Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 593

Day 593;

So today has been another day of disappointment on three counts today, as 1 I didn't manage to fit in any playing of Zelda 2. the football team that I support lost, again 3 Boiled sweets and lies.

So I shall start at 1 today as it is obvious as today sucked as I didn't manage to slip any of playing one of my favourite games into it.

My second reason is another relatively obvious reason, but it's not excitably as you may think. As I am a person that has suffered his fair share of defeats but what made this match worse was the style that it was lost in, as I like to take my metaphorical hat off to an opponent as if to say that was a good game and it'd good to that the better player won, but the team wasn't really any better than the team that I supported at least not for the majority of the game there was one time in the whole game that they had an opportunity to score and they nailed it.

Noe onto the third point as Mich told me that I had to give the sweet to him and wait until I was in the car until I was  allowed my boiled sweet, so I gave him the sweet and I did wait until the car but I asked him for it back before we got back to the car and he said that he had already eaten it, so I search my beg for another boiled sweet, I find one I start to unwrap it and Mich starts getting really aggressive with me and he Starts telling mr that I was eat it when I get home but he even attempted to snatch it from me. So what did I do with it when I reached home... I ate it, and then latter on both Tini and Mich had words with me about eating boiled sweets and how I must never do itI don't think they knew what I had done previously.

And I almost forgot to tell you about something from this morning as it was one of those things that just irritate me as aAllergy and I were each in the kitchen and I could see her bra through her t-shirt and it is just very off-putting as it's one of those things like a kitchen cupboard that is open a bit. things that just aren't right.

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