Saturday 28 February 2015

Day 602

Day 602;

So it has been day number 602, and just it has been the day of my drawing, not actually me drawing but me being drawn by that friend of mine, Mr PK.

I diss like his addiction, as he smokes, and he bought a pipe, not as in a bit of drain pipe an actual smoking pipe for a friend of his  for one of their anniversaries,, but then he said at two separate parts in the conversation that 1 he's one of the actually intelligent people that he knows so he could just pose with it to increase his looking like sherlock homes factor, not to actually smoke in that way he's more like me, he's not a smoker of tobacco, in other words. But I also noted another thing about his smoking habit, which is that he has got on the more expensive stuff, instead of the cheeper more pleasantly smelling stuff at least while it isn't lit,, so he had got his pipe out in  his hand brandishing it so anyone could smell the tobacco that he had taken from the expensive cigarette which was stinking out my nostrils something horrific and that's the thing it wasn't lit so I asked PK nicely to cove it up and he could go to smoke when he is no longer on the property of my families home so we arranged our break for then and we each had our lunches and he even attempted to draw me while I was eating.

He's a good fun man, but it's a shame about his addictions, and even while I was modelling for him I looked at his face and I wondered who is that (in a who are you kind of way)?

I'm sorry but I had to.

But I know that I did go on Majora's Mask this morning but I didn't manage to get anything done on it today.

Friday 27 February 2015

Day 601

Day 601;

A family friendly version of the Game of Thrones, is how Netflix would like to describe their new Zelda endeavour, a live action Zelda TV or web series. But how could that be possible? Are they going to take out all of thee sex scenes and all of the deaths? As that would make a family friendly show of the Game of Thrones, it'd also make it totally unlike Game of Thrones. As the project is sighted here,

But we already have had a Legend of Zelda TV series, it was the dreadful animated series, they only made one series and you can view it below. Despite the scrip, the dodgy animation, the voice acting, the tiered story which is recycled through every episode and the obsessed nature of Link, which is basically everything that makes this an animated series I'm thinking that I like the one story in all of it's different, inflammations.

But obviously the above only had very limited Legend of Zelda knowledge to work from as to be with where in the Time Line the the above is set. Before the game Zelda II: Adventure of Link. Even though the Series was created 2 years after AoL was released.

So where shall the Netflix series  of the Legend of Zelda come in on the time line? I believe that it'll be set before the events of Ocarina of Time. I think that it'll end on the birth of Link, the hero of Time/the Hyrule Unification War. By the way I don't literally mean that as soon as Link is born it must immediately end, I meant that by the time that that happens that signifies that the Hyrule Unification war must be over by the time that Link was either 9 or 12, as Links mother is critically wombded by the time she goes to the Deku forest meanwhile being heavily pregnant with Link and when dhe collapses in the Kokiei Forest and gives birth to her son, Link, she dies soon after within the presence of the Kokiri then Saria takes the boy to the great Tree who instructs her to keep the child safe, until he reaches the age of the hero, which is either 9 or 12 years of age.  The Hyrule Unification war could have started many years before Links birth and it could have ended something like 11 years after his birth then in the twelfth year Gannondorf could swear his loyalty to the king of hyruleas he does in Ocarina of Time.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Day 600

Day 600;

So today was my day numbered six hundred, and it has been uninteresting but not dull, so you may say that is a contradiction in terms and you may even be correct in that observation.

As today in interesting, yes I know I have contradicted  once more, but in the only interesting thingAs it happened in the world of Termina that happened to me today, that I can remember was didn't happen to me, at least not my person, But instead it happened to Link who is a younger male than I within the game which I first played the game when I was closer to the age of Link in the game.

Also today I realised how short the people in school year, of what must be 7, actually are and just how tiny I must have appeared to other people, from the outside world. Even the PE teacher seems have shrunk since when I was last there, As i went back to the gym today but nothing to report really, but I managed to Row slightly over 1.2km in slightly more than 7 minutes. So I was hopeless at attempting to get 1km in under 5 minutes.

Another part of the uninteresting in the day was my attempt at watching the Legend of Zelda Animated Series, and it is seriously wrong in so many aspects of the Legend of Zelda Series, like the shape of the Trifore and even the number of Triforce pieces, as I know that in the beginning there was only 2 aka the power and the knowledge but by the time that the tv series was aired the game Zelda 2; Adventure of Link, had been released and the three  pieces of the Triiforce were in existence.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Day 599

Day 599;

So today i was remembering yesterday, and I was also attempting to remember many years before also but they were at separate times, and for separate reasons.

