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
What is the function of Godparents, and are they necessary?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Savage Sporting Fix part 5
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
What is Sectarianism?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
A Bible Study of a Thomas; Genesis 7- 1;24
When is it to be completed by ... 01.11.2013
Date completed: --
First draft: 13/08/2013
Create a new computer game
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
Qatar world cup?
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
The Savage Acts Comic book
When is it to be completed by ... no date set
Date completed: --
I have planed the pictures for the first issue “the story is born” but I am still working on the first. Just need to draw them and then I still have to decide on the certain procedure.

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