Tuesday 10 February 2015

Day 585

Day 585;

So yesterdays Blogpost was a slight fiasco,

Slight? What planet are you from?

I'am from the same planet as you, Yellow.

Ok, but slight is something like 1 or 2 minutes, not as it happens 10 bloody hours,

Language Yellow. I know it was a bit too late to call it a slight fiasco. But I was understating the enormity of time that I was late,

And you forgot the part about you in the Shadow, not Spirit, Temple yesterday, also.

You understate and you include errors, despicable truly despicable.

Ok, I already know how terrible a type of person I am.

Ha Ha ha, you do make me laugh, Savage.

How, what did I say?

You called yourself a person.

How is that funny?

Your not a person.

Really now then what am I if not a person?

You are a stupid pathetic excuse for a person,

Ok. Moving on, Now today I saw a very worrying answer on Yahoo Answers, it shows that this person doesn't actually read the book that we can all read online if we so dared, the book that is synonymous with her religion the book also known as the Bible,
Her answer read:
I am christian and I am roman catholic.. personally Bible doesn't teach the prophet muhammad is the Antichrist or the beast as the Bible said.
It may not say that Muhamed is the Antichrist but it clearly does state that he was an Antichrist, as am I for that matter.  Just look at book 1 John 2:22 in the New International Version
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son.
Now I know you probably don't need mr to go into that Biblical passage any further, as its pretty clear, but I will anyway, anyone denying that Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist but what is a christ you maybe wondering, for that I used a search engine and this is what I got;
the title, also treated as a name, given to Jesus.
synonyms: Jesus, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, the Messiah, the Saviour, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, the Good Shepherd, the Redeemer, the Prince of Peace, the Nazarene, the Galilean
Now I have highlighted the part that says The Son of God due to one reason, that reason being that no Muslim can say that Jesus was the Son of God if they were forced to be honest by their believes. As they may picture him to be a prophet but then they'd have to say that his message has been corrupted over the past two Millenia. And then it'll be down to which book you trust more- is it the brutal bible, the cocky Qur'an, another frankly barmy religious text or is it a book on evolution? It's up to you.

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