So I will start with some stuff about me attempting to remember some very old stuff as I decided to attempts to plat the CD-i Zelda Games, by attempted it only means that I wasn't very successful as for me to actually know anyone that has a CD-i, would be a  highly unlikely occurrence as I was born in the time after it's demise. So I had to search the net for CD-i Emulators so far I have only found one and it which even is the correct file type (.exe) i think. But I have found the ISO's, the ISO's are the games/ROM's but in order to get onto a Rom I can remember having to right click on the rom and then open with and then I had to select the correct  emulator the game. then after that was done we had to delete all trace of it from the school network but we could keep them on our memory sticks (Flash drives) those were the days.

Ok now the thing that I remember about yesterday is something to do with foxe, it was as I saw a fox while I was outsideon the track. I atarted thinking about should fox hunting be legalised. mu immradiate reackion was no, as ... DAM IT  MY EYES.

Ok now the thing that I can remer about yesterday was something to do with the fox that I saw. To be more exact it was about wether fox hunting should be illegal or not, and my immediate reaction was yes it should be illegal as dox hunting is cruel and it's unnecessary. The DAMN MY EYES bit was about my eyes kept shutting while I was attempting to wright so that is why I decided to stop it there.

If I had been able to expand on it I would have stated something about it's beauty, but I'm no good at stuff like that. So instead I shall go on in some of my other thoughts about wether fox hunting should be illegal and then I thought should murder be illegal? here I am on about the act of a human killing another human But I don't think that it should as when you ask people that could have killed someone that didn't what will there answer be? It was the correct thing to do or because we've got laws against it? The second one of those two answers is code for I bottled it, it could be for some deeply rooted phycological reasons but you still refused to allow them to die, by your hand. Should murder be illegal I say no as it doesn't stop people from murdering others, as long as it's just one man/woman against another man/woman if it's mass murder then sure you should be held accountable and if your a serial killer you should be held accountable, and you've got to actually have some proper legitimate reason, so somebody coming to my home a shooting me in the head you may seem justified in your head as I may have insulted you, or your religious convictions, religious convictions what hogwash, but should me typing wha I have typed be enough to warrant the death penalty? If so then please refer it to the correct authorities. 

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Day 598

Day 598;

so today I managed to win the Goron Race pity that it took me until the third day to win it so I couldn't use the gold in the Sword Shop to make the most powerful sword minus the fierce deity's sword , obviously. I also saw some interesting news about Doctor Who today, which is below.

They did bring it back, it was where it always was, Gallifrey that is, but it was baron, and the brigadier's Cyberman killed Missy, plus Missy's Cybermen had to come from somewhere so I'm thinking that she used the cyber technology that she or he had stole from inside of the void off of the Cybermen, or later on like how and why they can now assimilate a TimeLord into a Cyberman as seen in Series 7 part 2, and she had used it to cannibalise her people, the TimeLords, into her new race of Cybermen. But as Missy has been confirmed for the first two episodes of series 9;  Episode 1 The Magician's Apprentice and Episode 2 The Witch's Familiar. So this could be shot earlier on in her time line and that could give Clara renewed hope of stopping her before she enacts her fiendish plan which could be why clara has a child to Danny Pink in the future, as I'm unsure of the details but that would leave an excellent excuse for Clara to leave the Tardis and be forced to lead an ordinary life with Danny. But before all of that could possibly happen the Doctor will have to break the time lock that is on Gallifrey in order to save the TimeLords from becoming the servants of Missy.

But I have probably got the majority if not all of the above conjecture incorrect, as would it match up with all, probably, of my previous Doctor Who theories.

Monday 23 February 2015

Day 597

Day 597;

So today I had a few more attempts at the Goron race, I failed at it I crosse the line in third place best, maybe I need my hair cut so it doesn't go into my eyes, any more while I am playing?

So today I had a discussion about Feminism with a female friend of mine. One that basically agreed with me about the mainstream, public, face of feminism; or the poison.

