Tuesday 27 October 2015

Day 832

Day 832;

Now I forgot to tell all of you "good" people that Hamilton managed to win the F1 drivers championship for the second time yesterday,

But the race yesterday was epic, from the off Hami drove for the win, he squeezed out his team mate at the first corner which may have been a bit illegal, but the race people didn't think so, probably as Hami had the speed on Rosburger from the start, which I can remember thinking that's odd. As Rosburger has traditionally had the better starts out of the two of them, for this season; well what I meant by that was. that when Hami had pole position on the grid one time wasn't he markably slower than Rossburger before they got swamped by the Ferraris (but not just on that occasion)? Typing of the Ferraris Vettel managed to get himself back contention for the  race win ending up in 3rd place by the time of the chequered flag and he could have taken the drivers championship to another race if only he could have beat Rosburger into 3rd, but then even though Rosburger was on older tyres he managed to keep Vettel behind him when he reached the line. but Vettel's race was epic as he had a tough time in qualifying but then he got a 10 place grid penalty to top it off , then he had a remarkable drive, by the end I was thinking that Rosburger could be forgiven for wielding the place to Vettel by the sublime race that Vettel had raced today. But the killer moment that will haunt Rosburger will be the mistake he made and Hami was second, it was the closing stages of the race Hami was on a newer set of tyres then Rosvurger made a mistake and Hami capitalised on it.

Now onto what I have done today as I have gone to athletics and within our 400m jog we had today as a warm up, due to something about the person that usually does the jog/run warm up's not actually being there; by the way there was only 2 of us (disabled folks) actually there for the warm up. As the two of us got to the half way point around the track I notice that my accompaniments pace had slightly slowed but I was going to wait until I had reached the finish line before I looked back to check on her as Mr B said that he'd catching up to us. The other thing that he said was to keep looking for our carers who were stood out alongside the track around where we stated from, as when we get back to them we would have done a lap/400m.

60, 100, 200, 400 meters are 4 types of short distance there s also the relay race which is generally 4 people by 100m each. Mid distance running is my favourite as I used to do the 800m at school all of those years ago back when I was fit. Mid distance Running is everything from 600m to 3000m. Finally long distance Running is just the 5000m and the 10,000m. Bot that was when I used to run, I haven't actually done that in years, sure I've simulated it on the cross trainer at the gym, but no actual running I have tried on the treadmill at the gym before but my gym instructor quickly pulled the cord as I couldn't as i was bouncing from one side of the treadmill to the other, quickly.

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