Sunday 15 February 2015

Day 590

Day 590;

So on this day be it all goo,d bad and ugly, I managed to complete the Deku princess bombers notebook entry, it got the Mask of Scents, and I went to the Mountain, I will collect up all of the stray pieces of the fairy latter on in my quest.

So I should start with the ugliest news, as my GM appeared to have suffered a mini stroke, which caused Mich who was with her at the time to get properly shaken up, and then Emu got a bit peeved that he choose Allergy to go with him to visit GM in hospital and Emu had to stay with me, Tini and C at home. After all it was her that asked Mich to go with him to visit GM in hospital. Meanwhile I was sitting there  in my head thinking what about me, maybe I wanted to  see her but I decided against putting my offer on the table as what good could I do, for her health by going, That is correct absolutely none.

Next is time for bad, and I'm unsure if I mentioned it but an elderly relative of mine had a mini stoke today, and my country of origin got themselves thrashed comprehensively by the Aussie's.

But in Good news Both go the countries that I have Blood Links to won their six nations matches of Rugby nut the first match of the day was basically a demotion job, well the second half was at least as by the end of the first  half the team that I support were only 10 up  but by the full time the team ran away from the opposition by increasing the lead to 30.

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