Her stance of feminism is basically humanism, so I asked her about why the term humanism has been thrown to the curb, and she hadn't got an answer for me-but I had got an idea as to why it could be, my idea is that the term huMANism actually has the term Man within it which could be construed as discriminatory against the female members of the cult so they called it feminism which could be interpreted as an attack on the supposed patriarchy which I have actually seen some evidence which states that the opposite is more or less true now.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Day 596

Day 596;

Well today I discovered some thrilling news but my excitement of this news is best put by someone else,

So what happened today was a very good thing as the football team that I support, won, for the second time this season at home, The won the first half 3-0 but then they lost the second half 0-2 so the full time score was 3-3 to the team that I support which temporarily brings them out of the relegation Zone But what makes it stranger is that it was against the top team in they're league. So I am under if they were playing their B team or somthing? But the team that I support played in a 442 formation which could ave been the clincher for this game instead of some of the managers usual flaf which is something like 451, the only difference is that in the 442 you have got 2 strikers (Goal scorers) and only 4 midfielders so it is a more attacking line out and then in the 451 you've got 5 midfielders snd only 1 attacker.

But today I almost choked myself on a piece of potatoes, and Tini now hates me for doing that. As I ruined her dinner.

But today In Majora's Mask I did the Ranch challenge which has you fending off the the Gorman brothers with arrows when they attempt to break the milk that you're trafficking to clock town through they're lands, also mannaged to get the Zora Mask.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Day 595

Day 595;

So today I completed the Snowhead temple in Majora's Mask so spring has now sprung on Goron mountain and I have now got permission to buy the Goron kegs from the Goron chap in clock town bomb shop, for fifty rupees in fact, bargain how much grass do I need to cut to get that amount?

I like the dungeon boss Goht, the battle was time consuming but it was easy enough, but it's a fun boss to beat up,I mean with the flitting between the Goron Mask and no mask to load up your fire arrows and then hit the bulls eye with the flame arrows. and then I went to Romani's Ranch with the Keg that I had just purchased and then I drove those "aliens out of the farm, and I was just about to escort Cremia to clock town when the battery died on on my 3DS, but fortunately I knew that it was about to die when it did as I just got to save the progress before it packed up on me. But did I Mention that I got Epona back before I Started these quests so I could have just skipped these two mini quests, but I decided to do them anyway. As I to a bottle of milk for doing one of them, I think.

Well that's all hunky dory but what have you done in the real world?

I don't know, much, but I've waited for a arty friend of mine to come round today but no-one came around. He says that he was asleep at the time which is believable as I know he works night shifts at the post office.

Friday 20 February 2015

Day 595

Day 595;

So today It was day numbered 395 and basically nothing big has happened today, at least not for me. As I have been being forgetful, and classic of me, on Majora's Mask because I had forgot to use the Bomb Mask in the game. Now I say that that's classic of me as I can't remember doing it in the same game before, but I wouldn't put it past me, but Im remembering myself doing it in the Ocarina of Time of which Ironically had a less dependancy on time so I could get myself stuck on part of the game for real world days, but in the Majora's Mask  you can only get stuck on an in-game puzzle for maximum of three in game days and then you'll have to work your way back up to it.

You could call me a sadist but I think that Majora's Mask's way is the better of the two.

Why could someone call you a sadist?

As the number two definition on this website is a person that enjoys being cruel, and I enjoy the crueler game the best, I say the crueller gam as if you look at all of the darkness which surrounds you while you are playing it.

By the darkness that surrounds you i'm meaning in game.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Day 594

Day 594;

So today I was still attempting to complete Anju and Kafi's quest on Majora's Mask of which I was disturbed in completion of it today which was partly due to the battery running low on my 3DS.

But today I went to the gym and I was one second out of finishing my 10KM row in 5:30, but what makes it more frustrating is that for the first two minutes I managed to row myself 4KM which was meaning that if i had continued at that rate I'd have managed to get it down to under 5 minutes.  Oh Dam and Blast.

But Tini has been very peeved with me today sue to something I cannot remember doing last night, I can remember doing something that could have annoyed Mich yesterday but Tini? No, I do not recall, but I'll tell you all the real funny thing though Mic was ok with me today.

My perplexity about this morning it came down to the shower I had when I had woken up as I didn't wash my hair with me today as I knew that as soon as I get back from the gym I'd need another shower and I will wash my hair then I thought it saves shampoo, But then Tini flipped at me for not using itand she forced me to use double the amount of shampoo than was necessary. Plus it's not my fault if the socks that I pulled out of the draw today weren't a matching pair well actually it is, but they shouldn't have been in there id they weren't matching, if you want to get all stroppy with me.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 593

Day 593;

So today has been another day of disappointment on three counts today, as 1 I didn't manage to fit in any playing of Zelda 2. the football team that I support lost, again 3 Boiled sweets and lies.

