Saturday 7 February 2015

Day 582

Day 582;

Today has been the day that was numbered day number five eight two.

But today I made a breakthrough in Skyward Sword, it was through one part of a turn while I was playing Skyward Sword but it faded soon enoubth after I had it. But it is enough for me to believe that I can get it to work for me again, all I need is a pair of fresh arms to get me to and through that point of the game, at least I hope at least. Anyway by the time that I have hopefully completed Skyward Sword, on my own, which I may be able to do with the Hylian Shield as well, now that I have discovered how to get it, plus I could do with some more practise with the True Master Sword as well, so off to Lanayru Desert I go.

Now I have been inspired again to get a move on and complete the three games that I'm on at the moment with the possible inclusion of Four Swords the one player version as  I have just remembered that I have got that game on my 3DS also, so that should mean that I only need three of my friends to play Four Swords Adventure for the Game Cube, oh such fond memories of getting my Game Cube it actually set me on this quest to start with as I think that the first time I played on a Legend of Zelda game was on that console, as when I bought it it came with 5, well 4 and a taster of a game, it was called Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition, it had Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, the original Legend of Zelda and Legend of Zelda II: Adventure of Link and the taster of a game was Wind Waker. I played on that disc a lot but I somehow lost in in the transition between my previous life and the current one that I'm living, I lost the precious (like Golum lost his precious, LOTR reference).

And that is why I liked Majora's Mask so much it's darkness breezed through the cobwebs of my mind as it just connected with me like no game before it did. I had forgotten much of what happened in my life around and after tat point as in one of those years after Twilight Princes had been released as I have just been turning the pages in the book of my mind of what happened in that game, as my memory is something of shockingly thin on the memories that the game inspired which was until I watched some of a play through and it almost all came back to me like the part with the hawk grass and you have to blow it to get a hawk to your arm to then send the hawk off down the river to reach the cradle, but also I can remember attempting to herd the cat towards it's homestead of using the Fishing Rod that you get for returning the cradle to the pregnant woman to catch a fish, for the cat to get the cat to return home, as I know I had already got past that part of the game but I'm not sure how far I got on it, but I knew that it's one of my favourite Zelda games.

But what happened to me other than that today?

I was forced to watch Pitch Perfect today, by Allergy, She put it on while I was eating my lunch.

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