Thursday 5 February 2015

Day 580

Day 580;

So today I played a bit in the Ocarina of Time, and I continued on my expedition through my packs of Jaffa cakes.

Also today I went to the gym now that, I had forgot; as Allergy, reared up onto her hind legs and said "But you have done nothin' today!" as she was distressed that I had lost weight but Allergy had gained 4lbs today, which potentially was as she had eaten a Mcdonalds for her lunch today and I had the left overs from last nights dinner, which was pasta and quoin mince,  But Allergy or any other female reader/viewer of this do not disappear, you can get thinner if that is what you want to do, just watch this below video, and remember if you Jiggle you can.

But anyway guys, galls, in-between or neither that read this= you can do most probably almost anything that you put your mind to, with your body, In terms of what goes into it but my best advice to you is not to over indulge on any foodstuffs eat in moderation, as you only have one shot at this existence so you should try to make it count, I know that there are many different religions which may each say that you have a better one waiting for you behind the veil of death which I'm sure is real nice if your going to pop your clogs anytime soon but that is only if you're dying or you have lost someone close to you It sounds just plain stupid to me, else wide you wouldn't cling onto life so hard you'd just stand there stop in the street resigned to the inevitable not preaching a word of hate nor one of love you'd just be   stood motionless in the street waiting for guidance to tell you what to do next,

But then that's why god gave us our own thoughts/minds, so he didn't have to tell us what we should and shouldn't be doing.

But then why did he get his slave to write ten commandments for us to follow?

As the Devil corrupted us.

But ten if the devil could corrupt our base programming why is your god credited so highly? As he would be a negligent owner of us if he allowed it to happen to us without even cancelling the programme and then ironing our all of the glitches before getting the system back on track, unless it isn't an all powerful, all knowing and all good he could be everywhere at once, and nowhere, but he is powerless to intervene or he could be indifferent to all of the suffering that is on the surface of this planet therefore not all good and with him being all knowing, I would have thought so as if you were every where at the same time you'd know about everything that happens everywhere, even in someones head. So if I choose to accept you you knew that before I was even conceived and you still haven't offered any solution to the problem of there not being an actual god.

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