So I shall start at 1 today as it is obvious as today sucked as I didn't manage to slip any of playing one of my favourite games into it.

My second reason is another relatively obvious reason, but it's not excitably as you may think. As I am a person that has suffered his fair share of defeats but what made this match worse was the style that it was lost in, as I like to take my metaphorical hat off to an opponent as if to say that was a good game and it'd good to that the better player won, but the team wasn't really any better than the team that I supported at least not for the majority of the game there was one time in the whole game that they had an opportunity to score and they nailed it.

Noe onto the third point as Mich told me that I had to give the sweet to him and wait until I was in the car until I was  allowed my boiled sweet, so I gave him the sweet and I did wait until the car but I asked him for it back before we got back to the car and he said that he had already eaten it, so I search my beg for another boiled sweet, I find one I start to unwrap it and Mich starts getting really aggressive with me and he Starts telling mr that I was eat it when I get home but he even attempted to snatch it from me. So what did I do with it when I reached home... I ate it, and then latter on both Tini and Mich had words with me about eating boiled sweets and how I must never do itI don't think they knew what I had done previously.

And I almost forgot to tell you about something from this morning as it was one of those things that just irritate me as aAllergy and I were each in the kitchen and I could see her bra through her t-shirt and it is just very off-putting as it's one of those things like a kitchen cupboard that is open a bit. things that just aren't right.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Day 592

Day 592;

Now today I completed a bit more on Majora's Mask but I was busy falling at the Anju and Kafei side quest, And I have realised that I'll need the Goron Kegs to get into Romani Ranch, so not just the Goron Mask. So I can then go hero for the cows that the "Aliens" are trying to abduct.

But what has happened on the GM front do I hear you ask? *tumble weed rolls* No well I am about to tell you anyway, as she went home today.

I'm sorry if you were expecting some drama, to go with it but no.

And In a chess game that I'm playing I don't know how he missed the opportunity to get my king into Check Mate within the space of two moves, but he did, it was similar to me telling how to check mate my king down the pub.But online I didn't tell him 

Monday 16 February 2015

Day 591

Day 591;

So It has been the next day and I have been attempting to collect more of the Masks in Majora's Mask and I collected the Goron Mask, in order to help me complete the Romani Ranch thing.

Moving onto more of the bad news from yesterday, GM  was about to be discharged from the hospital today when she bumped her head, by the term bumped her head I mean as you should know when you sit down and there isn't a chair behind you, so you shock yourself and then if you are unfortunate enough you bump your head on a piece of furniture or a wall, the type that hurts your pride rather than your body.

But today or was it, yesterday? that I had another Idea it was about GM moving into the home that GAK is in as they are each the closest thing that they either have left of a sibling, which could be as they each ]] sister-in-laws of the other one.Well my idea is that we get GM into a home which is like the one that GAK is in then it won't be up to Mich being there if/when it happens again.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Day 590

Day 590;

So on this day be it all goo,d bad and ugly, I managed to complete the Deku princess bombers notebook entry, it got the Mask of Scents, and I went to the Mountain, I will collect up all of the stray pieces of the fairy latter on in my quest.

So I should start with the ugliest news, as my GM appeared to have suffered a mini stroke, which caused Mich who was with her at the time to get properly shaken up, and then Emu got a bit peeved that he choose Allergy to go with him to visit GM in hospital and Emu had to stay with me, Tini and C at home. After all it was her that asked Mich to go with him to visit GM in hospital. Meanwhile I was sitting there  in my head thinking what about me, maybe I wanted to  see her but I decided against putting my offer on the table as what good could I do, for her health by going, That is correct absolutely none.

Next is time for bad, and I'm unsure if I mentioned it but an elderly relative of mine had a mini stoke today, and my country of origin got themselves thrashed comprehensively by the Aussie's.

