Monday 2 February 2015

Day 577

Day 577;

So today there was a Tennis  final match, and Andy Murray lost it.

As he was defeated in 4 sets by the world number 1. But he put up a great fight for the first two sets as they went down to a tiebreaker, and then he totally broke down, after the 4th game, as he was 31 up at the start of the 5th game and he just fell to pieces (not literally obviously he is still in one piece).

Sop after that disappointment I decided to brace myself for another disappointment. The other disappointment came in my inability to beat the first stage of the final battle, the final assent, into my final fight with Demon Lord Ghirahim, but then I'll have the ominous figure known as Demise to defeat, then game done, game complete. Then it'll be mytime too put the final nails in Vaati's coffin (Minish Cap) next it'll be back in time,  the Ocarina of Time, to defeat both Gannondorf/Gannon to then it should be my Anniversary day, at approximately a time before I get my hands on Majoras Mask so I can continue along in my quest to complete all of the Legend of Zelda, excluding the Four Swords games as I don't have that many friends.

But so this evening I thought that I had eaten yesterday's dinner at lunchtime today, well that was what I was told, at least. Ok so the story goes a bit like this, I signed to Allergy 'where were you at lunch' as I was curious and she said "I was sitting here" then I looked confused, then Mich stepped in and explained to me that the "lunchtime" that I was referring to was actually last nights dinner, then he explained to mr that allergy was out playing Golf last night.

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