But in Good news Both go the countries that I have Blood Links to won their six nations matches of Rugby nut the first match of the day was basically a demotion job, well the second half was at least as by the end of the first  half the team that I support were only 10 up  but by the full time the team ran away from the opposition by increasing the lead to 30.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Day 589

Day 589;

So yesterday was the sixth time that two fat ladies  in my titles of these blog articles, the number 88, 

And today i have been playing more on Majora's Mask I have cleared out the swamp dungeon/temple. I am just attempting to chase the Deku Butler to complete that bombers notebook activity. But my blunders still haven't stopped me from making a mountain out of a molehill A bit like in Twilight Princess I spent ages attempting to shoo the cat home,  Ah they were some good times. But they are gone and are never coming back to me. 

Why not?

They aren't going to come back to me as I haven't seen a woking time machine, a machine that can transfer people from one point in history backwards through time and I have yet to see a machine that can teleport someone to the future either.

But when I have caught the butler iI shall then be off to snow-head, by using the bow and arrows to snap the big stalactite  that is above it to shatter it. Oh but before that I nee dot find the other piece of the swamps great fairy,

Friday 13 February 2015

Day 588

Day 588;

Today I think that The awesome game Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask arrived at my home a day early, now I think that as a box has arrived which says Nintendo on it, but it is dressed to someone else so I cannot open it, well actually I could but it isn't something that I do; even if it is really tempting.

So I have decided to play some of the music from the game to help me contain my excitement,

As I know that I'm going to have to contain my excitement for a while longer, in this circumstances the term a while longer is referring to almost 2 moths, but I have to see if I can sneak myself a little go on it before tonight; I wonder if I could?

I could as it happened my bomber code is 42153, I think it is anyway. I am now content within myself who knew a game could calm a man like me, if I dare call myself a man both here & now.

I can remember playing that game before going to Roller hocker (inline skater hockey) on Fridays, as I used to skate around oblivious to everyone that was trying to check me I'd be in a world of my own. As i would be until the moon falls from the sky and crushes me and my dreams. Ah good times.

Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 587

Day 587;

Ok so have been to the gym today and I had a great idea today also.

But unfortunately I didn't manage to get any of my Legend of Zelda games played today.

But on the plus side I have started to write the Super Heroes of My Overactive Imagination down on some notes.

But didn't you start doing that the other day?

Yes I did, sorry I meant I continued writing down some of my ideas of MOI, there is that better?

Yes much, now what of that great idea.

Ok it was that Allergy should take GM to the gym, as it'll give them something meaningful to do with their time they spend together I mean they could still speak to each other as much as they ever do just on some of the gym equipment, like GM and Allergy could just have a great chat while they're each on the cross trainers, and then Allergy could sit there and listen to GM talk at her grunting at the correct moments which just so happen to coincide with Allergy lifting weights. But just before you say stuff about GM being too fragile to handle the equipment, which is why she needs to get up onto the gym equipment to train herself up to not be such a fragile little thing, and another reason why I was saying that Allergy should be the one to take her is that she is in training to be a nurse, who better to take our 80 year old GM, also part of the inspiration to this was Allergy sating that she missed going to the gym, as she hasn't been to any gym in slightly over 3 years now.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Day 586

Day 586;

First up I would like to... ... apologise as I have forgot what I was about to write to finish that sentence.

What have you done today then?

Well I can't remember much but I know that I okayed a bit more on Skyward Sword and I watched something on YouTube,

Something? What you only watched now thing?

No, but the thing that I watched was called something like "A Chinese Ghost Story" but if I may just state, there wasn't any ghost's in it, it was about sweetie loving demons and the demon hunters. Not much else to say about it.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Day 585

Day 585;

So yesterdays Blogpost was a slight fiasco,

Slight? What planet are you from?

I'am from the same planet as you, Yellow.

Ok, but slight is something like 1 or 2 minutes, not as it happens 10 bloody hours,

Language Yellow. I know it was a bit too late to call it a slight fiasco. But I was understating the enormity of time that I was late,

And you forgot the part about you in the Shadow, not Spirit, Temple yesterday, also.

You understate and you include errors, despicable truly despicable.

Ok, I already know how terrible a type of person I am.

Ha Ha ha, you do make me laugh, Savage.

How, what did I say?

You called yourself a person.

How is that funny?

Your not a person.

Really now then what am I if not a person?

You are a stupid pathetic excuse for a person,

Ok. Moving on, Now today I saw a very worrying answer on Yahoo Answers, it shows that this person doesn't actually read the book that we can all read online if we so dared, the book that is synonymous with her religion the book also known as the Bible,
Her answer read:
I am christian and I am roman catholic.. personally Bible doesn't teach the prophet muhammad is the Antichrist or the beast as the Bible said.
It may not say that Muhamed is the Antichrist but it clearly does state that he was an Antichrist, as am I for that matter.  Just look at book 1 John 2:22 in the New International Version
Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son.
Now I know you probably don't need mr to go into that Biblical passage any further, as its pretty clear, but I will anyway, anyone denying that Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist but what is a christ you maybe wondering, for that I used a search engine and this is what I got;
the title, also treated as a name, given to Jesus.
synonyms: Jesus, Jesus Christ, Our Lord, the Messiah, the Saviour, the Son of God, the Lamb of God, the Good Shepherd, the Redeemer, the Prince of Peace, the Nazarene, the Galilean
Now I have highlighted the part that says The Son of God due to one reason, that reason being that no Muslim can say that Jesus was the Son of God if they were forced to be honest by their believes. As they may picture him to be a prophet but then they'd have to say that his message has been corrupted over the past two Millenia. And then it'll be down to which book you trust more- is it the brutal bible, the cocky Qur'an, another frankly barmy religious text or is it a book on evolution? It's up to you.

Monday 9 February 2015

Day 584

Day 584;

So yesterday was my day numbered 584.

And I'm sorry I have been 10 hours late in posting this post, I could now say that it won't happen again but I'm unsure if I can make that kind of promise.

So what happened to you yesterday?

Nice of you to enquire Green.

But the answer is not much as we had my GAK around yesterday.

What you mean the one that moved to close by your house?

Yes the only GAK, that I know at least, she's 88.

Boy that's old.

Yes, it sure is.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Day 583

Day 583;

So today i have watched the football team that I support loose in they're match, 2-3, which is disappointing as it could mean that the club will probably get relegated at the end of this season.

As they're drifting ever further away from safety now.

But now I think I should tell you all about the stupidest thing that I heard on BBC radio today, as it said do not blame Islam for the muslims. as Islam is a religion of peace. Now I didn't hear the part that I tagged in pink/purple to the end of it as it was what they were meaning, and I was sitting there seriously scratching my head, as what is a muslim?

A follower of the religion of Islam?

Yes you got it Yellow.

And they believe that the Qur'an is the only true, as thee others have been corrupted by the passage of time/evolution of meaning which means all of the barbarism which has in the Qur'an for the 1400 years since it's creation such as:

Should today as ever be carried out, without hesitation. So by using the Qur'an as a standard the people go the Islamic state are doing the correct thing, and all of the western Mosques that condemn the horror that is done in the name of Islam across the globe. Good on you  I hope your speaking your heart and mind, as I know that if your god is real Then you shall be in for the same fate as me and every other stupid human on this planet minus the Muslims that hate the west and everybody from it and they kill themselves in one of those suicide runs for what they believe in, and then only the males will have paradise, if your a female you're going to have a whole new hard life to look forward to but just within your next one you won't get the end of death that you should wish for it's eternal.

I didn't get any of Skyward Sword complete today as I was doing what I typed up first for the majority of today but I did manage to fit some small parts of Gaming on the Ocarina of Time in today.  As well I didn't progress very far through the Spirit Temple today. But I'm progressing, as I got the Map and the Compass..

Saturday 7 February 2015

Day 582

Day 582;

Today has been the day that was numbered day number five eight two.

But today I made a breakthrough in Skyward Sword, it was through one part of a turn while I was playing Skyward Sword but it faded soon enoubth after I had it. But it is enough for me to believe that I can get it to work for me again, all I need is a pair of fresh arms to get me to and through that point of the game, at least I hope at least. Anyway by the time that I have hopefully completed Skyward Sword, on my own, which I may be able to do with the Hylian Shield as well, now that I have discovered how to get it, plus I could do with some more practise with the True Master Sword as well, so off to Lanayru Desert I go.

Now I have been inspired again to get a move on and complete the three games that I'm on at the moment with the possible inclusion of Four Swords the one player version as  I have just remembered that I have got that game on my 3DS also, so that should mean that I only need three of my friends to play Four Swords Adventure for the Game Cube, oh such fond memories of getting my Game Cube it actually set me on this quest to start with as I think that the first time I played on a Legend of Zelda game was on that console, as when I bought it it came with 5, well 4 and a taster of a game, it was called Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition, it had Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, the original Legend of Zelda and Legend of Zelda II: Adventure of Link and the taster of a game was Wind Waker. I played on that disc a lot but I somehow lost in in the transition between my previous life and the current one that I'm living, I lost the precious (like Golum lost his precious, LOTR reference).

And that is why I liked Majora's Mask so much it's darkness breezed through the cobwebs of my mind as it just connected with me like no game before it did. I had forgotten much of what happened in my life around and after tat point as in one of those years after Twilight Princes had been released as I have just been turning the pages in the book of my mind of what happened in that game, as my memory is something of shockingly thin on the memories that the game inspired which was until I watched some of a play through and it almost all came back to me like the part with the hawk grass and you have to blow it to get a hawk to your arm to then send the hawk off down the river to reach the cradle, but also I can remember attempting to herd the cat towards it's homestead of using the Fishing Rod that you get for returning the cradle to the pregnant woman to catch a fish, for the cat to get the cat to return home, as I know I had already got past that part of the game but I'm not sure how far I got on it, but I knew that it's one of my favourite Zelda games.

But what happened to me other than that today?

I was forced to watch Pitch Perfect today, by Allergy, She put it on while I was eating my lunch.

Friday 6 February 2015

Day 581

Day 581;

So today I got the Lens of Truth and Epona (the horse from Ocarina of Time, as that was the game that I am currently playing through that has a playable horse) but when I have completed Skyward Sword, Minish Cap and Ocarina of Time, in that order I will most likely then have Majora's Mask in my position, as I have saved up enough money to acquire it even if I am not fortunate enough to receive it on my anniversary of my existence day, unless I have to pay it all to somebody(s) for x reasons.

As you could tell I have been going through this time line minus the four swords games as I only have one sword/ I'm only person.By the time that I have finished the three games that I am currently playing Majora's Mask will be around on 3DS then, when I have finished that game it shall be on to Taillight Princess, then child hood time line will be complete, next it's onto Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, then finally it'll be onto Link failing to defeat Gannon skew of which I should probably do first as I'm most likely going to fail against Gannon, but then it's off to ALTTP, Oracle of Ages (Nayru), Oracle of Seasons (Din), Link's Awakening, Zelda I and finally Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Day 580

Day 580;

So today I played a bit in the Ocarina of Time, and I continued on my expedition through my packs of Jaffa cakes.

Also today I went to the gym now that, I had forgot; as Allergy, reared up onto her hind legs and said "But you have done nothin' today!" as she was distressed that I had lost weight but Allergy had gained 4lbs today, which potentially was as she had eaten a Mcdonalds for her lunch today and I had the left overs from last nights dinner, which was pasta and quoin mince,  But Allergy or any other female reader/viewer of this do not disappear, you can get thinner if that is what you want to do, just watch this below video, and remember if you Jiggle you can.

But anyway guys, galls, in-between or neither that read this= you can do most probably almost anything that you put your mind to, with your body, In terms of what goes into it but my best advice to you is not to over indulge on any foodstuffs eat in moderation, as you only have one shot at this existence so you should try to make it count, I know that there are many different religions which may each say that you have a better one waiting for you behind the veil of death which I'm sure is real nice if your going to pop your clogs anytime soon but that is only if you're dying or you have lost someone close to you It sounds just plain stupid to me, else wide you wouldn't cling onto life so hard you'd just stand there stop in the street resigned to the inevitable not preaching a word of hate nor one of love you'd just be   stood motionless in the street waiting for guidance to tell you what to do next,

But then that's why god gave us our own thoughts/minds, so he didn't have to tell us what we should and shouldn't be doing.

But then why did he get his slave to write ten commandments for us to follow?

As the Devil corrupted us.

But ten if the devil could corrupt our base programming why is your god credited so highly? As he would be a negligent owner of us if he allowed it to happen to us without even cancelling the programme and then ironing our all of the glitches before getting the system back on track, unless it isn't an all powerful, all knowing and all good he could be everywhere at once, and nowhere, but he is powerless to intervene or he could be indifferent to all of the suffering that is on the surface of this planet therefore not all good and with him being all knowing, I would have thought so as if you were every where at the same time you'd know about everything that happens everywhere, even in someones head. So if I choose to accept you you knew that before I was even conceived and you still haven't offered any solution to the problem of there not being an actual god.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Day 579

Day 579;

So today I thought it was tomorrow.

As it happens this morning I was told that I’m unbelievable as I got myself dressed up for tomorrow today, now being called unbelievable by this certain individual has kind of become an irrelevance as it has lost it’s meaning on her. As she calls me that on an almost daily basis, I would have thought by now that she'd have got fed up by saying unbelievable by now as it should be believable by now at least.

As today I haven't got any of my Quest to complete all of the Zelda games that are released in chronological order of the Legend today which was a disappointment but I cannot remember what I have done for the res of today.




Still nothing, which is a bit of a disappointment as I usually can think of some things that I have done today by now.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Day 578

Day 578;

So it has been day numbered 578, and I have again forgot what I had done today except from playing a bit more on Ocarina of Time, I am at the moment attempting to find the lens of truth.

But as I remembered what I was doing for the other parts of this day I uncovered part of my earliest writing of this day, it was about a strange dream. So I shall continue by presenting it to my audience (that's you).

My strange dream last night/this morning was there was an infant and the same infants mother, anyway as it had happened I was left in my home alone with the infant and I had noticed that the deadlock bolt on the front door had been notched to on, so no problems there then, but there was a big problem with that it had been knocked to on while the front door catch was in, literally meaning that the door was deadlocked open. So I was reaching up to the deadlock catch an somebody opened the door, it was the infants mother, she gave me a little egg timer shaped thing she made me give it to her daughter. It was a trap, as soon as the babies finger hit the egg timer like thing I was strapped up against the wall behind me. And that is where the dream ended (at least that’s all I can remember of the dream). 

I may make it into a flash presentation to make up for missing fez-tive season project.

But else where today I went tot the disability Athletics club thing again today,  But so today at the Athletics club thing there was a wimp, Now I state that fact as there was this individual, that I hate the smell of (I just thought I should get that bit of additional bit of data in). Who when he first gave me the medicine ball I our hands touched and I felt something transfer either off him into me or visa versa. from his reaction I'm guessing it was an electric shock, but I managed to pass it along and I know that I'm not a "hard man" I''m more of a crippled man.

Nothing much happened to me but lunch and the athletics club else. But I am starting to get colder now, that my heart rate has slowed, which is a side effect of coming off of those horrid little yellow pills, which had a side effect of drinking my ......

Monday 2 February 2015

Day 577

Day 577;

So today there was a Tennis  final match, and Andy Murray lost it.

As he was defeated in 4 sets by the world number 1. But he put up a great fight for the first two sets as they went down to a tiebreaker, and then he totally broke down, after the 4th game, as he was 31 up at the start of the 5th game and he just fell to pieces (not literally obviously he is still in one piece).

Sop after that disappointment I decided to brace myself for another disappointment. The other disappointment came in my inability to beat the first stage of the final battle, the final assent, into my final fight with Demon Lord Ghirahim, but then I'll have the ominous figure known as Demise to defeat, then game done, game complete. Then it'll be mytime too put the final nails in Vaati's coffin (Minish Cap) next it'll be back in time,  the Ocarina of Time, to defeat both Gannondorf/Gannon to then it should be my Anniversary day, at approximately a time before I get my hands on Majoras Mask so I can continue along in my quest to complete all of the Legend of Zelda, excluding the Four Swords games as I don't have that many friends.

But so this evening I thought that I had eaten yesterday's dinner at lunchtime today, well that was what I was told, at least. Ok so the story goes a bit like this, I signed to Allergy 'where were you at lunch' as I was curious and she said "I was sitting here" then I looked confused, then Mich stepped in and explained to me that the "lunchtime" that I was referring to was actually last nights dinner, then he explained to mr that allergy was out playing Golf last night.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Day 576

Day 576;

So today it snowed for a little bit then it returned to it's rainy, norm, for the time of year at least.

But this morning I attempted to read a French Legend of Zelda comic. But then I found a simpler way to read it, which was by clicking on the English translation icon before I clicked on the actual page.

Which worked out a lot better 13 days until MM3D or 12 days if your reading this on the day that this is set to be posted.

But it will be much longer than that until I receive it, as I have got my anniversary day coming up in the future as of which is what I have asked for it, for as an anniversary gift, and it's the only thing on it, but I know it's someones anniversary day the day after it's release day,

But she still hasn't given me any ideas of what I can get her, and she hasn't made a list. if she doesn't come up with any idea soon I don't know what I'll get her but it'll probably be a doll of a nurse.

Possibly like the below image